Delvaux Bruno
Delvzux Bruno
Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Cornu, Sophie ; Fekiacova, Zuzana ; Detienne, Marie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Rare earth elements dynamics along pedogenesis in a chronosequence of podzolic soils. In: Chemical Geology, no. 446, p. 163-174 (2016). doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.06.008.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno. The functional role of silicon in plant biology. Soil processes drive the biological silicon feedback loop. In: Functional Ecology, no. 30, p. 1298-1310 (2016). doi:10.1111/1365-2435;12704.
Couder, Eléonore ; Mattielli, Nadine ; Drouet, Thomas ; Smolders, Erik ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Iserentant, Anne ; Meeus, Coralie ; Maerschalk, Claude ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Houben, David. Transpiration flow controls Zn transport in Brassica napus and Lolium multiflorum under toxic levels as evidenced from isotopic fractionation. In: Comptes rendus. Geoscience, no. 347, p. 386-396 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.crte.2015.05.004.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Weis, Dominique ; Lavkulich, Les ; Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Barling, Jane. Silicon isotopes record dissolution and re-precipitation of pedogenic clay minerals in a podzolic soil chronosequence.. In: Geoderma, no.235-236, p. 19-29 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.06.023.
André, Frédéric ; van Leeuwen, Cornelis ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Moghadas, Davood ; de Rességuier, Laure ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vereecken, Harry ; Lambot, Sébastien. High-resolution imaging of a vineyard in south of France using ground penetrating radar, electromagnetic induction and electrical resistivity tomography. In: Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 78, p. 113-122. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.08.002.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Georg, R.B. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cabidoche, Y.M. ; Burton , K.W. ; Halliday , A.N.. Mechanisms of magnesium isotope fractionation in volcanic soil weathering sequences, Guadeloupe. In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 341-344, p. 176-185 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.06.010.
VandeBroeck, Louis ; Van Hees, May ; Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Spaargaren, Otto. Relevance of radiocaesium Interception Potential (RIP) on a worldwide scale to assess soil vulnerability to 137 Cs contamination.. In: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, , no. 104, p. 87-93 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2011.09.002.
Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Lagauche, Audrey ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Legrève, Anne. Silicon Reducs Black Sigatoka development in Banana. In: Plant Disease : an international journal of applied plant pathology, Vol. 96, no. 2, p. 273-278 (February 2012). doi:10.1094/PDIS-04-11-0274.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Georg, R.B. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cabidoche, Y.-M. ; Burton, K.W. ; Halliday, A.N.. Silicon isotopes and the tracing of desilication in volcanic soil weathering sequences, Guadeloupe. In: Chemical Geology, Vol. 326-327, p. 113-122 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.07.032.
André, Frédéric ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Leeuwen, Cornelis ; Moghadas, Davood ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vereecken, Harry ; Lambot, Sébastien. Cartographie à haute résolution des propriétés hydrogéophysiques du sol d'un vignoble du sud de la France par GPR et induction électromagnétique. In: Bulletin du GFHN, Vol. 56, p. 33-38 (novembre 2010).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effects of manganese addition on carbon release from forest floor horizons. In: Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 41, no. 3, p. 643-648 (16 February 2011). doi:10.1139/X10-224.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Titeux, Hugues ; Ranger, Jacques ; Delvaux, Bruno. Identification and distribution of the readily soluble silicon pool in a temperate forest soil below three distinct tree species. In: Plant and Soil, Vol. 342, no. 1-2, p. 369-378. doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0702-x.
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Ranger, Jacques ; Delvaux, Bruno. Influence of tree species on carbon and nitrogen transformation patterns in forest floor profiles. In: Annals of Forest Science, no.68, p. 837-847 (2011). doi:10.1007/S13595-011-0080-4.
Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Dorel, Marc ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Risède, Jean-Michel ; Legrève, Anne. Protective role of silicon in the banana-cylindrocladium spathiphylli pathosysem.. In: European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol. 31, no. 4, p. 621-630 (2011). doi:10.1007/s10658-011-9835-x.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Georg, Bastian ; Lucas, Yves ; Ranger, Jacques ; Opfergelt, Sophie. Tracing the origin of dissolved silicon transferred from various soil-plant systems towards rivers: a review. In: Biogeosciences, Vol. 8, p. 89-112 (2011). doi:10.5194/bg-8-89-2011.
Gaidashova, Svetlana ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Van Asten, P. J. A. ; Jefwa, J. M. ; Declerck, Stephan. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the East African Highland banana cropping systems as related to edapho-climatic conditions and management practices: case study of Rwanda. In: Fungal Ecology, Vol. 3, no. 3, p. 225-233 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2009.09.002.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Titeux, Hugues. Contrasting silicon uptakes by coniferous trees: a hydroponic experiment on young seedlings. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 336, no. 1-2, p. 99-106 (2010). doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0451-x.
Gaidashova, Svetlana ; van Asten, Piet J. A. ; Dochez, Carine ; Delvaux, Bruno ; De Waele, Dirk. Impact of the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus goodeyi and mulch on the East African Highland banana crop performance in Kibuye, Western Rwanda. In: Nematology : international journal of fundamental and applied nematological research, Vol. 12, p. 349-356 (2010). doi:10.1163/138855409X12525742436402.
Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Properties of successive horizons in a thick forest floor (mor) reflect a sequence of soil acidification. In: Geoderma, Vol. 158, no. 3-4, p. 298-302 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.05.009.
Gaidashova, Svetlana ; Delvaux, Bruno ; van Asten, P. J. A. ; De Waele, Dirk. The influence of the topographic position within highlands of Western Rwanda on the interactions between banana (Musa spp. AAA-EA), parasitic nematodes and soil factors. In: Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 125, no. 3, p. 316-322 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2010.04.010.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cardinal, D. ; André, Luc ; Ranger, J. ; Opfergelt, Sophie. Tracing mechanisms controlling the release of dissolved silicon in forest soil solutions using Si isotopes and Ge/Si ratios. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 74, no. 14, p. 3913-3924 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.04.056.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Ranger, J. ; Iserentant, Anne. Tree species impact the terrestrial cycle of silicon through various uptakes. In: Biogeochemistry : an international journal, Vol. 97, no. 2-3, p. 231-245 (2010). doi:10.1007/s10533-009-9369-x.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, D. ; André, L. ; Delvigne, C. ; Bremond, L. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Variations of delta Si-30 and Ge/Si with weathering and biogenic input in tropical basaltic ash soils under monoculture. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 74, no. 1, p. 225-240 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.09.025.
Delvigne, C. ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, D. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, L.. Distinct silicon and germanium pathways in the soil-plant system: Evidence from banana and horsetail. In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, Vol. 114, p. G02013 (2009). doi:10.1029/2008JG000899.
Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Experimental study of DOC, nutrients and metals release from forest floors developed under beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) on a Cambisol and a Podzol. In: Geoderma, Vol. 148, no. 3-4, p. 291-298 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2008.10.013.
Henriet, Céline ; Maraite, Henri ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of silicon on the susceptibility of banana (Musa acuminata cv Grande Naine) to Fusarium wilt : a preliminary experimental study.. In: Fruits, (Accepté/Sous presse).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; de Bournonville, Guillaume ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Delstanche, Séverine ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of soil weathering degree on silicon isotopic fractionation during adsorption onto iron oxides in basaltic ash soils, Cameroon. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 73, no. 24, p. 7226-7240 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.gca.2009.09.003.
Gaidashova, Svetlana ; van Asten, Piet ; De Waele, Dirk ; Delvaux, Bruno. Relationship between soil properties, crop management, plant growth and vigour, nematode occurrence and root damage in East African Highland banana-cropping systems: a case study in Rwanda. In: Nematology : international journal of fundamental and applied nematological research, Vol. 11, p. 883-894 (2009). doi:10.1163/156854109X430310.
Delstanche, Séverine ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; Elsass, Françoise ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotopic fractionation during adsorption of aqueous monosilicic acid onto iron oxide. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 73, no. 4, p. 923-934 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.gca.2008.11.014.
Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Joner, E. J. ; Leyval, C. ; Jakobsen, I. ; Chen, B. D. ; Roos, P. ; Thiry, Y. ; Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Declerck, Stephan. Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on uranium accumulation by plants.. In: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 99, no. 5, p. 775-84 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2007.10.009.
Henriet, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Bodarwe, L. ; Dorel, M. ; Draye, Xavier. Leaf silicon content in banana (Musa spp.) reveals the weathering stage of volcanic ash soils in Guadeloupe. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 313, no. 1-2, p. 71-82 (2008). doi:10.1007/s11104-008-9680-7.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, Luc ; Cardinal, Damien. Plant silicon isotopic signature might reflect soil weathering degree. In: Biogeochemistry : an international journal, Vol. 91, no. 2-3, p. 163-175 (2008). doi:10.1007/s10533-008-9278-4.
Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Joner, E J ; Leyval, C ; Jakobsen, I ; Chen, B D ; Roos, P ; Thiry, Y. ; Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Declerck, Stephan. Role and influence of mycorrhizal fungi on radiocesium accumulation by plants.. In: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 99, no. 5, p. 785-800 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2007.10.008.
Henriet, Céline ; De Jaeger, Nathalie ; Dorel, M. ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno. The reserve of weatherable primary silicates impacts the accumulation of biogenic silicon in volcanic ash soils. In: Biogeochemistry : an international journal, Vol. 90, no. 2, p. 209-223 (2008). doi:10.1007/s10533-008-9245-0.
Joussein, Emmanuel ; Petit, Sabine ; Delvaux, Bruno. Behavior of halloysite clay under formamide treatment. In: Applied Clay Science, Vol. 35, no. 1-2, p. 17-24 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.clay.2006.07.002.
Pochet, Grégoire ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Van der Velde, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Hydric properties of high charge, halloysitic clay soils from the tropical South Pacific region. In: Geoderma, Vol. 138, no. 1-2, p. 96-109 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.10.019.
Goor, Francois ; Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno. Radiocaesium accumulation in stemwood: Integrated approach at the scale of forest stands for contaminated Scots pine in Belarus. In: Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 85, no. 1, p. 129-136 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.08.008.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; Henriet, Céline ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotope fractionation between plant parts in banana: In situ vs. in vitro. In: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 88, no. 1-3, p. 224-227 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.08.044.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, D. ; Henriet, Céline ; Draye, Xavier ; André, L. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotopic fractionation by banana (Musa spp.) grown in a continuous nutrient flow device. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 285, no. 1-2, p. 333-345 (2006). doi:10.1007/s11104-006-9019-1.
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Sulphate sorption at high equilibrium concentration in Andosols. In: Geoderma, Vol. 136, no. 3-4, p. 716-722 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.05.009.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Boivin, P. ; Delvaux, Bruno. The 1998 debris avalanche at Casita volcano, Nicaragua: Investigation of the role of hydrothermal smectite in promoting slope instability. In: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, no. 15, p. L15305 (2006). doi:10.1029/2006GL026661.
de Boulois, Hervé Dupré ; Voets, Liesbeth ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Jakobsen, Iver ; Declerck, Stephan. Transport of radiocaesium by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to Medicago truncatula under in vitro conditions.. In: Environmental Microbiology, Vol. 8, no. 11, p. 1926-34 (2006). doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2006.01070.x.
Dupré de Boulois, H. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Declerck, Stephan. Contribution of extraradical mycelium and roots to radiocaesium uptake and translocation by arbuscular mycorrhizal carrot roots under root organ culture conditions.. In: Environmental Pollution, Vol. 134, no. 3, p. 515-524 (2005).
Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Declerck, Stephan. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the root uptake and translocation of radiocaesium.. In: Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), Vol. 134, no. 3, p. 515-24 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2004.08.015.
Delvaux, Bruno ; STREBL, Fr ; Maes, Emmanuel ; Herbillon, Adrien. Eine Andosol-Braunerded Toposequenz auf Granit in der bömischen Masse.. In: Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, no. 72, p. 33-44 (2005).
Joussein, E ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Petit, S. ; Churchman, J ; Theng, B ; Righi, D. Halloysite clay minerals - A review. In: Clay Minerals : journal of the European Clay Groups, Vol. 40, no. 4, p. 383-426 (2005). doi:10.1180/0009855054040180.
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Givron, Claudine ; Delvaux, Bruno. Inorganic sulphate extraction from SO2-impacted andosols. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 56, no. 1, p. 127-133 (2005). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2004.00647.x.
Vincke, Caroline ; Delvaux, Bruno. Porosity and available water of temporarily waterlogged soils in a Quercus robur (L.) declining stand. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 271, no. 1-2, p. 189-203 (2005). doi:10.1007/s11104-004-2388-4.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Strebl, F ; Maes, Eric ; Herbillon, AJ. ; Brahy, Vincent ; Gerzabek, M. An Andosol-Cambisol toposequence on granite in the Austrian Bohemian Massif. In: CATENA, Vol. 56, no. 1-3, p. 31-43 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.catena.2003.10.003.
Delfosse, Thomas ; Elass, F. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Direct evidence of basic aluminium sulphate minerals in an S-imapcted Andosol.. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 56, no. 3, p. p. 281-286 (2004). doi:10.1111/j.1365-2389.2004.00675.x.
Condello, Leania ; Dufey, Joseph ; Corti, G.G. ; Cimato, A. ; Populaire, Patrick ; Cumiglio, R. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Agnelli, A. Frammenti rocciosi di arenaria e alberese come substrati di crescita per olivi frantoio e grignan.. In: Bolletino della società italiana della scienza del suolo, Vol. 53 (2004).
Maroy, Christian ; Delvaux, Bruno. La médiation des 'réseaux' dans la régulation de l'enseignement en Communauté française : l'exemple du ba. In: Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, Vol. 35, no. 2, p. 83-102 (2004).
Kruyts, Nathalie ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Mobility of radiocesium in three distinct forest floors.. In: The Science of the total environment, Vol. 319, no. 1-3, p. 241-52 (2004). doi:10.1016/S0048-9697(03)00369-3.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Nootens, D. ; Dufey, Joseph. Mobilization of aluminium and magnesium by roots of banana (Musa spp.) from kaolinite and smectite clay minerals. In: Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 19, no. 4, p. 633-643 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2003.07.001.
Ducarme, François ; Sonnet, Philippe ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Wibrin, Marie-Aline ; Delvaux, Bruno. Pedogeochemical Background Levels of Trace Metals in Wallonia. In: EUROSOIL 2004, , p. 242 (2004).
Ndayiragije, S ; Delvaux, Bruno. Selective sorption of potassium in a weathering sequence of volcanic ash soils from Guadeloupe, French West Indies. In: CATENA, Vol. 56, no. 1-3, p. 185-198 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.catena.2003.10.010.
Joussein, E ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Righi, D ; Petit, S.. Specific retention of radiocesium in volcanic ash soils devoid of micaceous clay minerals. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 68, no. 1, p. 313-319 (2004). doi:10.2136/sssaj2004.0313.
Declerck, Stephan ; Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Bivort, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno. Extraradical mycelium of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus lamellosum can take up, accumulate and translocate radiocaesium under root-organ culture conditions.. In: Environmental microbiology, Vol. 5, no. 6, p. 510-6 (2003). doi:10.1046/j.1462-2920.2003.00445.x.
Delmelle, Pierre ; Delfosse, Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno. Sulfate, chloride and fluoride retention in Andosols exposed to volcanic acid emissions.. In: Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), Vol. 126, no. 3, p. 445-57 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0269-7491(03)00196-9.
Gerin, Patrick A. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Genet, MJ. ; Herbillon, AJ.. Surface analysis of soilmaterial by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 589-603 (2003). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2003.00537.x.
Brahy, Vincent ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Henao-Toro, MC ; Goor, F ; Ledent, Jean-François. Assessing Passive Capillary-Wick Samplers for monitoring resident nitrate concentration in real field. In: Soil Use and Management, Vol. 18, no. 1, p. 18-25 (2002). doi:10.1079/SUM200195.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Dufey, Joseph ; Achard, R.. Cation exchange capacity and aluminum-calcium-magnesium binding in roots of bananas cultivated in soils and in nutrient solutions. In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 33, no. 5-6, p. 991-1009 (2002). doi:10.1081/CSS-120003079.
Declerck, Stephan ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Risede, Jean-Michel ; Rufyikiri, Gervais. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on severity of root rot of bananas caused by Cylindrocladium spathiphylli. In: Plant Pathology : a record of current work on plant diseases and pests, Vol. 51, no. 1, p. 109-115 (2002). doi:10.1046/j.0032-0862.2001.656.x.
Declerck, Stephan ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Risede, Jean-Michel. Greenhouse response of micropropagated bananas inoculated with in vitro monoxenically produced arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In: Scientia Horticulturae, Vol. 93, no. 3-4, p. 301-309 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0304-4238(01)00347-8.
Titeux, Hugues ; Brahy, Vincent ; Delvaux, Bruno. Metal complexing properties of forest floor leachates might promote incipient podzolization in a Cambisol under deciduous forest. In: Geoderma, Vol. 107, no. 1-2, p. 93-107 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0016-7061(01)00140-9.
