LSM is THE benchmark within the CEMS network for the Skills Seminars

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

CEMS logo

Each of the 29 CEMS schools does organize skills seminars within the CEMS MIM 10 such seminars have been recognized as "CEMS Best Practices" and 4 are from the Louvain School of Management:

  • “MBTI”
  • “Negotiation”
  • “Sales Techniques”
  • “Assessment Centres: Tips and Preparation”

Congratulations to the LSM staff and to all the LSM Corporate Partners for this achievements!

Whirlpool, one of the CEMS/LSM Corporate Partners also gave its feedback about it:
"Also from our side this has been a very positive experience and we want to thank you for the opportunity. Students were really participative, clever and interesting remarks and questions. We are certainly willing to do it again on several kind of topics, because we believe it is of great benefit for both students and businesses to meet and share experiences from the field.”


Published on April 20, 2016