Isabelle Huynen
Directrice de recherche FNRS
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1986 Candidate ingénieur civil Université catholique de Louvain 1989 Ingénieur civil électricien Université catholique de Louvain 1994 Docteur en sciences appliquées Université catholique de Louvain 2005 Agrégée de l'enseignement supérieur Université catholique de Louvain
- Courses
Name ID Seminars in electronics and communications LELEC2590
Project leadership
2008-2011 Projet DGTRE-RW PICOM: «Assemblage ‘Electrode-Membrane’ innovant pour pile à combustible de type PEM », promoteurs UCL: I. Huynen, J.P. Raskin, autres partenaires : ULg CIOR (A. Germain) , CERTECH (H. May), it4ip (R. Legras, E. Ferain), Nanocyl.
2008-2011 COST Action MP0702: Towards Functional Sub-Wavelength Photonic Structures.
2008-2011 Projet DGTRE-RW Multimasec: «Panneaux MULTIMAtériaux Superabsorbants pour la protection Electromagnétique et aux Chocs », promoteurs UCL: C. Bailly (porte-parole), I. Huynen, T. Pardoen, autres partenaires : ULg CERM (C. Detrembleur).
2008-2012 EC Projet FP7-NMP-2007-LARGE-1 HARCANA: «High Aspect Ratio Carbon-based Nanocomposites », promoteurs UCL: C. I. Huynen (porte-parole), C. Bailly.
2008-2015 FEDER Minatis EQ-1 (ECP12020011679F, DGTRE 830111), « Micro-usinage et structuration RF ».
1. A. Vander Vorst and I. Huynen, "Variational Principles and Distributed Circuits", Research Studies Press Limited, Baldock, Hertfordshire, UK, 300 p, ISBN N°0-86380-256-7, January 2002.
1. I. Huynen, ""Modelling planar circuits at centimeter and millimeter wavelength, by using a new variational principle", PhD thesis, UCL, June 1989.
2. I. Huynen, "From wave propagation to broadband characterization of materials and devices: a transmission line approach", Post-doctoral Thesis (Thèse d'agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur), UCL, January 2005.
1. World Patent WO2008/068042 (EP 0602502.4) "Polymer composite material structures comprising carbon based conductive loads", dépôt: 04/12/2006.
2. European Patent EP10175224.4 " Process for preparing electromagnetic interference shielding materials", dépôt: 03 September 2010.
3. European Patent EP10175887 "Hybrid material for electromagnetic absorption", dépôt: 09 September 2010.
Book chapter
1. C. Steukers, M. Storme, I. Huynen, «Modelisation of electrical properties of soils», in Chapter 4 of the book "Sustainable Humanitarian Demining: Trends, Techniques, and Technologies", edited by the Humanitarian Demining Information Center, James Madison University, Mid Valley Press, Verona, Virginia, USA, 1998, pp. 305-313.
2. J. Spiegel, I. Huynen, L. Piraux, A. Saib, "Artificial ferromagnetic nanostructured substrate for planar tuneable circuits", Handbook of Artificial Materials, CRC Press (Taylor&Francis Group, USA), 2009, pp. 12_1-12_33.
3. I. Huynen et al." Foamed Nanocomposites for EMI Shielding Applications", Chapter 23 in "Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Semiconductor Devices, Circuits and Systems,", In-Tech, UK, 2010, pp. 453-470.
4. Jean-Michel Thomassin, Robert Jérôme, Christophe Detrembleur, Isabel Molenberg, Isabelle Huynen, "Polymer/carbon nanotube composites for electromagnetic interference reduction", Chapter 16 in "Physical properties of polymer nanocomposites", Woodhead Publishing Ltd., UK, 2010, pp. 563-587, ISBN 978-1-84569-672-6.
Articles in periodicals
1. I. Huynen, « Modélisation des interférences sur circuits microruban hyperfréquences », Revue E, Année 107, n°3, mars 1991, pp.40-45.
2. I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «A new variational formulation, applicable to shielded and open multilayered transmission lines with gyrotropic non-hermitian lossy media and lossless conductors», IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech, vol. 42, n°11, November 1994, pp. 2107-2111.
3. I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, «Spectral Domain Form of New Variational Expression for Very Fast Calculation of Multilayered Lossy Planar Line Parameters», IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 42, n°11, November 1994, pp. 2099-2106.
4. I. Huynen, G. Verstraeten, A. Vander Vorst, «Theoretical and experimental evidence of non-reciprocal effects on magnetostatic forward volume wave resonators», IEEE Microwave and Guided Waves Letters,vol. 5, n°6, June 1995, pp. 195-197.
5. D. Vanhoenacker, I. Huynen, «Prediction of surface wave radiation coupling on microwave planar circuits», IEEE Microwave and Guided Waves Letters, vol. 5, n°8, August 1995, pp. 255-257.
6. I. Huynen «Novel Fast Multiline Analysis of Parasitic Effects in CPW Inductors for MMIC's», IEEE Microwave and Guided Waves Letters, vol. 8, no. 2, February 1998, pp. 72-74.
7. I. Huynen, G. Dambrine, «A novel CPW DC-blocking topology with improved matching at W-band», IEEE Microwave and Guided Waves Letters, vol. 8, no. 4, April 1998, pp. 149-151.
8. I. Huynen, B. Stockbroeckx, «Variational principles compete with numerical iterative methods for analyzing distributed electromagnetic structures», Annals of Telecommunications, vol. 53, no. 3-4, March-April 1998, pp. 95-103.
9. I. Huynen, Z. Raida, «Comparison of Finite-Element with Variational Analytical Methods, for Planar Guiding Structures», Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 18, no. 4, July 1998, pp. 252-258.
