Croix du Sud 2/L7.05.05
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Marnik Vanclooster
Professeur ordinaire
- Elected chair, European Geophysical Society, Hydrology Division, Subdivision Unsaturated Zone Hydrology (2011-2013)
- Elected chair, Belgian national commission UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme (2013-2016)
- Member, European Geophysical Society (1994 – actuel)
- Member, American Geophysical Union (1995 – actuel)
- Member, Soil Science Society of America (1996 – actuel)
- Member ‘editorial board’, Journal of hydrology (1998 – 2008)
- Member ‘editorial board’, Agricultural water management (2000 – actual)
- Associate editor, Vadose zone journal (2005 – 2010)
- Associate editor, Hydrology and Earth Science Systems (2011 - actual)
Scientific network
Editorial board member
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1989 Ingénieur agronome en génie rural Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 1995 Docteur en agronomie et sciences biologiques appliquées Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Courses
Name ID Integrated project in programming and applied mathematics LBIR1271 Transfer of fluids and energy for Bio-engineer LBIR1325 Climatology and hydrology applied to agronomy and the environment LBIR1328 Integrated project in water and soil resources management LBIRE2233 Engineering of the water and the pollutants in grounds and groundwaters LBRES2102 Integrated water management of water resources LBRES2204 Soil and water resources management and environmental technologies professional seminars + excursion LBRES2218 Integrated exercises in environmental science and technology LBRTE2102 Water-food Nexus : modeling and analysis LNEEA2220
Integrated Water Resources Management - Soil hydrology - Diffuse pollution - Water sanitation
- Study of the transfer of water and solutes in the vadose zone in view of quantifying plant available water, groundwater recharge and solute transfer.
- Integration of the transfer of water and solutes within hydrological entities: watershed, reservoir, groundwater, region. Development and application of integrated hydrological models
- Hydro-ecological sanitation of waste water
Ongoing PhD projects
- Karim Andich. Optimising groundwater quality networks for the Triffa groundwater body (Morocco).
- Aristide Bentsiafantako. Gestion intégrée et participative des ressources en eau du bassin d’Ankavia, Madagascar.
- Damien Delforge. Mining gravita data of karst hydrosystem.
- Haithem Ben Sallah. Caractérisation qualitative et quantitative des ressources en eau de la plaine de Mornag
- Kadir Mokrane. Etude des altérations hydrologiques dans le bassins nord d’Algérie.
- Kais Bouazzi. Les rivalités d’usage de la ressource en eau au nord de la Tunisie : Le système Sidi Salem.
- Raed Fehri. Les SDGs de l’eau en Tunisie : Approche scientifique et participative pour le renforcement de la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau.
Ongoing other research projects
- ARES-CCD 2017-2021 GIRE– SAVA : Renforcement des capacités en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau de la région SAVA
- IBGE, 2017-2018. Caractérisation de la pollution par des nitrates dans masse d’eau souterraine des sables du Bruxellien/Ypresien en Région Bruxelles-Capitale
- DGD, 2017-2018. KLIMOS – Generating Capacity for the Sustainability Transition
- FSR- Louvain4Water, 2016-2017. Etude comparative des cas de rivalités d’usage de la ressource en eau au niveau des bassins du Lebna et de la Medjerda en Tunisie : activation des règles et état de la ressource
- SPW – DG, 2016-2018. EPUSOL, Epuration par les sols en Région wallonne
- WBI Tunisie, 2016-2018. Renforcement de la formation supérieure et de la recherche en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau de la Medjerda, Phase 2
Past PhD projects
- Tilmant Amaury, 2002: "Sustainable management of reservoir resources using flexible stochastic dynamic programming"
- Hupet Francois, 2003: "Estimation of evapotranspiration fluxes at the field scale : parameter estimation, variability and uncertainties"
- Mathieu Javaux,2004: "Solute transoprt in a heterogenous unsaturated soil: experiments and modeling"
- Sébastien Lambot, 2003: "Hydrogeophysical characterization of soil using ground penetrating radar"
- Agnieska Romanowicz, 2005: "The impacts of environmental change on water resources : a case study in the Dyle catchment (Belgium) in support of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive"
- Marijn Vandervelde, 2006: "Measuring and modeling water and solute transport in soil and groundwater on Tongatapu"
- Bertrand Leterme, 2006: "Assessing pesticide leaching at the regional scale: a case study for atrazine in the Dyle catchment"
- Karima Sebari, 2007: "Optimisation de la gestion conjointe des ressources en eau de surface et des ressources en eau souterraines dans une rgion smi aride - la valle du Draâ"
- Vancauwenbergh Nora, 2008: "Expert and local knowledge in decision support for natural resource management: Analysis and capture of use."