Kruyts, Nathalie ; Delvaux, Bruno. Soil organic horizons as a major source for radiocesium biorecycling in forest ecosystems.. In: Journal of environmental radioactivity, Vol. 58, no. 2-3, p. 175-90 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0265-931X(01)00065-0.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Thiry, Yves ; Wang, Lian ; Declerck, Stephan. Uranium uptake and translocation by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices, under root-organ culture conditions. In: New Phytologist, Vol. 156, no. 2, p. 275-281 (2002). doi:10.1046/j.1469-8137.2002.00520.x.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Dufey, Joseph ; Achard, R. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Cation exchange capacity and Al-Ca-Mg binding in roots of bananas (Musa spp). Cultivated in soils and in nutrient solutions. In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 33, no. 5-6 (2001).
Dufey, Joseph ; Genon, José ; Jaillard, B. ; Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Delvaux, Bruno. Cation exchange on plant roots involving Aluminium: experimental and modeling., In: Cation exchange on plant roots involving Aluminium: experimental and modeling, G.R. Gobran, W.W. Wenzel & E. Lombi (Eds.), ed(s), Floride, CRC press LLC, 2001. In: Fate trace elements in the rhizosphere, , p. 228-252 (2001).
Brahy, Vincent ; Delvaux, Bruno. Cation exchange resin and test vermiculite to study soil processes in situ in a toposequence of Luvisol and Cambisol on loess. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 52, no. 3, p. 397-408 (2001). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2001.00401.x.
Brahy, Vincent ; Delvaux, Bruno. Comments on "Artifacts caused by collection of soil solution with passive capillary samplers". In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 65, no. 5, p. 1571-1572 (2001). doi:10.2136/sssaj2001.6551571-ax.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Nootens, D. ; Dufey, Joseph ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effect of Aluminium on bananas (Musa spp) cultivated in acid solutions II. In: Water and nutrient uptake, Fruits, Vol. 56, no. 1, p. 397-408 (2001).
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Nootens, D. ; Dufey, Joseph ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effect of aluminium on bananas (Musa spp.) cultivated in acid solutions. IIWater and nutrient uptake. In: Fruits, Vol. 56, no. 1, p. 5-16 (2001). doi:10.1051/fruits:2001107.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Maes, Emmanuel ; Smolders, E.. Fate of radoiocaesium in soil and rhizosphere. In Trace Element in the Rhizosphere, In: fate of radoiocaesium in soil and rhizosphere. In: Trace element in the rhizosphere, Wendel and Lombi eds, , no. 61-91 (2001).
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Declerck, Stephan ; Dufey, Joseph. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi might alleviate aluminium toxicity in banana plants. In: New Phytologist, Vol. 148, no. 2, p. 343-352 (2000). doi:10.1046/j.1469-8137.2000.00761.x.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Nootens, D. ; Dufey, Joseph ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effect of aluminium on bananas (Musa spp.) cultivated in acid solutions : I. Plant growth and chemical composition. In: Fruits, Vol. 55, no. 6, p. 367-379 (2000).
Brahy, Vincent ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Deckers, Jozef. Estimation of soil weathering stage and acid neutralizing capacity in a toposequence Luvisol-Cambisol on loess under deciduous forest in Belgium. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 51, no. 1, p. 1-13 (2000). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2000.00285.x.
Brahy, Vincent ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Incipient podzolization and weathering caused by complexation in a forest Cambisol on loess as revealed by a soil solution study. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 51, no. 3, p. 475-484 (2000). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2000.00324.x.
Dorel, M. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Roger-Estrade, J ; Manichon, H. Porosity and soil water properties of Caribbean volcanic ash soils. In: Soil Use and Management, Vol. 16, no. 2, p. 133-140 (2000). doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2000.tb00188.x.
Thiry, Y. ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Delvaux, Bruno. Respective horizon contributions to cesium-137 soil-to-plant transfer: A pot experiment approach. In: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 29, no. 4, p. 1194-1199 (2000). doi:10.2134/jeq2000.00472425002900040023x.
Kruyts, Nathalie ; Thiry, Y. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Respective horizon contributions to cesium-137 soil-to-plant transfer: A rhizospheric experimental approach. In: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 29, no. 4, p. 1180-1185 (2000). doi:10.2134/jeq2000.00472425002900040020x.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Cremers, A. Rhizospheric mobilization of radiocesium in soils. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 34, no. 8, p. 1489-1493 (2000). doi:10.1021/es990658g.
Brahy, Vincent ; Titeux, Hugues ; Iserentant, Anne ; Delvaux, Bruno. Surface podzolization in Cambisols under deciduous forest in the Belgian loess belt. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 51, no. 1, p. 15-26 (2000). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2000.00287.x.
Draye, Xavier ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Swennen, R.. Distribution of lateral root primordia in root tips of Musa. In: Annals of Botany, Vol. 84, no. 3, p. 393-400 (1999). doi:10.1006/anbo.1999.0940.
Declerck, Stephan ; Plenchette, C. ; Risède, J-M. ; Strullu, D.G. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Estimation of the population density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in soils used for intensive banana cultivation in Martinique. In: Fruits, Vol. 54, no. 1, p. 3-9 (1999).
Maes, Eric ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vielvoye, L. ; Stone, William. Fixation of radiocaesium traces in a weathering sequence mica -> vermiculite -> hydroxy interlayered vermiculite. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 50, no. 1, p. 107-115 (1999). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.1999.00223.x.
Maes, Eric ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Iserentant, Anne ; Herbauts, J. Influence of the nature of clay minerals on the fixation of radiocaesium traces in an acid brown earth-podzol weathering sequence. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 50, no. 1, p. 117-125 (1999). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.1999.00224.x.
Declerck, Stephan ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Laloux, S ; Sarah, JL. Application of a flowing solution culture technique to study the parasitic fitness of the nematode Radopholus similis on banana plantlets under two different nitrogen nutrient regimes. In: Plant Pathology : a record of current work on plant diseases and pests, Vol. 47, no. 5, p. 580-585 (1998). doi:10.1046/j.1365-3059.1998.00286.x.
Maes, Eric ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Thiry, Y.. Fixation of radiocaesium in an acid brown forest soil. In: European Journal of Soil Science, Vol. 49, no. 1, p. 133-140 (1998). doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.1998.00139.x.
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Delvaux, Bruno. Current soil processes in a haplic alisol-dystric cambisol loess derived toposequence. In: Abstracts of the International Symposium on Soil System Behaviour in Time and Space, Vienna, 19-21/11/97, Vol. 55, p. 201-204 (1997).
Delvaux, Bruno. Modelling radiocaesium retention by clay minerals. In: The International Workshop on Radioecological Modeling under Normal and Accidental Conditions (3-4/10/96, Timisoara, Roumania), , p. 120-124 (1997).
Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno. Ability of specimen vermiculitic minerals to fix radiocaesium : effect of the chemical environment. In: The International Symposium on Radioecology 'Ten years terrestrial radioecological research following the Chernobyl accident' (22-24/4/ Ed. M. Gerzabek, Austrian Soil Science Society 53], , no. 93-100, p. 93-100 (1996).
Delvaux, Bruno. Dynamics of radionuclides in forest environments. In: - [In 'The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident' (First Conference , Minsk, Belarus, 18-22/3/96), , p. 60-80 (1996).
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Declerck, Stephan ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Devos, B ; Plenchette, C.. Growth response of micropropagated banana plants to VAM inoculation. In: Fruits, Vol. 49, no. 2, p. 103-109 (1994).
Genon, José ; Dufey, Joseph ; Delvaux, Bruno ; de Hepcee, N. ; Hennebert, P. A.. Iron toxicity and other chemical soil constraints to rice in highland swamps of Burundi. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 166, no. 1, p. 109-115 (1994). doi:10.1007/BF02185487.
Genon, JG. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Dehepcee, N. ; Dufey, Joseph ; Hennebert, PA.. Redox Conditions and Iron Chemistry in Highland Swamps of Burundi. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 166, no. 2, p. 165-171 (1994). doi:10.1007/BF00008329.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Herbillon, Adrien. Alisols : searching for significant diagnostic criteria. In: World reference base for soil resources, Leuven, Belgium, (1993).
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Delvaux, Bruno. Comportement d'échange du potassium dans les sols de la bananeraie guadeloupéenne. Application à la programmation de la fumure potassique. In: Fruits, Vol. 46, no. 1, p. 3-11 (1991).
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Delvaux, Bruno. Une méthodologie de détection et de hiérarcie des facteurs limitant la production à l'échelle régionale. Applications à la culture bananière. In: Fruits, Vol. 46, no. 3, p. 213-226 (1991).
Delvaux, Bruno ; Herbillon, Adrien. Comportement du potassium dans trois séquences d'altération de sols tropicaux dérivés de pyroclastes. Signification minéralogique et conséquences agronomiques. In: Comptes rendus des Journées Nationales de l'Etude du SOl, Orléans, du 19 au 21 novembre 1990, , p. 30 (1990).
