Facilities for Students


Computer facilities

Access to the computers

In our faculty you will be able to have 24-hour access to the computer rooms with the help of a magnetic card which is provided to you at the time of registration at UCL.
There are four computer rooms accessible to all EPL students:
• CANDIX et DAO rooms Localisation: Vinci building, room a-169 (CANDIX), room a-182 (DAO)
The CANDIX and DAO rooms are open the working days from Monday 8 AM to Saturday 12 AM.
The CANDIX room is also open during the Weekend.
• TECHNIX et IAO rooms Localisation: Vinci building, room a-125 (TECHNIX), room a-178 (IAO)
The TECHNIX and IAO rooms are open day and night, W-E and public holidays included.
Each student has a personal and unique login and password to access the machines of the faculty.
Environment of work
Each computer can be booted up under LINUX or WINDOWS.
Once connected, you have a single working area on a server of the faculty, accessible with WINDOWS or LINUX, no matter the room.
Each student has a UCL e-mail with the format (firstname.lastname@student.uclouvain.be). The password of this e-mail is the same one as the password of your login. The detail of its use is described here. (in french)


A laser printer is accessible in the room a-182 (close to DAO room) only during business hours (8h15 AM- 6 H PM on weekdays). A quota of 50 A4 copies is offered free of charge to a very new student in EPL. The additional copies are invoiced 4 cents per A4 and 8 cents per A3. Access to Internet and connection of laptops is possible by cable or wireless.

General Information

Official website for computing services in EPL :
Person in charge for computing services in EPL:
Freddy Gridelet, RIF of the EPL
Phone: 010/479002
Email: freddy gridelet
Office: building Pythagore room a112
For any help about computing services in our faculty, write an e-mail to: aide-siepl@listes.uclouvain.be

Library access

The Faculty Library (BSE, Bibliothèque des Sciences Exactes) is accessible to the students with their student card. The opening hours are displayed on the library’s website (www.bse.ucl.ac.be, click on the link « Horaires »).
On www.bib.ucl.ac.be you can also make a search on the UCL catalogue.