- Mattern Samuel, 2009. "Assessing N emissions from agricultural and urban pollution sources"
- Mamadou Sall, 2010. "Transfert de nitrate à travers la zone non saturée du sol vers la nappe phréatique de la zone des Niayes (Sénégal): Caractérisation et modélisation"
- Goor Quentin, 2010: "Optimal operation of multiple reservoirs in hydropower-irrigation systems - A stochastic Dual dynamic programming approach"
- Juan Pineros Garcet, 2012: "Quality Assessment of Environmental Simulation Scenarios Scientific, Expertise, Interpretive and Participatory Methods based on Mathematical, Epistemological and Socio-Anthropological Approaches."
- Ania Morvannou, 2012: "Dynamic modelling of nitrification in vertical flow constructed wetlands"
- Haykel Sellami, 2014. Impact of climate of hydrology change on the mediterranean catchments.
- Antoine Mfumu, 2016. Assessing groundwater pollution of the Kinshasa aquifer, RDC. A mixed hybrid approach.
- Wiaux François, 2014. Modelling physical controls on C fate of a hillslope soil
- Feltz Nicolas, 2016. Sustainable water management in irrigated perimeters. An integrated approach.
- Issoufou Ouedraogo, 2017. Agricultural pressures on African groundwater resources.
Past research projects
- RW-FIRST, 1998-2001. Incorporating decision makers' knowledge in a reservoir management model
- RW-DGRNE,1997-1999. Mobilité des nitrates au-dessous des Cultures Agricoles
- FNRS-CC, 1998. Etude expérimentale de transport d'eau et des traceurs non-réactifs
- UCL-FSR, 1997. Développement d'un modèle physique intégré des ressources en eau de Louvain-la-Neuve, Phase I.
- UCL-FSR, 1998. Developpement d'un modèle intégré du cycle de l'eau à Louavin-la-Neuve, Phase II.
- UCL-COHY,1996. Surveillance des ressources en eau à Louvain-la-Neuve
- UCL-FDP, 1997. Support pédagogique pour le cours d'hydrodynamique
- EU-DGVI, 1996. Development of the FOCUS leaching ground water scenarios
- Ministère d'agriculture, DG 4 1999-2000. Développement d'une SAD et scénarios appuyant l'autorisation des produits phyto-sanitaires
- EU/FP5/Quality of Life, 1999-2002. Effective approaches for Assessing the Predicted Environmental COncentrations of Pesticides
- EU/FP5/Energy, Environment, 1999-2002. Development of an optical detection system for diseases in field crops
- EU-COST, 2001-2005. Indicators of the fate and impact of water pollution in natural porous media at different scales
- EU-COST, 1997-2001. Chemiodynamics in groundwater systems
- UCL-FSR, 2000. Modélisation de la propagation des EM's dans les milieux poreux hétérogènes naturels
- EU-FP5/Energy, Environment,1999-2002. MULti-sectoral, INtegrated decision support system for sustainable use of water resources
- EU-FP5/INCO, 2002-2004. Development of technologies for sustainable plant production in environmentally constrained systems
- FNRS – CC, 2001. Modélisation unidimensionnelle de la signature du ground penetrating radar dans des sols
- Ministère d'agriculture, DG 4 2001-2002. Evaluation et transfert de technologie de PELEP
- SSTC-PODO II, 2002-2005. Cadre général pour l'évaluation des niveaux de durabilité dans les systèmes agricoles belges
- UCL-FSR, 2002-2003. Integrated water management
- RIVM, 2003. Development of meta-modelling approaches for pesticide emission to groundwater.