10. I. Huynen, B. Stockbroeckx, G. Verstraeten, «An efficient energetic variational principle for modelling one-port lossy gyrotropic YIG Straight Edge Resonators», IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 46, n°7, July 1998, pp. 932-939.
11. M. Storme, I. Huynen, « Caractérisation de la dispersion des sols appliquée aux mesures radar », Revue HF, n°3, September 1998, pp. 45-53.
12. M. Serres, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, « Wideband Photo-induced Carriers at the End of an Open-ended Microstrip Line », IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 4, n°6, Nov.-Dec. 1998, pp. 948-952.
13. I. Huynen, A. Salamone, M. Serres, « A travelling wave model for optimizing the bandwidth of p-i-n photodetectors in Silicon-On-Insulator technology », IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 4, n°6, Nov.-Dec. 1998, pp. 953-963.
14. M. Storme, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, « Characterisation of wet soils in the 2-18 GHz frequency range », Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 21, no. 5, June 5, 1999, pp. 333-335.
15. I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «Variational non quasi-static formulations for the impedance of planar transmission lines», IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 47, no. 7, July 1999, pp. 995-1003.
16. G. Goglio, S. Pignard, A. Radulescu, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « Microwave properties of metallic nanowires », Applied Physics Letters, vol. 75, no. 12, 20th September 1999, pp. 1769-1771.
17. I. Huynen, G. Goglio, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « A novel nanostructured microstrip device for tunable stopband filtering applications at microwaves », IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, vol. 9, no. 10, October 1999, pp. 401-403.
18. I. Huynen, B. Stockbroeckx, A. Vander Vorst, « Variational Principles are efficient CAD tools for planar tunable MICs involving lossy gyrotropic layers », International Journal of Numerical Modelling : Electronic networks, devices and fields, vol. 12, no. 5, September-October 1999, pp. 417-440.
19. I. Huynen, R. Platteborze, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « Short-Term project on microwave planar circuits at U.C.L. : an educational approach », IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 43, n°2, May 2000, pp. 227-236.
20. I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, « A 4-port scattering matrix formalism for p-i-n traveling wave photodetectors », IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 48, no. 6, June 2000, pp. 1007-1016.
21. B. Stockbroeckx, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, « Effect of surface wave diffraction on the radiation pattern of a slot antenna etched in a finite ground plane », Electronic Letters, vol. 36, no. 17, August 17, 2000, pp. 1444-1446.
22. A. Encinas-Oropesa, M. Demand, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, U. Ebels, « Dipolar interactions in arrays of Nickel nanowires studied by ferromagnetic resonance », Physical Review B, vol. 63, pp. 104415.1-6, February 15, 2001.
23. S. Pignard, G. Goglio, I. Huynen, A. Radulescu, L. Piraux, « Ferromagnetic resonance in metallic nanowires », IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 36-Part I, n°5, September 2000, pp. 3482-3484.
24. G. Torrese, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, « Design criteria for increasing the bandwidth-efficiency product of GaAs p-i-n photodetectors », Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 3, May 5, 2001, pp. 150-155.
25. A. Encinas, M. Demand, L. Piraux, U. Ebels, I. Huynen, « The effect of dipolar interactions on the FMR properties in arrays of magnetic nanowires », Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 89, issue 11, June 1, 2001, pp. 6704-6707.
26. G. Torrese, A. Salamone, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, « A Fully-Analytical Model to Describe the High-Frequency Behavior of P-I-N Photodiodes », Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 31, no. 5, Dec. 5, 2001, pp. 329-333.
27. I. Huynen, C. Steukers, F. Duhamel, " A wide-band line-line dielectrometric method for liquids, soils, and planar substrates", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 50, no. 5, Oct. 2001, pp. 1343-1348.
28. G. Torrese, I. Huynen, J.P. Raskin, A. Vander Vorst, «Numerical simulation of high-speed p-i-n photodiodes under large illumination power», Revue HF Tijdschrift, no 2/2002, June 2002, pp. 68-70.
29. I. Huynen, P.Sobieski (Guest Editors), « URSI Belgian Committee Forum 2001 - Foreword », Revue HF Tijdschrift (special issue on the URSI Forum 2001), no 2/2002, June 2002, pp. 57-58.
30. A. Encinas, M. Demand, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, « Tunable remanent state resonance frequency in arrays of magnetic nanowires », Applied Physics Letters, vol. 81, n°11, pp. 2032-2034.
31. I. Huynen, (Guest Editor), « From nanoscience to nanoelectronics », Revue HF Tijdschrift (special issue on Nanoelectronics), n° 3/2002, October 2002, pp. 3-8.
32. A. Saib, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, A. Encinas-Oropesa, M. Demand, L. Piraux, E. Ferain, F. Bougrioua, and I. Huynen, "Microwave and ferromagnetic properties of metallic nanowires", Revue HF Tijdschrift (special issue on Nanoelectronics), n° 3/2002, October 2002, pp. 37-47.
33. G. Torrese, I. Huynen, M. Serres, D. Gallagher, M. Banham, A. Vander Vorst, « An analytical small-signal bias-dependent non-uniform model for p-i-n GaAs Travelling Wave Photodetectors », IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 50, n°11, Nov. 2002, pp. 2553-2557.
34. M. Demand, A. Encinas-Oropesa, S. Kenane, U. Ebels, I. Huynen and L. Piraux, « Ferromagnetic resonance studies of nickel and permalloy nanowire arrays », Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material (JMMM), vol. 249, n°1-2, August 2002, pp. 228-233.
35. M. Dehan, J.P. Raskin, I. Huynen and D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, « An improved multiline analysis for inductors », IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 51, n°1, Jan. 2003, pp. 100-108.
