Jean-Sébastien Tancrez
Jean-Sébastien Tancrez is an assistant professor (tenured) at the Louvain School of Management, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, since 2011. He specialises in supply chain management and operations research, and is a member of the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE). His research focuses on various operations management topics: supply chain network design, stochastic modeling, and applications of operations research in general. He received his Ph.D. from the Louvain School of Engineering (CORE), Université catholique de Louvain, in 2009. He has also been a researcher at University College Dublin, Ireland, and at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Please find his CV here .
Academic Background
2009 - 2011 Post-doctoral researcher Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland
2011 - ... Assistant Professor Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain School of Management
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 2000 Candidat ingénieur civil Université catholique de Louvain 2003 Ingénieur civil en mathématiques appliquées Université catholique de Louvain 2007 DEA en Sciences appliquées Université catholique de Louvain 2009 Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur Université catholique de Louvain
De Munck, Thomas ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Managing priorities on on-demand service platforms with waiting time differentiation. In: International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 266, no.12 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2023.109053 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Assessing the Benefits of Horizontal Cooperation for the Various Stages of the Supply Chain. In: Operational Research - An International Journal, Vol. 22, p. 3901-3924 (2022). doi:10.1007/s12351-021-00688-5.
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Defryn, Christof ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Verdonck, Lotte. Balancing partner preferences for logistics costs and carbon footprint in a horizontal cooperation. In: OR Spectrum, Vol. 44, p. 121-153 (2022).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Defryn, Christof ; Verdonck, Lotte. The impact of product characteristics and innovativeness on the benefits of collaboration. In: International Transactions in Operational Research, (2022). doi:10.1111/itor.13158 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A decomposition method for assembly/disassembly systems with blocking and general distributions. In: Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, Vol. 32, p. 272-296 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10696-019-09332-z.
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Horizontal Cooperation using a Location-Inventory Model. In: Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 28, p. 1363–1387 (2020). doi:10.1007/s10100-018-0599-7.
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lange, Jean-Charles. Express Shipment Service Network Design with Complex Routes. In: Computers & Operations Research, Vol. 114, p. 104810 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.cor.2019.104810 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Schuster Puga, Matías ; Minner, Stefan ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Two-stage supply chain design with safety stock placement decisions. In: International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 209, p. 183-193 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.05.018. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.05.018.
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A Multi-Hub Express Shipment Service Network Design Model with Flexible Hub Assignment. In: Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 120, p. 116-131 (2018). doi:10.1016/j.tre.2018.10.009.
Schuster Puga, Matias ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A heuristic algorithm for solving large location–inventory problems with demand uncertainty. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 259, no. 2, p. 413–423 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.10.037.
Seifert, Ralf W. ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Bicer, Isik. Dynamic product portfolio management with life cycle considerations. In: International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 171, no.1, p. 71-83 (January 2016). doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.10.017.
Comas-Marti, Joana ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Seifert, Ralf W.. Carbon footprint and responsiveness trade-offs in supply chain network design. In: International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 166, no.1, p. 129–142 (August 2015). doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2015.04.016.
Katsifou, Argyro ; Seifert, Ralf W. ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Joint Product Assortment, Inventory and Price Optimization to Attract Loyal and Non-loyal Customers. In: Omega, Vol. 46, p. 36-50 (2014). doi:10.1016/
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Roland, Benoît ; Cordier, Jean-Philippe ; Riane, Fouad. Assessing the impact of stochasticity for operating theater sizing. In: Decision Support Systems, Vol. 55, no.2, p. 616-628 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.dss.2012.10.021.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Semal, Pierre. A location-inventory model for large three-level supply chains. In: Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 48, no. 2, p. 485-502 (Mars 2012). doi:10.1016/j.tre.2011.10.005.
