Internship Offers

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Internships are part of our Master programs and provide our students with the opportunity to learn from a company/organisation culture and processes. The internships give our students the chance to turn academic experience and theoretical knowledge into a professional experience, helped by an internship supervisor from the company/organisation.

Different types of internships are available to the Louvain School of Management students, depending on the type of program they are in: classical program, CEMS program or International Business (IB) program.

1) Internships that are recognised in the academic program of the students:

• Classical program : minimum 60 opening and consecutive days during the second period of the second year of Master (preferably between February and June)
• CEMS program: minimum 10 consecutive weeks abroad during the last period the first year of Master (after the Easter holidays)
• International Business program: 6 months out of Europe during the second period of the second year of Master

2) Internships that are completed during the Master degree but not recognised in the academic program of the students

How to publish an internship offer?

To insert your offer

  • connect you via one of the following operating systems: Safari 6.x and Safari 7.x / Internet Explorer 10.x and 11.x / Chrome 27.x

  • click this link

You must create an account if you connect for the first time. Your password will be sent by e-mail. We invite you to keep this e-mail for any future use.

We invite you to keep this e-mail for any future use.

For any information or suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail to : / site of Louvain-la-Neuve / site of Mons


We thank you for your interest in the Louvain School of Management