Adults & Children in Postmodern Societies

juillet 06, 2017

juillet 07, 2017

It is our great pleasure to invite you all to the Adults & Children in Postmodern Societies International and comparative Family Law Conference organised by the Family Law Centre (Cefap) of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July 2017.


The Conference will bring together family law experts from over 19 jurisdictions: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Democratic Republic of the Congo, England and Wales, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, USA.

The Conference will provide a critical comparative study of the ways countries recognise and protect legal relationships between adults and children in a contemporary context characterized by massive changes in family structures and by an increasing diversity of family configurations based on an expanding range of potential biological, social and emotional ties.

Conference in English only


For more informations and for registration, please click here



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