36. B. Hackens, S. Faniel, F. Delfosse, C. Gustin, H. Boutry, I. Huynen, X. Wallart, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, V. Bayot, « Long dephasing time and high temperature ballistic transport in an InGaAs open quantum dot », Physica E, vol. 17, May 2003, pp. 143-146.
37. I. Huynen, J. Steisel, B. Stockbroeckx, « A simple detection method of buried cylindrical targets applicable to landmines », Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 38, no. 1, July 5, 2003, pp. 80-83.
38. A. Saib, D. Vanhoenacker, I. Huynen, A. Encinas, L. Piraux, E. Ferain, R. Legras, « A magnetic photonic bandgap material at microwaves frequencies based on ferromagnetic nanowires », Applied Physics Letters, vol. 83, no. 12, September 22, 2003, pp. 2378-2380.
39. A. Saib, R. Platteborze, I. Huynen, « Experimental demonstration of the origin of Photonic Bandgap creation and associated defect modes in microwave planar circuits », Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 41, no. 1, April 5, 2004, pp. 5-9.
40. A. Saib, D. Vanhoenacker, and I. Huynen, « Ferromagnetic Nanowires for Microwave Filters and Nonreciprocal Devices », Belgian Journal of Electronics & Communications (Revue HF Tijdschrift), no. 2, August 2004, pp. 12-15.
41. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot and I. Huynen, « Nonlinear microwave nanoballistic devices for frequency doubling », Belgian Journal of Electronics & Communications (Revue HF Tijdschrift), no. 2, August 2004, p. 40.
42. A. Saib and I. Huynen, « Transmission lines on Periodic Bandgap metamaterials: from microwaves to optics applications », Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, vol. 7, no. 2, February 2005, pp. S124-S132.
43. Rashmi, L. Bednarz, and I. Huynen, « Optimizing intrinsic performance of InAlAs/InGaAs Y-branch junction for nonlinear RF operation », Electronics Letters, vol. 41, no. 5, March 3, 2005, pp. 282-283.
44. Rashmi, L. Bednarz, B. Hackens, G. Farhi, V. Bayot, I. Huynen, « Nonlinear Electron Transport Properties of InAlAs/InGaAs/InP based Y-branch Junctions for Microwave Rectification at Room temperature», Solid-State Communications, vol. 134, no. 3, April 11, 2005, pp. 217-222.
45. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, G. Farhi and I. Huynen, « Temperature studies of RF to DC Rectifiers Based on Ballistic Transport », Belgian Journal of Electronics & Communications (Revue HF Tijdschrift), no. 1, April 2005, p. 62.
46. G. Laurent, J.P. Raskin, I. Huynen, « Solutions for an electrical DNA detection », Belgian Journal of Electronics & Communications (Revue HF Tijdschrift), no. 1, April 2005, p. 67.
47. A. Saib, M. Darques, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, and I. Huynen, « Design of a unbiased microwave circulator using a magnetic nanowired substrate », Proceedings of the European Microwave Association, March 2005, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 67-72.
48. A. Saib, M. Darques, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, I. Huynen, «An unbiased integrated microstrip circulator based on magnetic nanowired substrate », IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (EuMC2004 Special Issue), vol. 53, no. 6, June 2005, pp. 2043-2049.
49. A. Saib, M. Darques, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker, I. Huynen, « Unbiased microwave circulator based on ferromagnetic nanowires arrays of tunable magnetization state », Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 38, no. 16, 21 August 2005, pp. 2759-2763.
50. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, S. Farhi, V. Bayot, I. Huynen, J.S. Galloo, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, « Room and low temperature studies of RF to DC rectifiers based on ballistic transport », Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 81, n° 2-4, August 2005, pp. 194-200.
51. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, S. Farhi, V. Bayot, I. Huynen, « Broadband Frequency Characterization of Double Y-Branch Nanojunction Operating as Room Temperature RF to DC Rectifier », IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 4, no. 5, September 2005, pp. 576-580.
52. G. Torrese, I. Huynen and A. Vander Vorst, « An analytical small-signal model for sub-micron n -i n travelling-wave photodetectors », IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 53, no. 10, October 2005, pp. 3238-3243.
53. M. Bouzouad, A. Saib, R. Platteborze, I. Huynen, and R. Aksas, "Defect Modes in Microstrip lines on Electromagnetic Bandgap Substrates of Finite Extent", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 48, no. 1, January 20, 2006, pp. 144-150.
54. I. van den Bosch, S. Lambot, I. Huynen, M. Acheroy, P. Druyts, « Accurate and efficient modeling of monostatic GPR signal of dielectric targets buried in stratified media », Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 283-290, 2006.
55. I. van den Bosch, S. Lambot, P. Druyts, I. Huynen, M. Acheroy, « Buried Target Signature Extraction from Ground-Penetrating Radar Signal: Measurements and Simulations », Near Surface Geophysics, vol. 4, no. 1, February 2006, pp. 31-38.
56. Rashmi, L. Bednarz, L. Gence, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot and I. Huynen, « Analysis of Bandwidth and Nonlinear Effects in InAlAs/InGaAs/InP Based Ballistic Nanodevices for Applications up to THz Range », International Journal of Nanoscience, vol. 4, nos. 5-6, October-December 2005, pp. 1033-1038.
57. A. Saib and I. Huynen, « Periodic metamaterials combining ferromagnetic nanowires and dielectric structures for planar circuits applications», Electromagnetics (special issue on "Complex Media and Metamaterials"), vol. 26, no. 3-4, April-June 2006, pp. 261-277.
