Open online courses - MOOCs
Since February 2014, University of Louvain offers Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with international partners network edX.org.
MOOCs are online courses accessible to anyone for free (except for optional certificate), without administrative registration at university. A great opportunity to discover new topics, to update ones knowledge and skills or to try Higher Education before enrolling. Since January 2017, small programs based on a set of coordinated MOOCs are offered: edX MicroMasters. They allow deep learning in a particular field as well as an accelerated path to on-campus master's degree.
> See the LouvainX MOOCs on edx.org
> More about the Louvain moocXperience
Online lifelong learning
Some continuing education programs are offered partly or totally online. See the list of continuing education programs.
Online degrees
Since September 2014, University of Louvain offers a hybrid master's degree (mosty online): Master [60] en sciences politiques, orientation générale