Maastricht University


Maastricht University in a snapshot
Founded in 1976, Maastricht University is the youngest university in The Netherlands and growing rapidly. The university has received international acclaim for its unique Problem-Based Learning method, in which students work together in small groups on real life problems, cases and assignments.

Main features
This program is addressed to students interested in studying the economic problems and international challenges.
Students spend the first year in The Netherlands and the second year in Belgium.


DD UCL UNamur Maastricht SBE


Federica Malfa

The Double Degree offers incredible growth opportunities both on the academic/professional and on the personal side. The two universities propose different, but complementary, courses and...

Thomas Jeegers

Etudier à l'Université de Maastricht (UM) complète particulièrement bien la formation universitaire de l'UCL, grâce d'une part à un système académique substantiellement différent et...