Delvaux, Bruno. Diagnostic de la fertilité de systèmes culturaux intensifs en bananeraies à la Martinique. In: Fruits, Vol. 45, no. 3, p. 223-236 (1990).
Delvaux, Bruno. Dynamique des éléments minéraux fertilisants dans un sol d'alluvions argileuses montmorillonitiques de Martinique sous culture bananière. Application à la programmation de la fumure. In: Fruits, Vol. 45, no. 6, p. 543-551 (1990).
Bielders, Charles ; Delvaux, Bruno ; De Backer, Louis. Particle Density of Volcanic Soils As Measured With a Gas Pycnometer. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 822-826 (1990). doi:10.2136/sssaj1990.03615995005400030034x.
Delvaux, Bruno. Profils culturaux, enracinement et aspect de l'arbre en vergers de limettiers à la Martinique. In: Fruits, Vol. 45, no. 3, p. 273-280 (1990).
Delvaux, Bruno ; Herbillon, AJ. ; Dufey, Joseph ; Vielvoye, L.. Surface-properties and Clay Mineralogy of Hydrated Halloysitic Soil Clays .1. Existence of Interlayer K+ Specific Sites. In: Clay Minerals : journal of the European Clay Groups, Vol. 25, no. 2, p. 129-139 (1990). doi:10.1180/claymin.1990.025.2.01.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Herbillon, AJ. ; Vielvoye, L. ; Mestdagh, MM.. Surface-properties and Clay Mineralogy of Hydrated Halloysitic Soil Clays .2. Evidence for the Presence of Halloysite Smectite (h/sm) Mixed-layer Clays. In: Clay Minerals : journal of the European Clay Groups, Vol. 25, no. 2, p. 141-160 (1990). doi:10.1180/claymin.1990.025.2.02.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Herbillon, AJ. ; Vielvoye, L.. Characterization of a Weathering Sequence of Soils Derived From Volcanic Ash in Cameroon - Taxonomic, Mineralogical and Agronomic Implications. In: Geoderma, Vol. 45, no. 3-4, p. 375-388 (1989). doi:10.1016/0016-7061(89)90017-7.
Dufey, Joseph ; Delvaux, Bruno. Modeling Potassium-calcium Exchange Isotherms in Soils. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 53, no. 4, p. 1297-1299 (1989). doi:10.2136/sssaj1989.03615995005300040051x.
Fontaine, S. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Dufey, Joseph ; Herbillon, AJ.. Potassium Exchange Behavior in Caribbean Volcanic Ash Soils Under Banana Cultivation. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 120, no. 2, p. 283-290 (1989). doi:10.1007/BF02377078.
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Delvaux, Bruno. New approaches to develop integrated control of root parasitism for improving the sustainability of banana cropping systems, 1995. 155 - Vol. 2 p.
Devillez, Freddy ; Delvaux, Bruno. Recherche et mise au point d'un modèle de cartographie des potentialités des sols d'accepter sans inconvénients l'épandage d'amendements organiques, 1995. 75 p.
Delvaux, Bruno. New approaches to develop integrated control of root parasitism for improving the sustainability of banana cropping systems, n/a: n/a, 1994. 110 p.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Dufey, Joseph ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Opfergelt, Sophie. Understanding root uptake of nutrients, toxic and polluting elements in hydroponic culture. In: T. Asao, Hydroponics, In Tech, 2012, 153-180. 978-9-5351-0386-8.
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Declerck, Stephan ; Thiry, Y. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Joner, E.J.. Uptake, assimilation and translocation of mineral elements in monoxenic cultivation systems.. In: Declerck S.; Strullu D.G. & Fortin, J.A. (Eds., Uptake, assimilation and translocation of mineral elements in monoxenic cultivation systems, Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg - Germany, 2005.
Brahy, Vincent ; Delvaux, Bruno. Current processes of forest acid soils on loess using soil solution, cation-exchange resin and test vermiculite inserted in situ. In: Soil Science Society of Belgium (SSSB), 50 years of Soil Science Research in Belgium : A Review, 2002, p. n.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Brahy, Vincent. Alisols. In: P. Driessen, J. Deckers, O. Spaargaren & F. Nachtergaele, Lecture notes on the major soils of the world, FAO: Rome, 2001, p. 163-175.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Maes, Emmanuel ; Smolders, E.. Fate of radiocaesium in soil and rhizosphere. In: G. R. Gobran, W. W. Wenzel & E. Lombi, Trace Elements in the Rhizosphere, CRC Press LLC: Florida, 2001, p. 61-91.
Belli, M. ; Bunzi, K. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Gerzabek, M ; Rafferty, B ; Riesen, T. ; Shaw, G ; Wirth, E.. Dynamics of Radionuclides in Semi-Natural Environmants, in Contaminated forests: recent developments in risk identification and future perspectives, In: Dynamics of Radionuclides in Semi-Natural Environmants, in Contaminated forests: recent developments in risk identification and future perspectives. In: Kluwer, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1999, NATO ASI Series, 1999, p. 151-160.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Declerck, Stephan ; Schadeck, Stephane. Properties and management of soils in relation with environmental friendly sustainable banana production. In: International workshop on production of organic and environmentally friendly bananas, INIBAP: Costa Rica, 1998.
Delvaux, Bruno. Working Group Reference base (1998) World Reference base for Soil Resources: Keys to Reference Soil Groups of the World. World Resource Report N°84, FAO, Rome: 88 p., In: ISSS (International Soil Science society). In: FAO, World Resource Report, KULeuven Academic press, 1998, p. 165.
Belly, M ; Tikhopmirov, F.A ; Kliashtorin, A ; Rafferty, B ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Bunzl, K ; Dvornik, A.M. ; Kuchma, M ; Ruehm, W ; Steiner, M ; Kammer, L.C.. Dynamics of radionuclides in forest environmants., In: Dynamics of radionuclides in forest environmants., European commission ed(s), Minsk Belarus, KARAOGLOU, G., DESMET, KELLY, 1996. In: The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident, EUR 16544 EN, p. 69-80., 1996, p. 69-80.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Agapkina, G.I ; Rafferty, B ; Klishtorin, A ; Kruyts, Nathalie ; Maes, Emmanuel. Mechanisms controlling radionuclide mobility in forest soils, In: Mechanisms controlling radionuclide mobility in forest soils, European. In: EUR 16544 EN, The radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident, EUR 16544 EN, 1996, p. 118-123.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Herbillon, Adrien. Pathways of mixed-layer kaolin-smectite formation in soils. In: In 'Clays Controlling the Environment', Proceedings of the Xth International Clay Conference, Adélaïde, Australia. Australia, 1995, p. 457-461.
Delvaux, Bruno. Soils. In: GOWEN S.R. (éd.), Bananas and Plantains, Chapman and Hall: London, 1995, p. 230-257. 0412368706.
Delvaux, Bruno ; Dufey, Joseph. Understanding the relationship between soil clays and soil properties for adapting soil management practices into various ecosystems. In: Pedologie-themata 1, 1995, p. 49 (1995).
Vander Linden, Charles ; Durviaux, Alexis ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno. Does soil weathering stage impact the effects of intensive banana and sugarcane cropping on the silicon cycle?. IV Simposio Internacional INIVIT'2017 (Cuba, du 24/11/2017 au 27/11/2017).
Li, Zimin ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Struyf, Eric ; Unzué-Belmonte, Dacil ; Ronsse, Frederik ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Impact of rice-straw biochars amended soil on the biological Si cycle in soil-plant ecosystem. EGU General assembly 2017 (Vienna (Austria), du 23/04/2017 au 28/04/2017). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, p. 17238 (2017).
Li, Zimin ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Struyf, Eric ; Unzué-Belmonte, Dacil ; Ronsse, Frederik ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Impact of rice-straw biochars amended soil on the biological Si cycle in soil-plant ecosystem. EGU General assembly 2017 (Vienna (Austria), du 23/04/2017 au 28/04/2017).
Vander Linden, Charles ; Sosnowski, Pierre ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno. The forest-to-banana transition impacts the soil-plant silicon cycle in the humid tropics (Guadeloupe. IV Simposio Internacional INIVIT'2017 (Cuba, du 24/11/2017 au 27/11/2017).
Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Bonneville, S ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Bacterial FeIII reduction enhances the dissociation of Fe oxyhydroxides - organic matter associations in podzolic Bhs soil horizons. Goldschmidt 2016 (Yokohama, Japan, du 24/06/2016 au 06/07/2016).
Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Bonneville, S ; Stenuit, Benoît ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Bacterial FeIII reduction enhances the dissociation of Fe oxyhydroxides - organic matter associations in podzolic Bhs soil horizons. Les 13es journées d'études des sols JES 2016 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 05/07/2016 au 08/07/2016).
Li, Zimin ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Yans, Johan ; Dufour, Nicolas ; Houben, David ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Effect of soil weathering degree on the increase of cotton biomass and silicon mineralomass after amendment with biochar highly concentrated in phytoliths. EGU 2016 (Vienna, Austria, du 17/04/2016 au 22/04/2016). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, p. 9353-1 (2016).
Li, Zimin ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Yans, Johan ; Dufour, Nicolas ; Houben, David ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Phytolith-rich biochar increases Si uptake of cotton plants in a highly weathered soil. Thematic day SSSB (Brussels, Belgium, 30/11/2016).
Li, Zimin ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Yans, John ; Dufour, Nicolas ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Phytolith-rich biochar increases cotton biomass and silicon-mineralomass in a highly weathered soil . EGU 2016 (Vienna, Austria, du 17/04/2016 au 22/04/2016).
Li, Zimin ; Dufour, Nicolas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Biochar supplying plant-available Si in soils with contrasting weathering degrees. SSSB 2015 (Royal academy of Science et the Arts, Brussels, 01/04/2015).
Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Cornu, Sophie ; Fekiacova, Zuzana ; Detienne, Marie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas. Do REE trace pedogenic processes of podzolization ?. GOLDSCHMIDT 2015 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 16/08/2015 au 25/08/2015).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Titeux, Hugues ; Caignet, Isabelle ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of Mn oxides on Fe mobilization during podzolization. EGU 2014 EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION (VIenna, Austria, du 27/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, p. 14756-1 (27/04/2014-02/05/2014).
Dumon, Mathijs ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Van Ranst, Eric. Occurrence and formation of kaolinite-smectite mixed-layers in'red and black' soilscapes : a case study from South-western Ethiopia.". EGU 2014 EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION (Vienna, Austria, du 27/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research abstracts, Vol. 16, p. 1124-1 (27/04/14 - 02/05/2014).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Weis, Dominique ; Lavkulich, Les ; Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Barling, Jane. Si isotopes record cyclical dissolution and re-precipitation of pedogenic clay minerals in a podzolic soil chronosequence. EGU 2014 European Geosciences Union (Vienna, Austria, du 27/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16 (avril-mai 2014).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Weis, Dominique ; Lavkulich, Les ; Barling, Jane ; Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Delvaux, Bruno. Si isotope and Ge/Si ratios record successive cycles of dissolution/precipitation of pedogenic clay minerals. Goldschmidt (Florence, du 25/08/2013 au 30/08/2013). In: Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 77, no.5, p. 918 (2013). doi:10.1180/minmag.2013.077.5.3.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Rouxhet, Paul ; Van Ranst ; Delvaux, Bruno. The key role of Fe oxide coatings on pedogenic clay minerals in the formation of organo-mineral associations in Podzol. Soil Carbon Sequestration conference (Reikjavik, du 26/05/2013 au 29/05/2013).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Hardy, Brieuc ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Dufey, Joseph. Charcoal production at mound kiln sites affects pedogenesis and soil capacity to stabilize organic carbon. International Symposium on Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms (du 26/06/2011 au 01/07/2011).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Georg, R.B. ; Cabidoche, Y.M. ; Burton, K.W. ; Halliday, A.N.. Contrasting silicon and magnesium isotope fractionation with clay mineralogy in volcanic soil weathering sequences, Guadeloupe. Goldschmidt conference (Prague, Czech Republic, du 14/08/2011 au 19/08/2011). In: Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 75, p. 742 (2011).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Manganese concentration, an indicator ofcarbon sequestration? - Field study on the influence of manganese on beechleaf litters decomposition. SOM2011 International symposium on soil organic matter (Leuven, du 2011 au 2011).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Caignet, Isabelle ; Delvaux, Bruno. The future soil capacity of Podzols to stabilize soil organic carbon through formation of imogolite. International conference on Soil organic matter (Leuven, du 11/07/2011 au 14/07/2011).
Couder, Eléonore ; Drouet, T. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Maerschaelk, C. ; Meeus, C. ; Mattielli, N.. Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment). Goldschmidt conference (Prague, Czech republic, du 14/08/2011 au 19/08/2011).
Trum, Florence ; Delvaux, Bruno. anganese effect on lignin degradation degree inbeech (Fagus sylvatica L.) leaf litters. ISMOM2011, 6th International symposium of interactions of soil (Montpellier (France), du 26/07/2011 au 26/07/2011).
André, Frédéric ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; van Leeuwen, Cornelis ; Moghadas, Davood ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vereecken, Harry ; Lambot, Sébastien. Characterization and high resolution mapping of soil hydrogeophysical properties from ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction data in a vineyard in southern France. AGU General Assembly 2010 (San Francisco, USA, du 13/12/2010 au 17/12/2010).
Delstanche, Séverine ; van Asten, Piet ; Delvaux, Bruno. Drivers of soil fertility in smallholder banana systems in the African Great Lakes Region (Rwanda, SW Uganda). Soil Science Society of Belgium : thematic day (Brussels, du 01/12 au 01/12).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effects of Mn concentration on beech leaf litter decomposition - Results from field and laboratory experiments.. WCSS2010 – 19th world congress of soil science (Brisbane, Australia, Août 2010).
Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Vermeire, Marie-Liesse ; Risède, Jean-Michel ; Dorel, Marc ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Legrève, Anne. Effects of silicon amendment on disease caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis and Cylindrocladium spathiphylli in banana.. 2010 APS Annual meeting (Charlotte - USA, du 07/08/2010 au 11/08/2010). In: Phytopathology, Vol. 100, no. 6, p. S58 (2010).
André, Frédéric ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; van Leeuwen, C. ; Moghadas, Davood ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vereecken, H. ; Lambot, Sébastien. Full-Waveform Inversion of Ground Penetrating Radar and Electromagnetic Induction Data for Determination and High-Resolution Mapping of Soil Hydrogeophysical Properties in a Vineyard in Southern France. The meeting of the Americas (Iguassu, Bresil, 08-12 August). In: EOS Trans AGU, vol.91 (26), 2010, p. NS13B-03.
Lambot, Sébastien ; André, Frédéric ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; Delvaux, Bruno ; van Leeuwen, Cornelis ; Vereecken, Harry. Full-waveform inversion of multi-offset GPR data acquired in a vineyard to image and monitor soil water content. EGU General Assembly 2010 (Vienna, Austria, du 02/05/2010 au 07/05/2010). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, 2010, p. EGU2010-12243-1.
André, Frédéric ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; van Leeuwen, Cornelis ; Moghadas, Davood ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vereecken, Harry ; Lambot, Sébastien. High-resolution imaging of a vineyard in south of France using ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction. 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2010) (Lecce, Italy, du 21/06/2010 au 25/06/2010). In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2010), 2010. 978-1-4244-4604-9, p. 643-646. doi:10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550145.
Couder, Eléonore ; Mattielli, Nadine ; Houben, David ; Cambier, Charlotte ; Delvaux, Bruno. Highlighting processes involved in mobility and bioavailability of zinc within contaminated substrates: multiple approaches. World Soil Science Congress (Brisbane, Australia, du 01/08/2010 au 06/08/2010).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Ranger, Jacques ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of tree species on the distribution of alkaliextractable Si in a Cambisol. World Congress of Soil Science (Brisbane, Australia, du 01/08/2010 au 06/08/2010). In: Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science; Soil Solution for a changing world, 2010. 978-0-646-53783-2.
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Influence of manganese concentration in beech leaf litter on lignin quality, carbon (DOC) and nitrogen releases during decomposition - field experiment. SOM2010 – Organic matter stabilization and ecosystem function (Prequ’île de Giens (France), 2010).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Georg, R.B. ; Burton, K.W. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Siebert, C. ; Guicharnaud, R ; Cadiboche, Y.M ; Halliday, A.N.. Magnesium isotope fractionation in volcanic soils controlled by clay mineralogy and exchangeable Mg. AGU Fall Meeting, 2010 (San Francisco, USA, du 13/12/2010 au 17/12/201). In: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Vol. 91, no. 52, p. B23K-05.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotopes in the soil-plant system. UK Isotope Ratio MS Users Group SIMSUG, 2010 (University of Exeter, Devon, UK., du 28/04/2010 au 30/04/2010).