58. A. Saib, L. Bednarz, R. Daussin, C. Bailly, X. Lou, J.-M. Thomassin, C. Pagnoulle, C. Detrembleur, R. Jerome, and I. Huynen, « Carbon Nanotube Composites for Broadband Microwave Absorbing Materials », IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (EuMC2005 Special Issue), vol 54, no. 6 (part II), June 2006, pp. 2745-2754.
59. S. Massaoudi, A. de Lustrac, I. Huynen, «Properties of Metallic Photonic Band Gap material with defect at microwave frequencies: calculation and experimental verification » Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 20, no. 14, 2006, pp. 1967-1980.
60. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, P. Simon, I. Huynen, T. Gonzalez, J.Mateos, « Negative Differential Transconductance and Nonreciprocal Effects in a Y-Branch Nanojunction. High Frequency Analysis », IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 5, no. 6, November 2006, pp. 750-757.
61. S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, Y. Roelens, J.S. Galloo, C. Gardes, Z. Teukam, X. Wallart, J.Mateos, T. Gonzales, B.G. Vasallo, B. Hackens, L. Berdnarz, I. Huynen, « Ballistic Nano-Devices for High Frequency Applications », Thin Solid Films, vol. 515, no. 10, pp. 4313-4526 (26 March 2007).
62. I. Huynen, « Nanotechnology in Europe », Revue E (special issue on Nanotechnology), no. 1-2007, pp. 7-13.
63. L. Bednarz, R. Daussin, J.M Thomassin, A. Saib, I. Huynen, C. Bailly, C. Detrembleur et R. Jérome, « Matériaux composites à base de nanotubes de carbone pour le blindage d'interférences électromagnétiques », Revue E (special issue on Nanotechnology), no. 1-2007, pp. 14-19.
64. L. Piraux, M. Darques, I. Huynen, J. Spiegel, « Capteurs magnétorésistifs et dispositifs hyperfréquences à base de nanofils magnétiques », Revue E (special issue on Nanotechnology), no. 1-2007, pp. 20-25.
65. J. Spiegel, J. de la Torre, M. Darques, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, « Permittivity Model for Ferromagnetic Nanowired Substrate », IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters, vol. 17, no. 7, July 2007, pp. 492-494.
66. Jean-Michel Thomassin, Xudong Lou, Christophe Pagnoulle, Aimad Saib, Lukasz Bednarz, Isabelle Huynen, Robert Jérôme, Christophe Detrembleur, «Multi-walled carbon nanotubes/poly(ï¥-caprolactone) nanocomposites with exceptional EMI shielding properties », Journal of Physical Chemistry C, vol. 111, no. 30, August 2, 2007, pp 11186 - 11192.
67. Jean-Michel Thomassin, Christophe Pagnoulle, Lukasz Bednarz, Isabelle Huynen, Robert Jérôme, Christophe Detrembleur, « Foams of polycaprolactone/MWNT nanocomposites for efficient EMI reduction », Journal of Materials Chemistry, vol. 18, no. 7, 2008, pp. 792 - 796.
68. C. Gardès, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, J.S. Galloo, X. Wallart, A. Curutchet,C. Gaquiere, J. Mateos, T. Gonzales, B. G. Vasallo, L. Bednarz, I. Huynen, « Ballistic nanodevices for high frequency applications», International Journal of Nanotechnology, vol. 5, no.6/7/8, 2008, pp. 796-808.
69. S. Massaoudi, I. Huynen, « Multiple Resonances in arrays of spiral resonators designed for Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 50, no. 7, July 2008, pp. 1945-1950.
70. J. Spiegel, I. Huynen, « Microwave Properties of Ferromagnetic Nanowires and Applications to Tunable Devices", Solid State Phenomena, vol. 152-153, February 2009, pp. 389-392
71. M. Darques, J. Spiegel, J. De la Torre Medina, I. Huynen, L. Piraux, "Ferromagnetic nanowire-loaded membranes for microwave electronics", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (invited paper), vol. 321, no. 14, July II, 2009, pp. 2055-2065.
72. G. Torrese, C. Wei, M. Frank, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, P. Mégret, « Embedded Grating n -i-n Traveling-Wave Photodetectors", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 57, No. 5, May 2009, pp. 1244-1249.
73. J. Spiegel, I. Huynen, « A Variational Approach for Propagation in Ferromagnetic Nanowired Composite", Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience-Special Issue on "Functional Nanophotonics and Nanoelectromagnetics", vol. 6, no. 9, September 2009, pp. 2001-2008.
74. Jean-Michel Thomassin, Isabelle Huynen, Robert Jerome and Christophe Detrembleur, "Functional polypropylenes as efficient dispersing agents for carbon nanotubes in a polypropylene matrix", Polymer, vol. 51, pp. 115-121.
75. J. De La Torre Medina, J. Spiegel, M. Darques, L. Piraux, and I. Huynen, "Differential phase shift in non-reciprocal microstrip lines on magnetic nanowired substrates", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 96, February 2010, pp. 072508.1-3.
76. M. Darques, J. De La Torre Medina, L. Piraux, L. Cagnon, and I. Huynen, "Microwave circulator based on ferromagnetic nanowires in an alumina template", Nanotechnology, vo. 21, no. 14, April 2010, pp. 145208.1-4.
77. Jean-Michel Thomassin, Isabel Molenberg, Isabelle Huynen, Antoine Debuigne, Michaël Alexandre, Christine Jérôme and Christophe Detrembleur, « Locating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at the surface of polymer microspheres using poly(vinyl alcohol) grafted CNTs as dispersion co-stabilizers », Chemical Communications, vol. 46, no. 19, 2010, pp. 3330-3332.
78. D. Dancila, P. Ekkels, X. Rottenberg, I. Huynen, W. De Raedt and H.A.C. Tilmans,, "MEMS defined Faraday cage as tuning element for integrated silicon micromachined cavity resonators", IEEE Proceedings Micro Electromechanical Systems, 2010, pp. 723-726.
