Place du Levant 3/L5.03.02
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Thomas Walewyns
Collaborateur scientifique
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 2010 Master ingénieur electromécanicien Université catholique de Louvain 2015 Master en sciences de gestion Université catholique de Louvain 2016 Docteur en sciences de l'ingénieur Université catholique de Louvain
FIRST Spin-off SENSEVOC funded by Wallonia DGO6 (promotor : Prof. Laurent Francis), in order to create the spin-off VOCSens.
VOCSens is developing EnviCam, a multi-sensor platform ("environmental camera") that measures the presence of various gases and volatile organic compounds, the particulates, the humidity and the temperature, connected to the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 networks (LPWAN, Bluetooth, etc.). Convinced of the need to reduce both power consumption and cost of measurement systems, the company also offers its own solution of CMOS compatible microsensors.
Puyol Troisi, Rafael ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent ; Flandre, Denis. Design of Ultra-Low-Power Sensor Readout Circuits Through Adaptive Biasing for Gas Monitoring With Chemiresistive Sensors. In: IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 23, no.22, p. 27468-27477 (2023). doi:10.1109/JSEN.2023.3322393.
Puyol Troisi, Rafael ; Pétré, Sylvain ; Danlée, Yann ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent ; Flandre, Denis. An Ultra-Low-Power Read-Out Circuit for Interfacing Novel Gas Sensors Matrices. In: IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, no.10, p. 9521-9533 (2022). doi:10.1109/JSEN.2022.3165755.
Saoutieff, Elise ; Polichetti, Tiziana ; Jouanet, Laurent ; Faucon, Adrien ; Vidal, Audrey ; Pereira, Alexandre ; Boisseau, Sébastien ; Ernst, Thomas ; Miglietta, Maria Lucia ; Alfano, Brigida ; Massera, Ettore ; De Vito, Saverio ; Bui, Do Hanh Ngan ; Benech, Philippe ; Vuong, Tan-Phu ; Moldovan, Carmen ; Danlée, Yann ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Pétré, Sylvain ; Flandre, Denis ; Ancans, Armands ; Greitans, Modris ; Ionescu, Adrian M. . A Wearable Low-Power Sensing Platform for Environmental and Health Monitoring: The Convergence Project. In: Sensors, Vol. 21, no.5, p. 21 (2021). doi:10.3390/s21051802.
Puyol Troisi, Rafael ; Molle, Yannick ; Pétré, Sylvain ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent ; Flandre, Denis. A Practical Approach for the Evaluation of Noise in Oscillator-Based Resistive Sensor Interfaces. In: 2020 IEEE SENSORS, , p. 1-4 (2020). doi:10.1109/SENSORS47125.2020.9278889.
de Leuze, Oriane ; Danlée, Yann ; Tang, Xiaohui ; Mahy, J. ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre ; Hermans, Sophie ; Francis, Laurent. Sub-ppm detection of H2S with CuO-loaded SnO2 hollow nanospheres deposited on interdigitated electrodes. ISOEN 2022 - International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (Aveiro (Portugal), du 26/05/2022 au 29/05/2022).
Puyol Troisi, Rafael ; Pétré, Sylvain ; Danlée, Yann ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent ; Flandre, Denis. Design Considerations of Ultra-Low-Power Polymer Gas Microsensors Based on Noise Analysis. 4th International Conference nanoFIS 2020—Functional Integrated nano Systems (Graz (Austria), du 02/11/2020 au 04/11/2020). In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference nanoFIS 2020—Functional Integrated nano Systems, 2020.
Pétré, Sylvain ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Fomekong, R. Lontio ; Lahem, D. ; Debliquy, M. ; Flandre, Denis ; Francis, Laurent. Live Demonstration: A Highly Selective Temperature and Humidity Compensated MOX Based Multi-Gas Sensor Module with Bluetooth 5.0 Connectivity. 2019 IEEE SENSORS (Montréal (Canada), du 27/10/2019 au 30/10/2019). In: Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2019, IEEE, 2019.