Moghadas, Davood ; André, Frédéric ; Saussez, Stéphanie ; Van Durmen, Renaud ; van Leeuwen, Cornelis ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Vereecken, Harry ; Lambot, Sébastien. Soil moisture determination using ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction data in a vineyard in southern France. GeoDarmstadt 2010 Conference (Darmstadt, Germany, du 10/10/2010 au 13/10/2010).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Ranger , Jacques ; Opfergelt, Sophie. The source of dissolved silicon in soil surface solutions of a temperate forest ecosystem: Ge/Si and Si isotope ratios as biogeochemical tracers. AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, USA, du 13/12/2010 au 17/12/2010). In: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Vol. 91, no. 52, p. B23K-04.
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Ranger, R ; Opfergelt, Sophie. Tracing mechanisms controlling the release of dissolved silicon in forest floor leachate : Best poster presentation award. ENVITAM PhD Day, 2010 (Namur, 12/01/2010).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Delvigne, C. ; Bremond, L ; Delvaux, Bruno. Variations of delta30Si and Ge/Si with weathering and biogenic input in tropical basaltic ash soils under monoculture. Isotopes in Biogenic Silica (IBiS), 2010 (Swansea (Wales), UK, du 08/02/2010 au 09/02/2010).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effect of Mn concentration in beech leaf litter on CO2 and DOC releases during incubation". Biogeomon 2009 (Helsinki, Finlande, du Juillet 2009 au juillet 2009).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effect of Mn concentration in beech leaf litter on CO2, DOC, NH4 and NO3 releases during incubation. ISEB2009 – International symposium on environmental biogeochemistry (Hamburg (Germany), septembre 2009).
Houben, David ; Couder, Eléonore ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Sonnet, Philippe. Effects of a spontaneous revegetation of a zinc smelting slag heap on soil properties and consequence on metal leaching.. The fifth international conference : soils of urban, industrial, traffic, mining, and military areas. (New York, USA, du 2009 au 2009).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Ranger, J. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Forest tree species impacts plant uptake of Si. Silicon in Agriculture (Wild Coast sun, South Africa, du 26/10/2009 au 31/10/2009).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Ranger, Jacques ; Opfergelt, Sophie. Ge/Si ratios and Si isotopes tracing mechanisms controlling the release of dissolved silicon in forest soil solutions. 3rd Workshop on the aqueous chemistry and biochemistry of silicon, Silicon by the sea (San Diego, USA, du 07/12/2009 au 11/12/2009).
Kablan, Assia Lucie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Legrève, Anne. Impact of silicon on the susceptibility of banana plants (Musa acuminata) to black Sigatoka disease. Silicon in Agriculture conf ( Wild Coast Sun, South Africa 26 au 29 10/2009, du 26/10/2009 au 29/10/2009).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Ranger , Jacques ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of tree species on the distribution of amorphous silica in an acid brown soil. International conference geologica belgica – Challenge for the planet: earth science’s prespective (Ghent (Belgium), du 14/09/2009 au 16/09/2009).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Influence of Mn on forest floors decomposition in temperate ecosystems". SOM Summerschool (Munich, Allemagne, du Mars 2009 au mars 2009).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, D ; André, L. ; Delvigne, C ; Bremond, L. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Tracing impact of banana culture in tropical basaltic ash soils using delta30Si and Ge/Si. 3rd Workshop on the aqueous chemistry and biochemistry of silicon, Silicon by the sea (San Diego, USA, du 07/12/2009 au 11/12/2009).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal , D. ; André , L. ; Delvigne , C. ; Bremond , L. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Variations of delta30Si and Ge/Si with weathering and biogenic input in tropical basaltic ash soils under monoculture. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK, 01/10/2009).
Couder, Eléonore ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Maerschalk, C. ; Mattielli, N.. Zinc Isotopic Ratios as Tracers of Zn Biogeochemical Cycle (Poster). Biogeomon 2009 (Helsinki, Finlande, 2009).
Couder, Eléonore ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Maerschalk, C. ; Mattielli, N.. delta(66) Zn as a tracer of the zinc biogeochemical cycle. 19th Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference (Davos(Switzerland), Jun 21, 2009). In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 73, no. 13, p. A247 (2009).
Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Ranger, Jacques. DOC properties of forest floor solutions under Norway spruce and Douglas fir on a Cambisol (Morvan, France). Eurosoil 2008 (Vienna, Autriche, du 25/08/2008 au 29/08/2008).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Ranger, J. ; Lambin, J. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Distribution of biogenic and inorganic silicon in three distinct forest floors from an acid brown soil.. Second Envitam PhD Day (Liège, Belgique, 29 janvier).
Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Ranger, Jacques ; Iserentant, Anne ; Delvaux, Bruno. Evaluation of silicon stocks and uptake in five forest stands on an acid brown soil. Eurosoil congress, Soil-society-environment (Vienna Austria, du 11/08/2008 au 15/08/2008).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of Mn2+ addition on C-release (DOC and CO2) from forest floor horizons. Young soil scientits of soil science society of Belgium (Brussels, du 27/02/2008 au 27/02/2008).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of Mn2+ addition on C-release (DOC and CO2) from forest floor horizons. EUROSOIL2008 (Vienna, Autriche, Août 2008).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of Mn2+ addition on C-release (DOC and CO2) from forest floor horizons. Second Envitam PhD Day (Liège, Belgique, du 29/01/2009 au 29/01/2009).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Ranger, J. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of tree species on the release from forest floor of organic and inorganic carbon and nitrogen. Eurosoil congress, (Vienna, Auriche, du 28/08/2008 au 28/08/2008).
Titeux, Hugues ; Gelhaye, D ; Ranger, Jacques ; Delvaux, Bruno. Influence of in-situ storage conditions on the composition of soil solutions from Norway sprice and Douglas fir forest floors.. Eurosoil, 2008 (Vienna, Autriche, du 25/08/2008 au 29/08/2008).
Delstanche, Séverine ; van Asten, Piet ; Gaidashova, Svetlana ; Delvaux, Bruno. Mineral and organic contribution to nutrient pool in black anthropogenic soils from the African Great Lakes Region. EUROSOIL (Vienne, du 25/08 au 29/08).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvigne, C ; Cardinal, D ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, L.. Silicon and germanium uptake and transport by plants using Ge/Si ratio and Si isotopes. Silicon in Agriculture conference (Wild Coast Sun, South Africa, du 26/10/2008 au 31/10/2008).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cardinal, D. ; Delvigne, C. ; André, L.. Silicon cycle in weathering sequences of volcanic soils in Cameroon using delta30Si and Ge/Si. Goldschmidt Conference (Vancouver, Canada, du 13/07/2008 au 18/07/2008). In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 72, no. 12, p. A707-A707 (2008).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delstanche, Séverine ; de Bournonville, Guillaume ; André, Luc ; Cardinal, Damien ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotopic fractionation by Si sorption onto iron oxides: evidence from synthesized oxides and basaltic ash soils. Eurosoil 2008 (Vienna, Autriche, du 25/08/2008 au 29/08/2008). In: Eurosoil 2008, Book of Abstracts, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 2008.
Henriet, Céline ; Dorel, Marc ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon status of banana (Musa spp.) reveals the weathering stage of volcanic ash soils in Guadeloupe. Eurosoil, 2008 (Vienna, Auriche, du 25/08/2008 au 29/08/2008). In: Eurosoil 2008, Book of Abstracts, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, 2008.
Henriet, Céline ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Dorel, Marc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Soil weathering degree of volcanic ash soils governs the silicon status of banana (Musa spp.). Silicon in Agriculture Conference, 2008 (Wild Coast Sun, South Africa, du 26/10/2008 au 31/10/2008).
Couder, Eléonore ; Houben, David ; Delvaux, Bruno. Speciation of zinc in solutions extracted from different zn-polluted substrates. Eurosoil 2008 (Eurosoil, Vienne, Autriche, du 25/08/2008 au 28/08/2008).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. The soil-plant Si cycling in a weathering sequence of volcanic ash soils using Si isotopes. Second Envitam PhD Day (Liège, Belgium, du 29/01/2008 au 29/01/2008).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal , D. ; André, L. ; Delvaux, Bruno. The soil-plant Si cycling in a weathering sequence of volcanic ash soils using Si isotopes. INRA Champenoux (Nancy, France, 18/02/2008).
Couder, Eléonore ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Maerschalk, C. ; Marrielli, N.. Zinc isotopes in polluted substrates. 8th Annual V M Goldschmidt Conference (Vancouver(Canada), Jul, 2008). In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 72, no. 12, p. A184 (2008).