- RW-DGRNE, 2003-2005. Cartographie de la vulnerabilté des produits phytosanitaires
- EU-FP6/Strep 2003-2006. Alert, Sustainable water management by remote sensing technology.
- EU-FP6/Strep 2003-2006. HAIR :Harmonised indicators for pesticide risk assessment.
- UCL-FSR, 2005-2007. Strategies for the adaptation of agricultural practices to reduce dispersion of agrochemicals in the environment
- FNRS – FRFC ,2005-2007. Caractérisation du transfert de solutés en milieux poreux naturels à l’échelle macroscopique par la tomographie par résistivité électrique
- Ministère d'agriculture, DG 4, 2006. Upgrading the SAD Pelep III
- CGRI-WABRUMA, 2007-2009.Gestion et surveillance de la qualité des sols et des eaux en zones irriguées (cas de Tadla) : Variabilité spatio-temporelle des principaux facteurs influençant la qualité des sols et des eaux.
- CUD-CIUF-PIC, 2007-2011. Création d’un Centre de compétence en Eaux Souterraines à l’Université du Burundi (CESOUB).
- SSTC-Stereo, 2007-2011. Hydrasens: Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for surface water management
- FNRS-CC, 2007-2008. Caractérisation isotopique de la pollution des nappes des sables du Bruxellien.
- DGARNE, 2008-2009. Vers des indicateurs de fonctionnement du sol (INFOSOL) : développement d’une approche méthodologique pour la caractérisation du fonctionnement des sols dans le cadre de la stratégie thématique en faveur de la protection des sols.
- CUD-CIUF-CUI, 2008-2012. Eau et environnement, Activité P2, CUI UMP Oujda
- ARC-FSR, 2009-2014. The hillslope as elementary unit for regional scale modelling of soil organic carbon
- SPF, 2011-2012. Actualisation de l’outil d’estimation des concentrations en produits phytopharmaceutiques dans les eaux souterraines en Belgique
- IAEA, 2012-2014. Diagnostic de la pollution des eaux souterraines de la nappe de Kinshasa: Une approche croisée par méthodes physico-chimiques, analyses isotopiques et modélisation mathématique
- WBI-Tunisie, 2012-2014. Renforcement de la formation supérieure et de la recherche en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau de la Medjerda
- WBI-Maroc, 2010-2014. Observatoire de l’eau et de l’environnement
- WBI-Mastère Impact, 2012-2014.Master spécialisé évaluation environnementale (MS2E)
- IBGE, 2012-2013. Etude relative à la pollution de la masse d’eau du Bruxellien par les nitrates dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale : Etat des lieux et essai d’identification des sources de pollution
- DGARNE – PGDA, 2014. Evaluation de l’impact du PGDA sur les profils de nitrate en zone non-saturée à grande profondeur : développement méthodologique
- VLM-IMDC, 2014. New generation hydrological models
- DGTRE-RW, 2014-2016. Conception et dimensionnement d'un filtre planté bi-couches avec abattement de l'azote
- EU-FP7, CLIMB, 2010-2014. Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basin
- FSR, 2014. Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basin
- FSR – Marie Curie Cofund , 2012.Replacing bare fallow with cover crops in irrigated Mediterranean maize cropping system: implications for soil hydrologic and carbon turnover functions
- DGD 2013-2016, KLIMOS – Generating Capacity for the Sustainability Transition
- WBI – Maroc, 2016-2018. Programme de Formation Continue Certifié dans le domaine d’Evaluation Environnementale (PFCCEE).