Polichetti, T. ; Miglietta, M.L. ; Alfano, B. ; Massera, E. ; De Vito, S. ; Di Francia, G. ; Faucon, A. ; Saoutieff, E. ; Boisseau, S. ; Marchand, N. ; Marchand, Nicolas ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent. A networked wearable device for chemical multisensing. 2018 4th International Conference on Sensors (Amsterdam (the Netherlands), du 21/02/2018 au 23/02/2018). In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 539, p. 17-24 (2019). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04324-7_3.
Saoutieff, Elise ; Faucon, Adrien ; Boisseau, Sébastien ; Ernst, Thomas ; Policheti, Tiziana ; Miglietta, Maria Lucia ; Alfano, Brigida ; Massera, Ettore ; De Vito, Saverio ; Pétré, Sylvain ; Walewyns, Thomas ; André, Nicolas ; Flandre, Denis ; Moldovan, Carmen ; Dinulescu, Silviu ; Greitans, Modris ; Romani, Aldo. Sensors platform for health and environmental monitoring. Workshop Nano2sense (Grenoble (France), du 06/11/2018 au 07/11/2018). In: Proceedings of the Workshop Nano2sense 2018 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Flandre, Denis ; André, Nicolas ; Delhaye, Thibault ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent. Wearable physical & physiological low-power sensors. Workshop at the 48th ESSDERC-ESSCIRC Conference 2018 (Dresden (Germany), du 03/09/2018 au 06/09/2018). In: proceedings of the ESSDERC-ESSCIRC Conference 2018, 2018, 18.
Tang, Xiaohui ; Debliquy, Marc ; Lahem, Driss ; Flandre, Denis ; André, Nicolas ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A hybrid graphene-metal oxide sensor for formaldehyde detection at room temperature. 2016 13th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT 2016) (Beijing (China), du 25/10/2016 au 28/10/2016).
Walewyns, Thomas ; Marchand, Nicolas ; Di Stefano, Salvatore ; Gérard, Pierre ; André, Nicolas ; Francis, Laurent. Live Demonstration: A Low-Power CMOS Multi-Pixel Volatile Compounds Sensing Platform for Environmental Monitoring in IoT through LoRa Networks. 2017 IEEE Sensors Conference (Glasgow (United Kingdom), du 29/10/2017 au 01/11/2017).
Marchand, Nicolas ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Lahem, D. ; Debliquy, M. ; Francis, Laurent. Ultra-low-power chemiresistive microsensor array in a back-end CMOS process towards selective volatile compounds detection and IoT applications. 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN 2017) (Montréal (canada), du 28/05/2017 au 31/05/2017).
Walewyns, Thomas. A Novel Concept of Environmental Camera through Volatile Organic Compounds Sensing. 2017 COST Action TD1105 EuNetAir, 6th Scientific Meeting (Prague (Czech Republic), du 05/10/2017 au 07/10/2017).
Tang, Xiaohui ; Debliquy, Marc ; Lahem, Driss ; Flandre, Denis ; André, Nicolas ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Francis, Laurent ; Raskin, Jean-Pierre. A hybrid graphene-metal oxide sensor for formaldehyde detection at room temperature. 2016 13th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT 2016) (Beijing (China), du 25/10/2016 au 28/10/2016).
Zhukova, Maria ; André, Nicolas ; Walewyns, Thomas ; Flandre, Denis. Micro System Analyzer: Application at UCL. 2016 POLYTEC Conference (Antwerpen (Belgium), du 25/10/2016 au 26/10/2016).
Walewyns, Thomas ; Emmerechts, Carl ; Gérard, Pierre ; André, Nicolas ; Francis, Laurent. A highly selective MEMS transducer for hydrogen sensing based on stress modification in palladium thin films. 2015 IEEE Sensors (Busan (South Korea), du 01/11/2015 au 04/11/2015). doi:10.1109/ICSENS.2015.7370404.
Walewyns, Thomas ; Emmerechts, Carl ; Gérard, Pierre ; André, Nicolas ; Francis, Laurent. Live demonstration: Microsystem integration of a palladium-based MEMS hydrogen gas sensor. 2015 IEEE Sensors (Busan (South Korea), du 01/11/2015 au 04/11/2015). doi:10.1109/ICSENS.2015.7370292.
Walewyns, Thomas. A low-power low-cost MEMS-based gas sensing platform, prom. : Francis, Laurent A. ; Flandre, Denis, 08/06/2016.