79. A. Elhawil , C. Roda Neve, B. Olbrechts, I. Huynen, J.-P. Raskin, G. Poesen, J. Stiens and R. Vounckx, "Contactless monitoring of Si substrate permittivity and resistivity from microwave to millimetre wave frequencies", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, November 11, 2010 Issue, pp. 2000-2005.
80. D. Dancila, X. Rottenberg, N. Focant, H. Tilmans, W. De Raedt, I. Huynen, « Compact cavity resonators using high impedance surfaces", Applied Physics A, vol. 102, n°1, January 2011 (special issue on Metamaterials).
81. C. Detrembleur, D. Vuluga, J.M. Thomassin, I. Molenberg, Isabelle Huynen, B. Gilbert, C. Jerome M. Alexandre, « Efficient Biphasic Synthesis of Polymer-Grafted Reduced Graphite Oxide Based Nanocomposites", Chemical Communications, vol. 47, no. 9, pp; 2544-2546, doi. 10.1039/C0CC04623J.
82. Isabelle Huynen, Nicolas Quievy, Christian Bailly, Pierre Bollen, Christophe Detrembleur, Stéphanie Eggermont, Isabelle Molenberg, Jan-Michel Thomassin, Laeticia Urbanczyk, Thomas Pardoen, "Multifunctional Hybrids for Electromagnetic Absorption", Acta Materialia., vol. 59, no. 8, May 2011, pp. 3255-3266.
83. S. Eggermont, I. Huynen, "Leaky Wave Radiation Phenomena in Metamaterial Transmission Line based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators', accepted for publication in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.
84. I. Molenberg, M. Planckaert, L. Jonckheere, E. Ferain, I. Huynen, "Investigation of Ionic Conductivity in Track-etched Nanoporous Polyimide Membranes using a Microwave Technique', accepted for publication in Microwave and Optical Technology Letters.
International Conference Proceedings
1. D. Vanhoenacker, T. Sakalis, P. Delhaize, A. Baudhuin, I. Huynen, T. Kezai, A. Vander Vorst, « PENELOPE : a micro - and near mm-waves CAD/CAM software designed as an educational tool », Proc. 20th EuMC, Budapest, September 10-13, 1990, pp. 723-728.
2. I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « Caractérisation hyperfréquences d'interconnexions à haut débit binaire », Journées Nationales Microondes, Grenoble, March 20-22, 1991, Actes, pp. 229-230.
3. D. Vanhoenacker, I. Huynen, R. Platteborze, R. Sciuto, A. Vander Vorst, « Designing and making planar circuits : a thorough study of the global accuracy achieved by students », Proc. 21st EuMC, Stuttgart, September 9-12, 1991, pp. 413-419.
4. M. Fossion, I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « A new and simple calibration method for measuring planar lines parameters up to 40 GHz », Proc. 22nd EuMC, Helsinki, August 24-27, 1992, pp. 180-185.
5. I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « Nouvelle méthode de détermination des paramètres électriques ou magnétiques de substrats planaires (théorie et expérimentation) », Journées de Caractérisation Microonde des Matériaux (JCMM 92), Arcachon, October 7-9, 1992, Actes, pp. II.010.1-6.
6. I. Huynen, C. Faik, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « Rayonnement sur circuits planaires : Théorie et expérimentation », Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 93), Brest, 12-14 Mai 1993, Actes, pp. 2.A.2-3.
7. I. Huynen, « Principe variationel et circuits aux ondes centimétriques et millimétriques : Théorie et expérimentation », Forum URSI '93, Bruxelles, 10 Décembre 1993, Actes, pp. 112-114.
8. A. Vander Vorst, I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, « Variational principles can be extremely efficient in the calculation of transmission lines parameters », PIERS '94 Symposium, ESA/Estec, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, July 1994, Proceedings pp. 4A4.6.1-4.
9. I. Huynen, B. Stockbroeckx, G. Verstraeten, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, «Planar gyrotropic devices analyzed by using a variational principle», Proc. 24th European Microwave Conference, Cannes, September 5-8, 1994, pp. 309-314.
10. D. Vanhoenacker, I. Huynen, I. Lee, R. Platteborze, A. Vander Vorst, «Microwave undergraduate education at U.C.L., Belgium : from planar passive components to wide-band tuned devices», Proc. 25th European Microwave Conference, Bologna, September 4-7, 1995, pp. 798-803.
11. Z. Skvor, I. Huynen, «An inhomogenous coupled lines DC block», Proceedings of the XIth International Microwave Conference (MIKON '96), Warsaw, Poland, May 27-30, 1996, vol. I, pp. 152-156.
12. C. Steukers, I. Huynen, «Complex permittivity of soils : measurements in the S-band», AMEREM'96 Conference, session UXO-2: Soil characteristics & propagation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May 27-31, 1996, pp. 126-127.
13. C. Steukers, E. Schweicher, M. Vandewal, J. De Gruyter, I. Huynen, «Complex permittivity of soils : measurements in the L- and S-band», Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM '96), 1996 Conference Proceedings, Montréal, Québec, August 6-9, 1996, pp. 511-514.
14. Z. Zhu, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «An efficient microwave characterization of PIN photodiodes», Proc. 26th European Microwave Conference, Prague, 9-12 September 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1010-1014.
15. J.P. Raskin, I. Huynen, R. Gillon, D. Vanhoenacker, J.P. Colinge, «An efficient design tool for transmission line on SIMOX substrates», Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International SOI Conference, Sanibel Island - Fort Myers, Florida, October 1-3, 1996, pp. 28-29.