- FSR, 2016-2017. Mapping of agricultural pressure on groundwater resources on the continental scale of Africa: Methodological development, implementation and validation
- VLM-IMDC. 2016. Statistische analyse voor de inzichten van de goede of slechte kwaliteit van water in bepaalde gebieden
Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Bouvier, Christophe ; Ouessar, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Al-Ansari, Nadhir ; El-Hendawy, Salah ; Mattar, Mohamed A.. Evaluating the Spatial and Temporal Transferability of Model Parameters of a Distributed Soil Conservation Service–Soil Moisture Antecedent–Simple Lag and Route Model for South Mediterranean Catchments. In: Water, Vol. 17, no.4, p. 569 (2025). doi:10.3390/w17040569.
Tidjani, Akominon ; Tovihoudji, Pierre ; Akponikpe, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Systematic Synthesis of Knowledge Relating to the Hydrological Functioning of Inland Valleys in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Water, Vol. 17, no.2, p. 193 (2025). doi:10.3390/w17020193. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/w17020193.
El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing Spatio-Temporal Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change in the Siliana Watershed, Northwestern Tunisia. In: Atmosphere, Vol. 15, no.10, p. 1209 (2024). doi:10.3390/atmos15101209.
Chaabane, Safa ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Slama, Emna ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the Performance of a Citizen Science Based Water Quality Monitoring Program for Nitrates Using Test Strips Implemented in the Medjerda Hydrosystem in Northern Tunisia. In: Hydrology, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 6 (2024). doi:10.3390/hydrology11010006.
Sounon Orou, Bio Zime ; Adjogboto, André ; Zakari, Sissou ; Tovihoudji, Pierre G. ; Akponikpè, P. B. Irénikatché ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Improving rice yield and water productivity in lowland rice systems: A global meta‐analysis exploring the synergy of agro‐ecological practices and water management technologies. In: Irrigation and Drainage, (2024). doi:10.1002/ird.3005.
Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice ; Frendy Koropitan, Alan . Wavelet-based analysis of hydro-climatic and vegetation dynamics in heterogeneous agro-climatic zones of East Africa. In: Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol. 15, no.8, p. 4054-4075 (2024). doi:10.2166/wcc.2024.257.
Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Habarugira, Viateur ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ndimubandi, Jean ; F. Koropitan, Alan ; Nkurunziza, Jean de Dieu. Confronting climate change and livelihood: smallholder farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies in northeastern Burundi. In: Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 23, no.1 (2023). doi:10.1007/s10113-022-02018-7.
Ramahaimandimby, Sandratra Zonirina ; Randriamaherisoa, Alain ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Driving Factors of the Hydrological Response of a Tropical Watershed: The Ankavia River Basin in Madagascar. In: Water, Vol. 15, no.12, p. 2237 (2023). doi:10.3390/w15122237.
Alonso, Alice ; Froidevaux, Manuel ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Fine-resolution profile-scale data to depict the impact of tillage treatment and machine traffic on agricultural soil structure and hydrologic properties. In: Data in Brief, Vol. 51, p. 109759 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.dib.2023.109759.
Ali, Zaineb ; Dahri, Noura ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mehmandoostkotlar, Ali ; Labbaci, Adnane ; Ben Zaied, Mongi ; Ouessar, Mohamed. Hybrid Fuzzy AHP and Frequency Ratio Methods for Assessing Flood Susceptibility in Bayech Basin, Southwestern Tunisia. In: Sustainability, Vol. 15, no.21, p. 15422 (2023). doi:10.3390/su152115422.
El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Impact of land use land cover changes on flow uncertainty in Siliana watershed of northwestern Tunisia. In: CATENA, Vol. 220, p. 106733 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.catena.2022.106733. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2022.106733.
Vanclooster, Marnik. L’eau du robinet contaminée par une substance très toxique en Wallonie : “Ces produits sont cancérigènes !”. In: La Dernière Heure - Les Sports, Vol. 9/11/23, p. 8 (2023).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Pollution - Première cure de désintox. In: Le Vif - L'Express, Vol. 08/03/2023, p. 83 (2023).
