Universidad EAFIT / Medellin


EAFIT in a snapshot

Universidad EAFIT was founded in 1960 by a group of entrepreneurs in Medellín. Its main goal was to educate professionals who would address new challenges in management, finance, and technology. EAFIT started as a "School of Management and Finance."  The institution organized itself as a university in 1975.

The university offers degrees in various disciplines through its schools of Finance and Economics, Management, Engineering, Law, Science, and Humanities.

The university has received the Ministry of National Education's Institutional High Quality accreditation twice in a row, making it the first Colombian university to earn that recognition.

Main features

  • offers a thorough education  and provides broad skills and solid foundation in the field of Economics
  • Prepares for high skilled jobs in the private sector, in governmental and international agenci
  • Opportunity to become fluent in Spanish and English
  • students selected by ESL spend the first and last semesters in Belgium (UCL/UNamur) and the second and third semesters in Colombia

The program