News for lsm

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

Best wishes for 2018

The Louvain School of Management wishes you a wonderfull year 2018 and all the best.  
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LSM students received a 7 hour training on "Investing in...

On December 4-5, 2017, the LSM students of the courses “Finance and responsible investing”, “Real option”, and “Advanced finance” received a seven-hour training session on “Investing in renewable energy”, accompanied by a case study. The speaker, Prof. Claudio Vescovo, presented an...
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University certificate in e-management

        The Louvain School of Management de l’UCL organize, jointly with the Eurometropolitan e-Campus, a new « e-Management » university certificate. This executive programme, composed by 2 sessions of 2 days per month (Thusday-Friday...
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Pieter Bosmans, LSM student, new CEMS Student Board...

Pieter Bosmans, CEMS student in Business Engineering at the Louvain School of Management, has been elected as the new CEMS Student Board President. This is the third president from LSM in less than 10 years ! A great recognition for our School! Congratulations to Pieter!  ...
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Bruno Colmant remporte le Prix du livre politique 2017

Toutes nos félicitations à Bruno Colmant, professeur invité de la Louvain School of Management, il remporte le Prix du livre politique 2017 avec son livre "L'euro: une utopie trahie", édité par l'Edition La Renaissance du livre. Ce prix récompense un ouvrage belge francophone qui met en lumière...
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