The new Master 120 programme

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

In the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year, the Masters 120 in Management and Business Engineering at the Louvain School of Management are getting a new look. New organization of quadrimestres, focus on employability and languages, smaller classes, emphasis on active pedagogy, continuous evaluation, simplification and coherence of the course structure at the two sites (LLN and Mons), more distinction between the Master in Management and the Master in Business Engineering ... There are many changes to meet the demands of the job market and meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

The main changes

  • The academic year starts with a Welcome Week : no classes but information sessions and teambuilding activities
  • The quadrimestres are divided in 2 blocs of 6 weeks (see under for the calendar)
  • More specialisation with 18 majors of 30 ECTS (see the majors' portfolios on the right side)
  • Emphasis on active pedagogy and smaller classes
  • More practitioners
  • Continuous evaluation
  • A compulsory internship of at least 60 working days
  • Emphasis on languages: more courses in English (full progamme in English is possible) and course in Dutch (in LSM or KU Leuven)

The evaluation methods