Delvaux, Bruno ; Henriet, Céline ; André, L. ; Cardinal, D ; Opfergelt, Sophie. Silicon accumulation in banana plant reveals the soil weathering stage of volcanic ash soils. Cambridge Silicon Christmas Brainteaser (Cambridge, UK, du 06/12/2007 au 07/12/2007).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; Delstanche, Séverine ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, Luc. Towards a better understanding of continental silicon cycle using Si stable isotopes. Congrès des doctorants IPGP (Paris, France, du 26/03/2007 au 29/03/2007).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Cardinal, D. ; André, L.. Using delta30Si to follow the soil-plant Si cycling in a weathering sequence of volcanic ash soils, Cameroon. Goldschmidt Conference (Cologne, Germany, du 19/08/2007 au 24/08/2007). In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 71, no. 15, p. A741-A741 (2007).
Delstanche, Séverine ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Adsorption of silica on synthetic iron oxides fractionates stable silicon isotopes. AGU Fall meeting (San Franciso, USA, du 11/12/2006 au 15/12/2006). In: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Vol. 87, no. 52, p. V21B-0581.
Laloy, Eric ; Devillers, Caroline ; Bielders, Charles ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effects of destruction and burial dates of cover crops on runoff, erosion, organic carbon losses and phosporus transfer in a maize cropping system. Thematic Day 2006 of Soil Science Society of Belgium "On and off site effects of soil erosion and soil conservation" (Royal Academies of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels, du 22/02/2006 au 22/02/2006), p. 43-46.
Henriet, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Draye, Xavier ; Oppitz, I. ; Swennen, R.. Effects, distribution and uptake of silicon in banana (Musa spp.) under controlled conditions. 1st International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization (Salamanca(Spain), Jul 16-19, 2002). In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 287, no. 1-2, p. 359-374 (2006). doi:10.1007/s11104-006-9085-4.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, D ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, L.. Preliminary results on the quantification and SEM observations of amorphous silica in Cameroon rivers. Workshop on the global transport of amorphous silica by rivers (Paris, France, du 26/09/2006 au 27/09/2006).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delstanche, Séverine ; Cardinal, Damien ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotopic fractionation in a tropical soil-plant system. AGU Fall meeting (San Francisco, USA, du 11/12/2006 au 15/12/2006). In: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Vol. 87, no. 52, p. V21B-0580.
Caignet, Isabelle ; Delvaux, Bruno. Soil fertility is concentrated in the clay of sandy soils in Northeast Thailand.. Day of young soil scientist 2006 (Brussels, Royal academies of Belgium for science and tha arts, du 22/02/2006 au 26/02/2006).
Delmelle, Pierre ; Opfergelt, Sophie ; Boivin, P ; Delvaux, Bruno. Water saturation of hydrothermal smectite-rich clay might have promoted slope instability prior the 1998 debris avalanche at casito volcano, Nicaragua. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, du 11/12/2006 au 15/12/2006). In: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Vol. 87, no. 52, p. T13D-0546 (2006).
Delfosse, Thomas ; Elssas, F. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Amorphous Al-hydroxy-sulphate minerals in S-impacted andosols.. 13th Internation clay conference - clay sphere : past, present, future (Tokyo , Japon, du 21/08/2005 au 25/08/2005).
Caignet, Isabelle ; Iserentant, Anne ; Wiriyakitnateekul, W ; Suskan, S ; Maeght, J.L. ; Hartmann, C ; Delvaux, Bruno. Clays concentrate nutrient reserves in a toposequence of sandy soils in Northeast Thailand (poster). International symposium on the mangement of tropical sandy soils for sustainable agriculture (Khon Kaen, Thailande, du 28/11/2005 au 02/12/2005).
Pochet, Grégoire ; Delvaux, Bruno. Hydric properties of brown halloysitic soils as related to clay mineralogy and charge properties.. 13the International Clay conference - clay sphere : past, present, future (Tokyo, Japon, du 21/08/2004 au 27/08/2004).
Trum, Florence ; Titeux, Hugues ; Ranger, Jacques ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of forest floor tree species on the chemical composition of forest floor leachate. . Day of young scientists of BSSS (Belgian soil society of soil science) (Brussels, Belgium, 2005).
Titeux, Hugues ; Delvaux, Bruno. Impact of mineral weathering and clay formation on organo-mineral interactions in podzolic and andic soils.. Internation Clay conference - Clay sphere : past, present, future (Tokyo - Japon, du 21 août au 27 août).
Gommers, A. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Thiry, Y.. Rhizospheric mobilization and plant uptake of radiocesimn from weathered micas: I. Influence of potassium depletion. 4th International Phosphorus Workshop on Critical Evaluation of Options for Reducing Phosphorus Loss from Agriculture (Wageningen(Netherlands), Aug, 2004). In: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 34, no. 6, p. 2167-2173 (2005). doi:10.2134/jeq2004.0406.
Thiry, Y. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Gommers, A. ; Iserentant, Anne. Rhizospheric mobilization and plant uptake of radiocesium from weathered micas: II. Influence of mineral alterability. 4th International Phosphorus Workshop on Critical Evaluation of Options for Reducing Phosphorus Loss from Agriculture (Wageningen(Netherlands), Aug, 2004). In: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 34, no. 6, p. 2174-2180 (2005). doi:10.2134/jeq2004.0407.
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; Henriet, Céline ; André, Luc ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotope fractionation between plant parts in banana: in situ vs. in vitro. Seventh International Symposium on the Geochemistry of the Earth's surface (GES-7), 2005 (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 23/08/2005 au 27/08/2005).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, Damien ; Henriet, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, Luc. Silicon isotope fractionation by banana under continuous nutrient and silica flow. Day of Young Soil Scientists, Belgian Society of Soil Science, 2005 (Brussels, 23/02/2005).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Henriet, Céline ; Cardinal, D ; André, L. ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon isotopic fractionation in banana roots in relation to Si uptake mode. International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem 2005 (Honolulu, Hawaii, du 15/12/2005 au 20/12/2005).
Henriet, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno. Silicon uptake and distribution in young bananas.(oral communication). International Chemical congress of Pacific Basin societies, Pacichem (Honolulu, Hawaii, du 15/12/2005 au 20/12/2005).
Pham Khanh Tu ; Pham, Quang Ha ; Tran, Van Minh ; BUI HUY, HIEN ; Lebailly, Philippe ; HAUBRUGE, EMMANUEL ; Maraite, Henri ; Bragard, Claude ; Delvaux, Bruno ; ChIANG, Claude ; Dufey, Joseph. Vietnam-Belgium project for improving food crop productivity on the sandy soils of the coastal zone in Central Vietnam.(oral communication). International symposium on the management of tropical sandy soils for sustainable agriculture (Khon Kaen, Thailande, Nov 28-Dec 2).
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Acid Neutralization Process and Sulphur Storage in S-Impacted Andosols (Masaya, Nicaragua. Eurosoil (A, du 2004 au 2004).
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Acid Neutralizing Capacity of Andosols: Effects of Weathering Stage and Sulfur Storage. Internation symposium : Soil resources of european volcanic system (Islande, du 2004 au 2004).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Characterization of the soft material implied in the release of the debris avalanche of the Casita volcano, Nicaragua. Day of Young Soil Scientists, Belgian Society of Soil Science, (Bruxelles, 18/02/2004).
Pochet, Grégoire ; Delvaux, Bruno. Excessive drainage in fine clayey soils rich in high charge halloysite. Eurosoil 2004 (Freiburg / Germany, du 04/09/2004 au 12/09/2004).
Delvaux, Bruno ; Delfosse, Thomas ; Herbillon, Adrien. Non-volcanic Andosols in Europe. Internation symposium : Soil resources of european volcanic system (Islande, du 2004 au 2004).
Ducarme, F. ; Sonnet, Philippe ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Wibrin, Marie-Aline ; Delvaux, Bruno. Pedogeochemical Background Levels of Trace Metals in Wallonia. EUROSOIL 2004 conference (Freiburg, Germany, du 4 September 2004 au 12 September 2004).
Kruyts, Nathalie ; Delvaux, Bruno. Root Uptake of Heavy Metals in Polluted Soils Mixed with Uncontaminated Dredge Sediments.. n/a (Freiburg / Germany, du 4/12/2004 au 12/09/2004).
Opfergelt, Sophie ; Cardinal, D ; Henriet, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno ; André, L.. Silicon isotope fractionation by banana under continuous nutrient and silica flux. AGU Fall meeting (San Franciso, USA, du 13/12/2004 au 17/12/2004). In: EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Vol. 85, no. 47, p. V51A-0520.
Henriet, Céline ; Delvaux, Bruno. Soil properties involved in silicon nutrition of bananas. Journée des Jeunes de la Société Belge de Pédologie (Bruxelles, 18/02/2004).
Pochet, Grégoire ; Delvaux, Bruno. Water properties of volcanic ash soils rich in high charge halloysite. Volcanic soil resources in Europe (Akureyri-Egilsstadir, Islande, du 04/08/2006 au 08/06/2004).