16. I. Huynen, J.P. Raskin, R. Gillon, D. Vanhoenacker, J.P. Colinge, «Modelling and measurement of inductive elements on SIMOX substrates», presented to the IEEE International SOI Conference, Sanibel Island - Fort Myers, Florida, October 1-3, 1996, 3 pages.
17. I. Huynen and B. Stockbroeckx, «Variational principles compete with numerical iterative methods for analyzing distributed electromagnetic structures», Proceedings of the NUMELEC'97 Conference, Lyon, France, 19-21 March 1997, pp. 76 - 77.
18. F. Duhamel, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «Measurements of complex permittivity of biological and organic liquids up to 110 GHz», Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Denver, Colorado, June 8-13, 1997, pp. 107-110.
19. I. Huynen, J.P. Raskin, R. Gillon, D. Vanhoenacker, J.P. Colinge, «Integrated microwave inductors on Silicon-on-Insulator substrates», Proceedings of the 27th European Microwave Conference, Jerusalem, Israël, 5-8 September 1997, pp. 1008-1013.
20. M. Serres, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «Wideband analytical model of an open-ended microstrip line under illumination», Proceedings of the 27th European Microwave Conference, Jerusalem, Israël, 5-8 September 1997, pp. 303-308.
21. C. Steukers, M. Storme, I. Huynen, «Modelisation of electrical properties of soils», Proceedings of the International Workshop on Sustainable Humanitarian Demining, Zagreb,Croatia, Sept. 29-Oct 1,1997, pp. S5.55-S5.61.
22. M. Storme, I. Huynen, R. Platteborze, A. Vander Vorst, «Caractérisation hyperfréquence de la dispersion des sols, Application à la détection des mines antipersonnel par radar de subsurface», Proceedings of the Journées de Caractérisation Microonde des Matériaux (JCMM 98), Le Touquet, May 13-15, 1998, Session P1-10, 4 p.
23. M. Storme, I. Huynen, R. Platteborze, A. Vander Vorst, «Microwave Characterization of Wet Soils applied to Humanitarian Demining», Proceedings of the 28th European Microwave Conference (Worshop 2/ Session 2), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 5-8, 1998, pp. 114-119.
24. M. Storme, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «Characterization of Wet Soils from 2 to 18 GHz, Experimental results», Proceedings of the CLAWAR'98 Symposium, Brussels, November 26-27, 1998, pp. 237-239.
25. M. Serres, C. Bucyana, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «Influence of polarization on bistatic radar measurements of buried objects», Proceedings of the Hudem'99 Symposium, Brussels, Royal Military Academy, April 29-30, 1999, pp. MS.1-MS.6.
26. I. Huynen, G. Goglio, S. Pignard, A. Radulescu, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « A novel nanostructured magnetic planar substrate for wideband tunable microwave applications », Proc. 29th European Microwave Conference, Munich, October 4-8, 1999, pp. 367-370.
27. A. Vander Vorst, M. Serres, B. Stockbroeckx, I. Huynen, « A circuit point of view on microwave photonic devices », Proceedings 29th European Microwave Conference (Worshop M-FrW2/ Optical technologies for microwave systems), Munich, October 4-8, 1999, pp. 12.1-9.
28. S. Pignard, G. Goglio, A. Radulescu, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, « Ferromagnetic resonance in metallic nanowires », presented to the "Journées d'Automne '99" de la Société française de métallurgie et de matériaux (JA'99), Paris, November 2-5, 1999, session P5.3.
29. G. Goglio, S. Pignard, I. Huynen, A. Radulescu and L. Piraux « Etude par résonance ferromagnétique de nanofils métalliques », communication presented to the "Colloque Louis Néel", Dieppe, 1999.
30. G. Goglio, S. Pignard, A. Radulescu, L. Piraux and I. Huynen, « High frequency behavior of arrays of metallic nanowires », communication presented to Summer School on Mesomagnetism, Spin Dynamics and Spin Electronics, Rhodes, Grèce, 1999.
31. S. Pignard, G. Goglio, I. Huynen, A. Radulescu and L. Piraux, «Ferromagnetic resonance in metallic nanowires », communication presented at the Intermag 2000 Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2000.
32. A. Radulescu, I. Huynen, S. Pignard, G. Goglio and L. Piraux, «Ferromagnetic resonance in metallic nanowires », communication presented at the European Magnetic Materials and Applications (EMMA-2000) Conference, Kiev, Ukraine, 2000.
33. I. Huynen, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker, A. Vander Vorst, « Ferromagnetic resonance in metallic nanowires for tunable microwave planar circuits » (invited communication), Proceedings of the Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2000), Cambridge, Ma., USA, July 5-14, 2000, p. 320.
34. A. Encinas, M. Demand, S. Kenane, I. Huynen, L. Piraux, « Absorbants micro-ondes à base de nanofils magnétiques électrodéposés », Proceedings of the « 7ème Journées de la Matière condensée (JMC7-2000), Poitiers, France, 29 August-1st September, 2000, Session 8, n°0803, p.331.
35. A. Encinas, M. Demand, L. Piraux, U. Ebels, I. Huynen, "The effect of dipolar interactions on the FMR properties in arrays of magnetic nanowires ", communication presented at the 8th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Antonio, Texas, USA , January 7 - 11, 2001, Session AF-11, Spin Dynamics I.
36. M. Demand, A. Encinas-Oropesa, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, U. Ebels, « Etude des interactions dipolaires dans des réseaux de nanofils de Ni par résonance ferromagnétique », communication presented to the "Colloque Louis Néel", Dourdan, France, March 2001.
37. A. Encinas-Oropesa, M. Demand, S. Kenane, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, U. Ebels, « Etude des propriétés hyperfréquence de réseaux de nanofils par résonance ferromagnétique », communication presented to the "Colloque Louis Néel", Dourdan, France, March 2001.
