Research topics
Policy Learning; Collaborative Governance; Public Sector Innovation; Social network analysis.
Academic and professional background
Cécile Riche is currently a researcher on the inter-university project "PSI-CO" and a PhD student within the Institute of political sciences (ISPOLE).
In September 2016, Cécile Riche joined the inter-university consortium Public Sector Innovation through collaboration (PSI-CO) coordinated by Prof. K. Verhoest (UAntwerpen) and including 4 Belgian universities (Ua, KUL, UCL et ULg) and a Dutch one (Erasmus Rotterdam). The project, funded by the BRAIN program of the Federal Public Planning Service Science Policy, study public sector innovation by means of collaborative procedures.
Her PhD research project aims at understanding learning processes and network dynamics within collaborative arrangements. Based on social network analysis, she's looking at the influence of relations and the network structure on individual and collective learning.