Equipment and services

The laboratory is well equipped with state-of-the art microbiology molecular plattform facilities including :

  • Thermocyclers (Veriti Thermal cycler, Applied Biosystems) for PCR amplification.
  • Real-Time PCR (LightCycler 96, Roche).
  • Sanger sequencing (ABI 3500).
  • Next-Generation sequencing (NGS, Vela).
  • Automated nucleic acid isolation (MagNA Pure LC 2.0 System (Roche)).
  • DiaSorin LIAISON XL fully automated chemiluminescence analyser for antibodies, antigens detection to virus (HIV-1) and Clostridium difficile (The DiaSorin LIAISON® C. difficile GDH Assay).
  • Cepheid GeneXpert molecular platform for the HIV viral load (Xpert HIV-1), the detection of Clostridium difficile (Xpert C. difficile) directly from clinical samples and of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (GeneXpert MTB/RIF).
  • The m2000 RealTime System Abbott (RealTime HIV-1 assay), a real-tim DNA/RNA extractions nucleic acid amplification assay for HIV-1 viral load quantification.
  • The Mini-VIDAS (HIV DUO Ultra, Biomérieux) automated HIV infection screening tests for the simultaneous detection of p24 antigen and anti-HIV antibodies.
  • Geenius HIV 1/2 (Bio-Rad) confirmatory assay.
  • Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) for HIV-2 viral load quantification.
  • HAIN molecular platform system for the molecular genetic detection of C. difficile and ribotype 024 (GenoType CDiff), for the detection of M. tuberculosis complex and its resistance to first and second line drugs (GenoType MTBDRplus//GenoType MTBDRs|) and for Nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) identification (GenoType AS/CM).
  • Autoblot 3000H fully automate Lyme (Borrelia burgdorferi) Western Blot assay.
  • The laboratory hosts a BSL3 HIV laboratory for cell culture and shares the BSL3 tuberculosis laboratory equipped with the BACTEC MGIT 960 for drug susceptibility testing and others phenotypic methods (REMA) located at the University Clinique St-Luc.