LSM First in Europe with SCOR-S University Certification

LSM Louvain-La-Neuve, Mons

The SCOR Scholar (SCOR-S) certification by the international Supply Chain Council (SCC) introduces the SCM reference model SCOR to students who are pursuing supply chain management careers.

SCC Scor-S logoThe program will help bring university graduates to the workforce with strong mastery of the SCOR framework and the enhanced ability to recognize supply chain processes and measure their performance. SCOR-S has been launched by SCC in 2010-2011 in the USA and UCL with LSM is now the first institution in Europe to deliver this certification after an independent test.

The SCOR-S certification process consists of 15 hours of lecture, delivered by invited professor Marc Forêt, a qualified SCC instructor, followed by a proctored exam. These lectures are part of the course LSMS2034 Supply Chain Planning in the Master 1 for the Business Engineers.

The exam for SCOR-S certification took place Wednesday May 16 in the computer labs of LSM. The test is web-based and ran smoothly.

The students clearly saw this as a real opportunity for their CV. Out of 23 students enrolled in the course, 18 took the test and 16 passed. Upon passing the exam the student receives a SCOR-S certificate and can use the SCOR-S credential on resumes, social media profiles and job applications.

>> LSM-LLN course LSMS2034 Supply Chain Planning

Published on May 24, 2012