Louvain Incentive scholarships


With a view to sustain and promote incoming mobility, Louvain School of Engineering has created some specific scholarships, for international students willing to come and study in our school in the frame of an exchange programme during one semester or a full academic year. 

On a yearly basis, 4 scholarships, for an amount of 750€ each, will be distributed to exchange students from our partner institutions. 

Entry requirements to apply for this scholarship are the following:

  • A confirmation from your home university that you have been selected for an academic exchange programme during the next academic year.
  • an updated resumé
  • a cover letter, detailing your study projects and motivation to come for an exchange programme at UCLouvain. 

The timeframe to apply for this scholarship is aligned on the timeframe for incoming exchange students application process


Then please simply forward your application with the above items to:

Emmanuelle Brun
International Development Coordinator
1, rue Archimède
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Emmanuelle Brun

Louvain School of Engineering will review your application and respond to you within the following month to inform you about the status of your application.