Vanclooster, Marnik. "La plus grande crise dont personne ne parle": se dirige-t-on vers un monde sans eau potable ?. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. Edition du 06/02/2022 (2022).
Alonso, Alice ; Froidevaux, Manuel ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. A hybrid method for characterizing tillage-induced soil physical quality at the profile scale with fine spatial details. In: Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 216, p. 105236 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.still.2021.105236.
Delforge, Damien ; de Viron, Olivier ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel ; Watlet, Arnaud. Detecting hydrological connectivity using causal inference from time series: synthetic and real karstic case studies. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 26, no.8, p. 2181-2199 (2022). doi:10.5194/hess-26-2181-2022.
Vanclooster, Marnik. Faire pousser ses légumes sans une seule goutte d’eau ? "C’est du bullshit". In: La Libre Belgique, , no.24/08/2022, p. 18 (2022).
Bouklab, Mohammed ; Bougherira, Nabil ; Djabri, Larbi ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Kadir, Mokrane. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process for groundwater potential mapping in a Mediterranean catchment: the case of the Medjerda catchment in northeast Algeria. In: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 15, no.19 (2022). doi:10.1007/s12517-022-10714-1.
Vanclooster, Marnik. La guerre et la sécheresse risquent de causer des problèmes d'approvisionnement. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. 21 et 22 mai 2022, p. 4 (2022).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Les « rejetons » d’un pesticide polluent l’eau des régions betteravières. . In: La Libre, Vol. 26/11/2022, p. 27 (2022).
Vanclooster, Marnik. PFAS: des polluants présents jusque dans l’eau de pluie. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. 19/08/2022, p. 17 (2022).
Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rhouma, Oussama ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Chaabane Ep Riahi, Safa ; Bouzidi, Makram ; Gasmi, Jawaher ; Belhaj Kilani, Amani. Participatory monitoring of river flows. . In: Faster project - Fact sheet, (2022).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Pluie de pollution. In: Moustique, , no.31 août 2022, p. 36 (2022).
Ramahaimandimby, Sandratra Zonirina ; Randriamaherisoa, Alain ; Jonard, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Reliability of Gridded Precipitation Products for Water Management Studies: The Case of the Ankavia River Basin in Madagascar. In: Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, no.16, p. 3940 (2022). doi:10.3390/rs14163940.
Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Challenges of groundwater pollution and management in transboundary basins at the African scale. In: Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Vol. 384, p. 69-74 (2021). doi:10.5194/piahs-384-69-2021.
Vanclooster, Marnik. Journée mondiale de l'eau: quelle est la valeur de l'eau?. In: ARES Actualités, , p. 1-14 (2021).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Liège et Dinant/Namur: deux inondations impressionnantes aux profils bien différents. In: Le Soir, , p. 25/07/2021 (2021).
Riahi, Khalifa ; Chaabane Ep Riahi, Safa ; Khlifi; Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Fehri, Raed ; Slama, Emna. Participatory water quality monitoring. In: Faster Project - Fact Sheets, (2021).
Delforge, Damien ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Van Camp, Michel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Time-series clustering approaches for subsurface zonation and hydrofacies detection using a real time-lapse electrical resistivity dataset. In: Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 184, p. 104203 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104203.
Vanclooster, Marnik. Water availability in Belgium, a topic of concern?. In: Shayp publications, (2021).
Delforge, Damien ; Muñoz‐Carpena, Rafael ; Van Camp, Michel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A Parsimonious Empirical Approach to Streamflow Recession Analysis and Forecasting. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 56, no.2 (2020). doi:10.1029/2019wr025771.
Fehri, Raed ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Data fusion of citizen-generated smartphone discharge measurements in Tunisia. In: Journal of Hydrology, , p. 125518 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125518.
Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Slimani, Mohamed. Drought assessment in a south Mediterranean transboundary catchment. In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, , p. 1-16 (2020). doi:10.1080/02626667.2020.1747621.