Langenberg, Kerstin U. ; Seifert, Ralf W. ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Aligning supply chain portfolios with product portfolios. In: International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 135, no. 1, p. 500-513 (Janvier 2012). doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.08.032.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. Probability masses fitting in the analysis of manufacturing flow lines. In: Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 182, no. 1, p. 163-191 (jan. 2011). doi:10.1007/s10479-008-0512-1.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Roland, Benoît ; Cordier, Jean-Philippe ; Riane, Fouad. Étude de la perturbation par les urgences du planning opératoire. In: Logistique & Management, Vol. 19, no.2, p. 43-52 (2011).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre ; Chevalier, Philippe. Histogram based bounds and approximations for production lines. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 197, no. 3, p. 1133-1141 (septembre 2009). doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2008.03.032.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. A Tight Bound on the Throughput of Queueing Networks with Blocking. In: Alexander Dudin, Koen De Turck, Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Springer, 2013. 978-3-642-39407-2. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39408-9_28.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Roland, Benoît ; Cordier, Jean-Philippe ; Riane, Fouad. How Stochasticity and Emergencies Disrupt the Surgical Schedule. In: S. McClean, P. Millard, E. El-Darzi and C. Nugent, Intelligent Patient Management, Springer, 2009.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre. The bounding discrete phase-type method. In: Langville Amy N., Stewart William J. (eds.), MAM 2006 : Markov Anniversary Meeting, Boson Books, 2006, p. 257-269. 978-1932482348.
Chevalier, Philippe ; De Munck, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Dynamic Pricing and Dispatching in Ride-Sharing Networks: A Transfer Reinforcement Learning Approach. 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (Santiago, Chile, du 10/07/2023 au 14/07/2023).
De Munck, Thomas ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Managing Priorities on Service Platforms with Waiting Time Differentiation. 32nd EURO Conference (Helsinki, Finland, du 03/07/2022 au 06/07/2022).
De Munck, Thomas ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Priority Management on Service Platforms with Waiting Time Differentiation. MSOM 2022 (Munich, Germany, du 26/06/2022 au 28/06/2022).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Quesada Pérez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles. Accounting for demand uncertainty when designing the network of express integrators. IFORS 2021 Virtual (Online, du 23/08/2021 au 27/08/2021).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Defryn Christof ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Verdonck Lotte. Balancing partner preferences for logistics costs and carbon footprint in a horizontal cooperation. Operations Seminar (City’s Business School, London (virtual, online), 18/05/2021).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Benefits of Horizontal Cooperation in Supply Chains. QuantOM Logistics Seminar (HEC, ULiège, 15/06/2021).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Defryn Christof ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Verdonck Lotte. Partner selection accounting for product characteristics in horizontal collaboration. ORBEL Session on Collaborative Logistics (Online, 12/02/2021).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Defryn Christof ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lotte Verdonck. Accounting for individual partners preferences in horizontal cooperation. ORBEL 34 (Lille, du 30/01/2020 au 31/01/2020).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; De Haes, Baptiste ; Hacardiaux, Thomas. Assessing the reduction of empty backhauls using transshipment points. MOSIM'20 - 13th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (Agadir, Morocco, du 12/11/2020 au 14/11/2020).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Assessing the environmental benefits of horizontal cooperation. EWGLA 2019 (Bruxelles, du 05/06/2019 au 07/06/2019).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Defryn Christof ; Verdonck Lotte. Multi-objective optimization framework for the integration of individual partner interests in a collaborative location-inventory model. INFORMS TLS 2019 WORKSHOP (Vienne, du 15/07/2019 au 18/07/2019).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Reducing CO2 emissions using Horizontal Cooperation. ORBEL 33 (Hasselt, du 07/02/2019 au 08/02/2019).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A comparison between the fixed and flexible hub assignment approaches when solving the express shipment service network design problem. OR2018 (Brussels, Belgium, du 12/09/2018 au 14/09/2018).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A robust optimization approach to solve the multi-hub express shipment service network design problem. EURO 2018 (Valencia, Spain, du 08/07/2018 au 11/07/2018).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Assessing Collaboration in Supply Chains. ORBEL 32 (HEC LIEGE, du 01/02/2018 au 02/02/2018).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Horizontal Cooperation in Logistics. EWG_ORD 2018 Workshop: OR for Sustainable Development (Madrid, du 05/07/2018 au 06/07/2018).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Benefits and Challenges of Including Complex Routes when Solving the Multi-hub Express Shipment Service Network Design Problem. INFORMS International (Taipei, Taiwan, du 17/06/2018 au 20/06/2018).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Considering complex routes in the Express Shipment Service Network Design problem. ORBEL 32 (Liège, Belgique, du 01/02/2018 au 02/02/2018).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Evaluating Horizontal Cooperation in Supply Chains. EURO 2018 (Valencia, du 08/07/2018 au 11/07/2018).