38. M. Demand, A. Encinas-Oropesa, L. Piraux, U. Ebels and I. Huynen, " Ferromagnetic resonance properties in arrays of magnetic nanowires ", communication presented at the Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS'01), Grenoble, France, 2001.
39. A. Encinas-Oropesa, M. Demand, L. Piraux, U. Ebels and I. Huynen, " Modulation of the ferromagnetic resonance properties in arrays of magnetic nanowires ", communication presented at the 4th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML'01), Aachen, Germany, 2001.
40. A. Saib, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, J.P. Raskin, A. Crahay, I. Huynen, "Microwave tunable filters and non reciprocal devices using magnetic nanowires", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE-NANO2001), Maui, Hawai, USA, October 28-30, 2001, session M2.1 : Nano-devices II, pp. 260-265.
41. A. Encinas, M. Demand, L. Piraux, U. Ebels, I. Huynen, « Ferromagnetic resonance and microwave absorption in arrays of magnetic nanowires », presented at the 46th Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Seattle, USA, November 2001.
42. I. van den Bosch, I. Huynen, A. Vander Vorst, «HuDem 1997-2001 : Combining Radar and Radiometry for Mine Detection at UCL», Proceedings of the Virtual Reality in Mechanical and Production Engineering Symposium (VR-MECH 01), Brussels, November 22-24, 2001, pp. 91-95.
43. G. Torrese, I. Huynen, J.P. Raskin, A. Vander Vorst, «Analysis and design of p-i-n travelling wave photodetectors for high power and wide-bandwidth applications», Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Brussels, December 3, 2001, pp. 93-96.
44. A. Saib, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, I. Huynen, «Design of microwave circuits using magnetic nanowires», Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2001, Louvain-la-Neuve, December 13, 2001, p. 3.
45. G. Torrese, I. Huynen, J.P. Raskin, A. Vander Vorst, «Simulation of high-speed p-i-n photodiodes under large illumination power», Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2001, Louvain-la-Neuve, December 13, 2001, pp. 6-8.
46. A. Saib, I. Huynen, "Microwave magnetic nanodevices », Abstract Posters Proceedings of the Worshop on « Recent developments in Nanosciences », Royal Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts, Brussels, January 11-12, 2002, 1 p.
47. B. Hackens, F. Delfosse, H. Boutry, S. Faniel, C. Gustin, I. Huynen, V. Bayot, X. Wallart, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, "Ballistic and Coherent Effects in the Magnetoconductance of an open nanocavity », Abstract Posters Proceedings of the Worshop on « Recent developments in Nanosciences », Royal Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts, Brussels, January 11-12, 2002, 1 p.
48. S. Faniel, B. Hackens, F. Delfosse, C. Gustin, H. Boutry, I. Huynen, V. Bayot, X. Wallart, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, « High temperature conductance fluctuations in an InGaAs/InAlAs open quantum dot », communication presented at the March Meeting of the American Physics Society (session 2.2/ Experimental), Seattle, USA, March 2002.
49. A. Encinas, M. Demand, S. Kenane, I. Huynen, L. Piraux, "Tunable zero field resonance frequency in arrays of magnetic alloy nanowires", communication presented at the Intermag 2002 Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 28 to May 3rd, 2002.
50. A. Encinas, L. Vila, L. Piraux and I. Huynen, " Ferromagnetic resonance study of the magnetization reversal in arrays of magneticnanowires ", communication presented at the 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, USA, 2002.
51. A. Encinas, I. Huynen and L. Piraux, "Propriétés hyperfréquence des réseaux de nanofils et d'alliages magnétiques", communication presented at the "Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC8), Marseille, France, 2002.
52. A. Encinas, L. Piraux and I. Huynen, "Correlation between the static and dynamical effective field distribution in arrays of magnetic nanowires", communication presented at the 47th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Tampa, USA, 2002.
53. A. Saib, I. Huynen, « From Ferromagnetic Nanowires to Magnetic PBG : Design of Microwave Devices » (invited paper), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media » (BIAN2002) (Session 4 : Photonic Bandgap Materials A), Marrakech, Morocco, May 8-10, 2002, p. 20.
54. A. Saib, I. Huynen, "Microwave-tunable Photonic Bandgap devices using arrays of ferromagnetic nanowires", (sollicitated paper « Session 3Pc6 - Microwave applications of photonic bandgap devices »), Proceedings of the « Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS 2002) », Cambridge, Ma., USA, July 1-5, 2002, p. 540.
55. S. Faniel, B. Hackens, F. Delfosse, C. Gustin, H. Boutry, I. Huynen, V. Bayot, X. Wallart, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, "Long Dephasing Time and High Temperature Ballistic Transport in an InGaAs Open Quantum Dot", communication presented at ICSNN - Int. Conference on Superlattices Nanostructures and Nanodevices, Toulouse, July 2002, 2 p.
56. G. Koers, G. Poesen, P. Simon, J.P. Raskin, J. Stiens, I. Huynen, R. Vounckx, « Photo-induced switching of microwave and millimeter-wave signals on coplanar waveguides », Proc. Symposium of IEEE-LEOS Benelux Chapter, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9 December 2002, pp. 257-260.
57. A. Saib, I. Huynen, "Design of Microwave Devices Using Magnetic Nanowired Substrate", Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2002, Brussels, Royal Military Academy, December 13, 2002, 1 p.
58. L. Bednarz, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot,, I. Huynen, « Microwave Nanoballistic Devices », Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2002, Brussels, Royal Military Academy, December 13, 2002, 1 p.