Kadir, Mokrane ; Fehri, Raed ; Souag, Doudja ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Exploring causes of streamflow alteration in the Medjerda river, Algeria. In: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Vol. 32, p. 100750 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2020.100750.
Vanclooster, Marnik. Grondwaterpeilen blijven voort dalen. In: Aquarama (Dutch Edition), Vol. 88, p. 109-115 (2020).
Arabi, Mourad ; Sbaa, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Darmous, Ahmed. Impact of the Municipal Solid Waste Typology on Leachate Flow under Semi-Arid Climate – A Case Study. In: Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 21, no.6, p. 94-101 (2020). doi:10.12911/22998993/123250.
Vanclooster, Marnik ; van Wesemael, Bas. La sécheresse, nouvelle maladie chronique du territoire belge. In: L'Echo, Vol. 05.06.2020, p. 11 (2020).
Vanclooster, Marnik ; Petit, Sébastien ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Lietar, Arlette. Modelling Nitrate Pollution Vulnerability in the Brussel’s Capital Region (Belgium) Using Data-Driven Modelling Approaches. In: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 12, no.05, p. 416-430 (2020). doi:10.4236/jwarp.2020.125025.
Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Girard, Arthur ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jonard, François. Modelling the Temporal Dynamics of Groundwater Pollution Risks on the African Scale . In: Water, Vol. 12, p. 1406 (2020). doi:10.3390/w12051406.
Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Koropitan, Alan F.. Response of Seasonal Vegetation Dynamics to Climatic Constraints in Northeastern Burundi. In: Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, Vol. 08, no.09, p. 151-181 (2020). doi:10.4236/gep.2020.89010.
Fehri, Raed ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Testing a citizen science water monitoring approach in Tunisia. In: Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 104, p. 67-72 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.11.009.
Ho, Long ; Alonso, Alice ; Eurie Forio, Marie Anne ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Goethals, Peter L.M.. Water research in support of the Sustainable Development Goal 6: A case study in Belgium. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 277, p. 124082 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124082.
Chaabane, Safa ; Fehri, Raed ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Involvement of Citizens in the Measurements of Water Salinity Using Test Kits in the Medjerda Watershed (Northern Tunisia). In: Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation : Water-Energy-Nexus in the Ecological Transition, 2022 Springer Nature : Switzerland , 2022, p. 241-243. 9783031008078. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-00808-5_55. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-00808-5_55.
Lambert, Richard ; Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Évaluation de l’effet de l’APL sur la qualité de l’eau par l’analyse de profils de nitrate en zone non saturée à grande profondeur. In: Christophe Vandenberghe et Marion Delesalle, Retours d’expérience autour du REH/RDD/APL, Presses universitaires de Liège (Agronomie-Gembloux) & ULiège Library, 2022. 978-2-87019-310-5 - 978-2-87016-180-7.
Chaabane, Safa ; Fehri, Raed ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of Citizen's Measurements Using Test Strips for Water Quality in Medjerda Watershed (Northern Tunisia). In: Giuseppe Arduino and Nicole Webley, IHP, UNESCO, Youth and Water Security in Africa, UNESCO: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021, p. 196-201.
Vanclooster, Marnik. Educational resources supporting advanced water resources agency. IARTEM Conference (Université Paris Cité, 30/05/2024).
Saraswati, Anita ; Lecocq, Thomas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimating hydrological variations from geophysical insights. 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024 (University of Liège, du 11/09/2024 au 13/09/2024).
Issoufou Ouedraogo ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pascal Boexk ; Yuliya Vystavna. Exploring Machine Learning techniques to identify nitrate sources in groundwater in National Mouhoun basin in Burkina Faso the case of the Kou watershed. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology (Vienna, Austria, du 03/07/2023 au 07/07/2023).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Shaping research and innovation in the Circle U Climate Knowledge Hub. Una Europa – Circle U Conference (Berlin, 06/12/2023).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Shaping research and innovation in the Circle U Climate Knowledge Hub. 7th Circle U National Conference, “ Creating Now the University of Tomorrow – Looking Back to Move Ahead with Circle U. and the (The Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium, 24/10/2023).