Hacardiaux, Thomas ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A supply chain network design model to assess horizontal cooperation . ORBEL 31 (KU LEUVEN, du 02/02/2017 au 03/02/2017).
Schuster, Matias ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Strategic design of robust and flexible supply chain networks. IFORS 2017 (Quebec City, Canada, du 17/07/2017 au 21/07/2017).
Schuster, Matias ; Minner, Stefan ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Two-stage supply chain design with safety stock placement decisions. ORBEL31 (Brussels, Belgium, du 02/02/2017 au 03/02/2017).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A Log-Truck Scheduling Model Applied to a Belgian Forest Company. ILS'2016 : Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (Bordeaux, France, du 01/06/2016 au 04/06/2016).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A Multi-Hub Express Shipment Service Network Design Model with Flexible Hub Assignments. EURO 2016 : 28th European Conference on Operational Research (Poznan, Poland, du 03/07/2016 au 06/07/2016).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A Simple Model for a Timber Transportation Scheduling Problem. EURO 2016 : 28th European Conference on Operational Research (Poznan, Poland, du 03/07/2016 au 06/07/2016).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Flexible Hub Assignment of Flows for the Air Express Shipment Service Network Design. ORBEL 30 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 28/01/2016 au 29/04/2016).
Schuster Puga, Matias ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Supply Chain Network Design with Strategic Safety Stock Placement Decisions. 19th International Symposium on Inventories 2016 (Budapest, du 22/08/2016 au 26/08/2016).
Schuster Puga, Matias ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. A continuous formulation for a location-inventoryproblem considering demand uncertainty. INFORMS (Philadelphia, du 01/11/2015 au 04/11/2015).
Quesada Perez, José Miguel ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Express Air Network Design with Multi-Hub Flexible Connections. INFORMS annual meeting (Philadelphia, EU, du 01/11/2015 au 04/11/2015).
Schuster Puga, Matias ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Heuristic algorithm for a location-inventory model.. ORBEL 2015 (Antwerp, du 05/02/2015 au 06/02/2015).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Semal, Pierre. A location-inventory model and heuristic to design large supply chains. OR2014, GOR Annual International Conference (Aachen, Germany, du 02/09/2014 au 05/09/2014).
Comas-Marti, Joana ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Seifert, Ralf W.. Designing the Supply Chain Network to Reduce Carbon Emissions. IFORS 20th Conference (Barcelona, Spain, du 13/07/2014 au 18/07/2014).
Comas-Marti, Joana ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Seifert, Ralf W.. Effects of Carbon Footprint Reduction on Supply Chain Network Design. ORBEL Annual Meeting (Mons, Belgium, du 30/01/2014 au 31/01/2014).
