News for libst
September 08, 2017
the 2017 UCLouvain iGEM Team will defend their project...
Once again, students of the ISV and different faculties of our university (biologists, bioengineer, engineers and economists) are taking part to the prestigious iGEM competition. This worldwide competition gathers each year students on common societal issues. Using synthetic biology and...
Click to know more September 07, 2017
New ERC Starting grant: NanoVirus
Prof. Dr David Alsteens is receiving a prestigious grant from the European Research Council (ERC), an ERC Starting Grant for excellent young researchers. The approximately 2 million euros will allow to combine atomic force microscopy with super-resolution confocal microscopy to study virus...
Click to know more September 06, 2017
How fibrinogen activates the capture of human...
Invasive bacterial pathogens can capture host plasminogen and allow it to form plasmin, a process of medical importance as surface-bound plasmin promotes bacterial spreading by cleaving tissue components and favours immune evasion by degrading opsonins. Together with the Speziale and Foster...
Click to know more July 03, 2017
Diffusion du parfum des fleurs : un mécanisme plus actif...
Les fleurs diffusent un doux parfum qui attire non seulement les insectes pollinisateurs, mais aussi les être humains qui les utilisent pour créer des parfums largement utilisés en cosmétique. Mais comment font ces fleurs pour les diffuser dans l’air ? François Lefèvre et...
Click to know more June 21, 2017
Imaging the growth of a bacterial functional amyloid at...
Amyloids are aggregative protein fibrils best known for their implication in degenerative illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. However, microbes can also produce so-called functional amyloids, i.e. amyloids that serve a dedicated biological function. Curli are functional...
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