Vanclooster, Marnik. The different colours of water in Belgium. Séminaire: “L’eau, c’est la vie » organisé par l'Association pour les Nations Unies (Etterbeek - Bruxelles, 12/10/2023).
Riahi K. ; S. Chaabane ; S. Khlifi ; E. Slama ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of Nitrates Water Quality Test Strips in a Citizen Science Based Monitoring Program in the Medjerda Watershed (Northern Tunisia).. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).
Verstraeten, Elise ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice. Characterising trend changes of groundwater quality in Wallonia (Belgium). EGU General Assembly 2022 (Vienne, du 23/05/2022 au 28/05/2022).
Verstraeten, Elise. EGERIEC Evaluation et gestion des risques de pollution des ressoucres en eau des captages wallons. Journée de l'eau - CEBEDEAU (Liège, 10/11/2022).
Belhaj Kilani, Amani ; S. Khlifi ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimation of Crops’ Water Consumption by Remote Sensing: SEBAL Model Calculations Versus Ground Observation in the Irrigated Area of Lakhmass (Siliana, Northern Tunisia). Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).
Ali, Zaineb ; El Ghoul, Imen ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; M. Ouessar. Evaluation and Comparison of Rainfall Data for Semi-Arid Bayech Basin with GPM IMERG/TRMM 3B42 Rainfall Products.. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).
Verstraeten, Elise ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice. Identifying and explaining trend reversals of groundwater nitrate concentrations in Wallonia (Belgium). Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals (Paris, du 18/05/2022 au 20/05/2022).
Vanclooster, Marnik. La sécheresse en Wallonie. conférence des bourgmestres et élus territoriaux de la Wallonie Picarde. (Tournai, 10/06/2022).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Low cost technologies supporting water resources management and planning in the climate-stressed Global South. Euro-Case Annual conference: ‘FROM OPEN SCIENCE TO INNOVATION AN ENGINEERING CHALLENGE FOR EUROPE’ (Bruxelles, 19/09/2022).
Bah, Alousseynou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Faye1, Serigne. Pesticides residues accumulation in freshwater, sediments, and fish in the Guiers Lake basin: Risks for Senegal's strategic water reservoir. SA Hydrological Society (South Africa, du 10/10/2022 au 12/10/2022).
Gader K. ; A. Gara ; S. Khlifi ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Projected Drought under Climate Change Using Deep Learning in a Semiarid Mediterranean Region (Medjerda, Northern Tunisia).. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).
Gara A. ; K. Gader ; S. Khlifi ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; C. Bouvier. Quantifying Climate Variability for Actual and Projected Conditions in a Large South Mediterranean Catchment.. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Uncertainty propagation in the climate hydrological modelling chain. Invited lecture. Global Changes and Water Resources: Past, Present and Future”. (Pisa, Italy, du 26/05/2022 au 27/05/2022).
Ridley, Simon ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Frippiat, Christophe ; Morize, Arnauld ; Couly, Benoît ; Thyrion, Thibaut ; François, Sébastien. 50 years of grounwdwater management and observations in Louvain-la-Neuve. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).
Belhaj Kilani, Amani ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of the impact of contour ridge benches on the soil water content in the watershed of wadi Siliana (Medjerda basin, Northern Tunisia). 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (Sousse, Tunisia, du 10/06/2021 au 13/06/2021). In: Proceedings, , p. 91 (2021).
Verstraeten, Elise ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Collection and analysis of historical data for empirically assessing water pollution risks of Walloon catchments. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).
El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine. Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Silia. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).
El Ghoul, Imen ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Siliana catchment. ELI-Day 2021 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 26/05/2021 au 28/05/2021).
