Language of instruction
French is the main language of instruction at UCL.
As an ERASMUS exchange student you will fully participate in the student life and should be able to follow lectures, participate in class discussions (seminars and tutorials), write essays, etc.
Therefore, a B2 level in French (written and oral) is recommended (even though – so far - an official international test is not mandatory).
Please note that, depending on the programmes, you will have access to a certain number of courses in English and in other foreign languages (Dutch, Spanish, Italian, etc.).
ECTS and Workload
According to the “European Credit Transfer System”, the regular course workload for a semester is 30 ECTS.
One ECTS credit corresponds approximately to 30 hours of work (lectures, seminars, tutorials, independent study, etc.).
Exchange students may take a few courses outside FIAL, but they need to receive a permission for that (for more information, please contact the international exchange coordinator).
French language courses
Language courses are taught at the Institut des langues vivantes (ILV).
As an ERASMUS exchange student you can include in your study programme up to two French language courses per term (10/30 or 16/60 ECTS).
If you wish to attend an extra language course, you should request admission directly at the ILV and pay the appropriate fees.
Please note that French language course(s):
- must be included in your learning agreement;
- must be of the same level (if taken during the same term);
- if you choose to include only one course, you are not allowed to take a 3 ECTS course.
Further information about French language courses
You are strongly advised to attend the information session organized at the beginning of each term at the ILV.
Course description
All UCL courses have codes composed of 3/5 letters and four digits.
The first letter refers to the campus
L= Louvain-la-Neuve campus
M= Mons campus
W= Woluwe campus
The other four letters refer to the main study programme, the Faculty or, for ILV courses, to the language:
HIST= i.e. study programme in History
FIAL= i.e. study programme of the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters
FRAN = i.e. French language course
The first digit refers to the study cycle:
1 = undergraduate programmes
2 = graduate programmes
The other three digits identify individual courses
For the full description of a course (workload, contents, language of instruction, prerequisite, if any, teaching methods, timetable, etc.), type:
and replace “COURSECODE” with the exact code related to the course you want to attend, for instance
Course catalogue
If you are looking for a specific course, you might also browse the study programmes offered by the Faculty of Philosophy, Arts and Letters.
Important to know |
q1 q2 q1+q2 Å |
course taught during the 1st term only periodic course, taught in 2017-18 |