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Changes in soil chemistry associated with strong acid inputs from Masaya volcano. 8th Field Workshop on volcanic gases (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, du 203 au 2003).
Ndayiragije, S ; Delvaux, Bruno. Coexistence of allophane, gibbsite, kaolinite and hydroxy-Al-interlayered 2 : 1 clay minerals in a perudic andosol. Conference on Volcanic Soils (AZORES(Portugal), Oct, 2001). In: Geoderma, Vol. 117, no. 3-4, p. 203-214 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0016-7061(03)00123-X.
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Heavy Metal Concentrations In Soils Downwind From Masaya Volcano (Nicaragua).. American Geophysical Union Fall meeting (San Francisco, du 2003 au 2003).
Rufyikiri, Gervais ; Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Declerck, Stephan. Role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the uptake of radionuclides by plants. Fourth International Conference on Mycorrhizae (ICOM4) (Montreal, Canada, du 10/08/2003 au 15/08/2003).
Dupré de Boulois, Hervé ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Renard, Laurent ; Declerck, Stephan. Uptake and Translocation of Radiocaesium by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under root organ culture conditions. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Mycorrhizae (Montréal, Canada, du 1008/03 au 15/08/03).
Delfosse, Thomas ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Comparison of various extractants to study inorganic S retention in Andosols. International symposium "Volvanic soils : properties, processes and Land use" (Budapest, Hongrie, du 2002 au 2002).
Delfosse, Thomas ; Bar, I. ; Hansenne, J ; Delmelle, Pierre ; Delvaux, Bruno. Fluoride as an extractant for inorganic sulphate in Andosols exposed to S deposition. International Symposium Volcanic soils, properties and Land use, . (Ponta Delgada, Açores, 2001).
Delmelle, Pierre ; Delfosse, Thomas ; Hansenne, J ; Delvaux, Bruno. Sulfate, chloride and fluoride storage in Andosols polluted by volcanic gases in the Massaya area Ncaragua. International symposium Volcanic soils: processes and Land use, (Ponta Delgada, Açores., 2001).
Delvaux, Bruno. A quantification of the time dependent retention of caesium traces in different clay-solution systems. Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of ESNA/UIR, Ghent,M.H. Gerzabek ed., Osterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf Ges. m.b.H. (Ghent, 1997). In: Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of ESNA/UIR, 1997, Vol. 29 no. 8-2997 p. 128-134 (1997).
Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno. Effects of organic acids on radiocaesium retention by vermiculitic minerals of micaceous origin. Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of ESNA/UIR, Ghent,M.H. Gerzabek ed., Osterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf Ges. m.b.H. (1997). In: Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of ESNA/UIR, Ghent,M.H. Gerzabek ed., Osterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf Ges. m.b.H., 1997, Vol. 29 no. 8-2997 p. 135-141 (1997).
Delvaux, Bruno. Influence of the nature of clay minerals on 137Cs+ fixation in a weathering sequence of sandy soils : validation of a model based on mica weathering. Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of ESNA/UIR, Ghent,M.H. Gerzabek ed., Osterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf Ges. m.b.H. (1997). In: Proceedings of the XXVIIth Annual Meeting of ESNA/UIR, Ghent,M.H. Gerzabek ed., Osterreichisches Forschungszentrum Seibersdorf Ges. m.b.H., 1997, Vol. 29 no. 8-2997 p. 156-162 (1997).
Mestdagh, Michèle ; Corbisier, Anne-Marie ; Delvaux, Bruno. Short-term cold storage and N2 drying of in vitro produced spores of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi entrapped in alginate beds. Proceedings of the International Workshop Bioencapsulation VI (Barcelona, du 30/08/97 au 07/09/97).
Delvaux, Bruno. Cationic denudation in a toposequence luvisol-podzoluvisol under a broad-leaf forest. IId International Symposium 'Effect of mineral-organic -microorganisms interactions on soil and freshwater environments (Nancy, du 03/09/96 au 06/09/96).
Delvaux, Bruno. Dynamic of a loess-derived soil toposequence : characterization of soils and experimental design. Xth International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology, (Moscow, Russia, du 08/07/96 au 13/07/96).
Delvaux, Bruno. Evaluation of radiocaesium interception potential by plant roots in a forest soil. IInd International Symposium 'Effect of mineral-organic -microorganisms interactions on soil and freshwater environments (Nancy, du 03/09/96 au 06/09/96). In: IInd International Symposium 'Effect of mineral-organic -microorganisms interactions on soil and freshwater environments, 1996, p. 15.
Delvaux, Bruno. Fixation of radiocaesium traces in a weathering sequences mica - hydroxy interlayed vermiculite as influenced by organics. IId International Symposium 'Effect of mineral-organic -microorganisms interactions on soil and freshwater environments (Nancy, du 03/09/96 au 06/09/96). In: IId International Symposium 'Effect of mineral-organic -microorganisms interactions on soil and freshwater environments, 1996, p. 17.
Delvaux, Bruno. Fixation of radiocaesium by 2:1 clay minerals in various K-Ca scenarios. Book of abstracts (poster), Euroclay 95 Congress 'Clays and Clay Materials Sciences (Leuven, du 20/08/95 au 24/08/95).
Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno. Fixation of radiocaesium in an acid brown forest soil. Euroclay 95 Congress 'Clays and Clay Materials Sciences (Leuven, du 20/08/95 au 25/08/95).
Thiry, Yves ; Delvaux, Bruno. Micaceous clay application as a potential countermeasure to reduce radiocaesium availability in soil. Book of abstracts (poster), Euroclay 95 Congress 'Clays and Clay Materials Sciences' (Leuven, du 20/08/95 au 24/08/95). In: Book of abstracts (poster), Euroclay 95 Congress 'Clays and Clay Materials Sciences', 1995, p. 306-307.
Delvaux, Bruno. Contrasting properties of Acric, Alic, Lixic and Luvic soils and Contrasting properties of Luvic versus Alic and of Lixic versus Acric soils, a pragmatic approach. 15th World congress of soil scienceTransactions of the congress, 6A, 834-838 and 6B (Acapulco, Mexico, July 1994).
Delvaux, Bruno. Testing a modified FAO land evaluation method in Burundi. 15th World congress of soil science Transactions 6B (Acapulco, Mexico).
Halen, Henri ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Dufey, Joseph ; Van Bladel, Robert. Assessment of soil cadmium bond strenght by sorption. Desorption kinetics. 'Environmental Plateform' (Leuven, 14 mai 1993).
Delvaux, Bruno. Comparative effects of two strains of VAM on growth and nutrition of micropropagated banana plants (Musa acuminata Colla cv Giant Cavendisch). 9th North American Conference on Mycorrhizae, (Guelph, Canada, 1993).
Delvaux, Bruno. Mise en évidence des contraintes pédologiques et des besoins en recherche. Atelier d'échanges et de formation 'Analyse de la diversité des situations agricoles' (Garoua, Cameroun, octobre 1994). In: Actes du Colloque : Atelier d'échanges et de formation 'Analyse de la diversité des situations agricoles', 1993.
Delvaux, Bruno. Modification des assemblages structuraux de sols sur cendres et ponces sous culture d'ananas à la Martinique. Journée à thème de l'Association Française pour l'étude du sol, 'Evolutions d'origine anthropique de la structure et de l'espace poral des sols' (France, 8 avril 1993).
Herbillon, Adrien ; Delvaux, Bruno. Halloysites from tropical ash-derived soils as minerals at the border between high activity and low activity clays. Proc. IXth Inst. Soil Classification Workshop, (USSR? Alma Ata, du 11/09/88 au 19/09/88). In: Proc. IXth Inst. Soil Classification Workshop, Alma Ata, USSR, 11-19 Sept. 1988, , p. 320-329 (1990).
Delvaux, Bruno. Weathering stage, clay mineralogy and charge properties of volcanic ash soils from Cameroun. Implications for the management of their fertility. Transactions of the XIV International Congress of Soil Science (Kyoto, Japan, 1990). In: Transactions of the XIV International Congress of Soil Science, 1990, p. 22-27 (1990).
Delvaux, Bruno. Constituants et propriétés de surface des sols dérivés de pyroclastes basaltiques du Cameroun Occidental: approche génétique de leur fertilité, 1988.
Ducarme, François ; Bock, Laurent ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Colinet, Gilles ; Delcarte, E. ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Laroche, J. ; Maesen, Philippe ; Marcoen, J.-M. ; Wibrin, Marie-Aline ; Sonnet, Philippe. Rapport final de la Convention d’étude SPAQuE – UCL – FUSAGx : « Etablissement et cartographie des teneurs bruits de fond en éléments traces métalliques (ETM) et micro-polluants organiques (MPO) dans les sols de la Région Wallonne »(POLLUSOL), 2003. 124 p.
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