Schuster Puga, Matias ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Supply chain network design under demand uncertainty. IFORS (Barcelona, du 13/07/2014 au 18/07/2014).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. A Tight Bound on the Throughput of Queueing Networks with Blocking. EURO-INFORMS Joint International Conference (Rome, Italy, du 01/07/2013 au 04/07/2013).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Zeballos, Ariel ; Seifert, Ralf W.. Dynamic Product Portfolio Management with Life Cycle Considerations. ORBEL Annual Meeting (Kortrijk, Belgium, du 07/02/2013 au 08/02/2013).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Semal, Pierre. A Location-Inventory Model for Large Three-Level Supply Chains. 9th CEMS Research Seminar on SCM (Riezlern, Austria, du 25/01/2012au 29/01/2012).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Distribution Evaluation and Decomposition for Queueing Networks Modelling. EURO XXV, 25th European Conference on Operational Research (Vilnius, Lithuania, du 08/07/2012au 11/07/2012).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien. Performance Evaluation of Stochastic Systems: Discretization and Decomposition. ILS'2012 : International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (Québec, Canada, du 26/08/2012au 29/08/2012).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Semal, Pierre. A Heuristic to Locate Distribution Centers in Large Supply Chains. EURO XXIV, 24th European Conference on Operational Research (Lisbon, Portugal, du 11/07/2010au 14/07/2010).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Roland, Benoît ; Cordier, Jean-Philippe ; Riane, Fouad. Estimating the Impact of Stochasticity in Operating Theatres. EURO XXIV, 24th European Conference on Operational Research (Lisbon, Portugal, du 11/07/2010au 14/07/2010).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Lange, Jean-Charles ; Semal, Pierre. Large Supply Chain Network Design: Decomposition and Heuristic. INFORMS Annual Meeting (Austin, USA, du 07/11/2010au 10/11/2010).
Lange, Jean-Charles ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre ; Strack, Géraldine ; Evrard, Kevin. Should Reusable Items be Accumulated in Regional Depots?. ILS'2010 : International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain (Casablanca, Morocco, du 14/04/2010au 16/04/2010).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. Queueing Networks Modelling via Time Discretization. ORBEL'09 : 23rd Belgian Conference on Operations Research (Leuven, Belgium, du 05/02/2009au 06/02/2009).
Roland, Benoît ; Cordier, Jean-Philippe ; Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Riane, Fouad. Recovery Beds and Blocking in Stochastic Operating Theatres. IESM'2009 : International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (Montreal, Canada, du 13/05/2009 au 15/05/2009).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. Estimations, bornes et distributions des performances pour les chaînes de production stochastiques. MOSIM’08: 7ème Conférence Francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation (Paris, France). In: Proceedings MOSIM’08, p. 800-808.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. Modelling Queueing Networks with Blocking using Probability Masses Fitting. Meeting of the Euro Working Group on Stochastic Modeling (Istanbul, Turkey, du 2008/06/23 au 2008/06/25).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems from Histograms. INFORMS Annual Meeting (Washington D.C., du 2008/10/12 au 2008/10/15).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre ; Chevalier, Philippe. Production Systems Analysis by Probability Masses Fitting. Fifth CEMS SCM Seminar (Riezlern, Austria, du 2008/01/23 au 2008/01/27).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Roland, Benoît ; Cordier, Jean-Philippe ; Riane, Fouad. Étude de la perturbation par les urgences du planning opératoire. Gestion et Ingénierie des SystèmEs Hospitaliers - GISEH. In: Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers (GISEH) - 4ième conférence, EPFL-Lausanne, 2008. 978-2-8399-0316-5.
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre ; Chevalier, Philippe. Bounds on the Productivity of Stochastic Production Lines by Probability Masses Fitting. IESM'2007: International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (Beijing, China).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Chevalier, Philippe ; Semal, Pierre. The Effect of "Grouping at the Beginning" in Production Line Analysis. 4th CEMS SCM Seminar (Riezlern, Austria).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre. Continuous Production Line Modelling by Bounding Discretization. 3rd CEMS SCM Seminar (Riezlern, Austria, du 25/01/2006 au 29/01/2006).
Tancrez, Jean-Sébastien ; Semal, Pierre. Production Line Analysis by Bounding Discretization. MOSIM'06 : 6ème Conférence Francophone de MOdélisation et SIMulation (Rabat, Maroc, du 03/04/2006 au 05/04/2006).