Alonso, Alice ; Bielders, Charles ; froidevaux, Manuel ; Javaux, Mathieu ; laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Depicting the effect of tillage treatments and vehicle traffic on the agricultural soil physical quality with a high level of spatial details. JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE INVESTIGACIÓN by the Institute for Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain (Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, du 22/11/2021 au 26/11/2021).
Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Drought Regional Frequency Mapping in Tunisia. 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC 2021) (www, du 22/03/21 au 24/03/21). In: Water Quality, Global Changes and Grounwater Responses, (2021).
Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Exploring causal linkages between teleconnection patterns and the terrestrial biosphere in Northeastern Burundi (East Africa). International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).
Vanclooster, Marnik ; Petit, Sébastien ; Tidjani, Mathias ; Cravau, Eloïse ; Tovihoudji, Pierre ; Akponikpe, Pierre. How Harry Vereecken's work contributes to reach the 2030 global sustainable development goals. 13th Annual Meeting INTERPORE2021 (www, du 31/05/2021 au 04/06/2021).
El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Mounir, Kaoutar ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Hydrological response of LULC and climate change in Mediterranean basin: application to the Siliana catchment in Tunisia. EGU General Assembly 2021 (www, du 19/04/2021 au 30/04/2021). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, , p. EGU21-6043 (2021). doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6043.
Bah, Alousseynou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping water ressources exposure of agricultural pesticides in the Lake of Guiers basin and environs (Senegal). ELI-Day 2021 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 26/05/2021 au 28/05/2021).
Kadir, Mokrane ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Using convergent cross mapping method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to explore causes of streamflow alteration: A case study. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).
Vanclooster, Marnik. Water quality management in agricultural systems: a key for reaching the SDG and global health. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).
Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jonard, François. Approvisionnement en eau et assainissement: cartographie de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines face à la pollution en Afrique. RWSSI (03/11/2020). In: Webinaire, 2020.
Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Bouvier, Christophe ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the Transferability of a Conceptual Rainfall Runoff Model within the Medjerda catchment (Tunisia). 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.
Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Jelassi, Abelkader ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of rainfall and discharge data quality over a large southern Mediterranean catchment. 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJD) (du 02/11/2020 au 05/11/2020). In: Webinaire, , p. 815 (2020).
Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Challenges in groundwater pollution management in transboundary basins: Groundwater pollution mapping at the African scale. Workshop "Expert Consultation for the Volta Basin Use Case" (East Legon, Accra, Ghana, du 22/02/2020 au 27/02/2020).
Delforge, Damien ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel. Extracting Hydrofacies Patterns from a Real Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Dataset Using Time Series Clustering Approaches. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (du 08/12/2020 au 12/12/2020). In: Proceedings, , p. H129-06 (2020).
Chaabane Ep Riahi, Safa ; Fehri, Raed ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Involvement of citizens in the measurements of water salinity using test kits in the Medjerda watershed (Northern Tunisia). 3rd conference of Water Energy Nexus 2-4 december 2020 Djerba. (Djerba - online, du 02/12/2020 au 04/12/2020).
El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modelling Landcover Change with a CA-Markov Model for the Siliana Hydrological Catchment (Northwestern Tunisia). 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.
Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slimani, Mohamed. Quantification of predictive uncertainty in climate change context using airGRpackages: case of Medjerda catchment, Tunisia. 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG) (du 02/11/2020 au 05/11/2020). In: Webinaire, , p. 814 (2020).
Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slimani, Mohamed. Rainfall forecasting over a Mediterranean catchment using Empirical Statistical Downscaling techniques. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.
Fehri, Raed ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Validation of Expert and Citizen Science-based Smartphone Discharge Data. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.
Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Girard, Arthur ; Jonard, François ; Alonso, Alice ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Dynamic assessment of groundwater vulnerability for pollution at the African scale: A possible contribution to the monitoring of SDG 6, 2020. 6 p.
Phalempin Maxime ; Stipo, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Gerin, Patrick A.. EPUSOL - Mission de guidance sur le traitement approprié et la capacité épuratoire des sols, 2020. 665 p.