59. B. Hackens, S. Faniel, F. Delfosse, C. Gustin, H. Boutry, I. Huynen, V. Bayot, X. Wallart, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, "Long dephasing time and high temperature conductance fluctuations in an InGaAs open quantum dot" communication presented at the International conference on Nanotechnology, Lancaster, G. B. , January 4-9, 2003.
60. J.S. Galloo, Bollaert S., Roelens Y., Huynen I., Boutry H., Mateos Lopez J., "Composants balistiques pour applications Térahertz", GDR Nanoélectronique, Grenoble, 28-31 Janvier, 2003.
61. J. Mateos, B.G. Vasallo, D. Pardo, T. Gonzalez, H. Boutry, B. Hackens, V. Bayot, L. Bednarz, P. Simon, I. Huynen, J.S. Galloo, Y. Roelens, X. Wallaert, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, « Room temperature nonlinear transport in InGas/AlInAs based ballistic nanodevices », communication presented at the 11th Melari/Nid Worshop, Toulouse, France, February 5-7, 2003, 1p.
62. J. Mateos, B.G. Vasallo, D. Pardo, T. Gonzalez, H. Boutry, B. Hackens, V. Bayot, L. Bednarz, P. Simon, I. Huynen, J.S. Galloo, Y. Roelens, X. Wallaert, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, « Room temperature nonlinear transport in InGas/AlInAs based ballistic nanodevices », Proceedings of the IPRM 2003 Conference (Indium Phosphide and Related Materials), Santa Barbara, Ca. USA, May 12-16, 2003, pp. 484-487.
63. Y. Roelens, J.S. Gallo, E. Pichonat, S. Bollaert, G. Six, A. Cappy, I. Huynen, L. Bednarz, J. Mateos, T. Gonzalez, « Lignes coplanaires hautes impédances, influence d'une couche diélectrique », Proceedings of the OHD 2003 Conference (Ondes Hertziennes et Diélectriques), Calais, France, September 3-5, 2003, p. P-35.
64. G. Koers, G. Poesen, P. Simon, J.P. Raskin, I. Huynen, J. Stiens, R. Vounckx, « Modelling photo-induced plasmas in planar transmission lines for switching millimetre wave signals», Proceedings of the Microwave Photonics 2003 Conference, Budapest, September 10-12, 2003, pp. 117-120.
65. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, L. Gence, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot and I. Huynen, « Design and characterization of RF ballistic nanodevices», Proceedings of the TNT 2003 Conference (Trends in NanoTechnology), Salamanca, Spain, September 15-19, 2003, pp. 25-26.
66. B. Hackens, L. Gence, S. Faniel, C. Gustin, H. Boutry, L. Bednarz, I. Huynen V. Bayot, X. Wallaert, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, J. Mateos, T. Gonzalez, « Nonlinear electron transport in mesoscopic ballistic devices », Proceedings of the TNT 2003 Conference (Trends in NanoTechnology), Salamanca, Spain, September 15-19, 2003, pp. 113-114.
67. J.S. Galloo, E. Pichonat, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, X. Wallaert, A. Cappy, J. Mateos, T. Gonzalez, H. Boutry, B. Hackens, V. Bayot, L. Bednarz, I. Huynen, « Monte-Carlo Simulation of a ballistic Y-branch junction (YBJ) », Proceedings of the TNT 2003 Conference (Trends in NanoTechnology), Salamanca, Spain, September 15-19, 2003, pp. 83-84.
68. I. Huynen, J. Steisel, I. van den Bosch, B. Stockbroeckx, « Detection of natural frequencies as signature of buried cylindrical targets», Proceedings of the International Conference on Requirements and Technologies for the Detection, Removal and Neutralization of Landmines and UXO (EUDEM2-SCOT-2003), Brussels, September 15-18, 2003, pp. 270-275.
69. Christophe Craeye, Xavier Dardenne, Bruno Hubert, Isabelle Huynen, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Benoît Stockbroeckx, Ides Vandenbosh, Rosa Mateos, Laurent Hanet, and Thierry Gilles, « Antenna and related research at UCL, Belgium», communication presented at the COST 284 meeting on «Innovative antennas for ground-based and space-based applications», Berlin, September 15, 2003.
70. A. Saib, I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, « Design of a stopband filter based on a Magnetic Photonic Bandgap Material», Proceedings of the 33th European Microwave Conference, Munich, Germany, October 6-10, 2003, pp. 809-812.
71. J. Stiens, G. Koers, G. Poesen, M. Kuijk, W. De Raedt, E. Beyne, I. Huynen, J.-P. Raskin, D. De Zutter, F. Olyslager, B. Nauwelaers, D. Schreurs, R. Vounckx, « Challenges and perspectives for millimeter and submillimeter wave applications», Invited paper for the International Conference on Advances on the Internet, Processing, Systems, and Interdisciplinary Research, Proceedings Paper 75, Montenegro, October 5-11, 2003.
72. Rashmi, L. Bednarz, L. Gence, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot and I. Huynen, « Analysis of Bandwidth and Nonlinear Effects in InAlAs/InGaAs/InP Based Ballistic Nanodevices for Applications up to THz Range », Proc. of the International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT 2003), Kolkata, India, December 17-20, 2003, pp. 245-246.
73. A. Saib, D. Vanhoenacker, and I. Huynen, « Ferromagnetic Nanowires for Microwave Filters and Nonreciprocal Devices », Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2003, Brussels, December 18, 2003, pp. 20-23.
74. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot and I. Huynen, « Nonlinear Microwave Nanoballistic Devices for Frequency Doubling », Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2003, Brussels, December 18, 2003, p. 52.
75. G. Koers, J. Stiens, G. Poesen,P. Simon, J.-P. Raskin, I. Huynen, W. De Raedt, R. Vounckx "Optical Modulation of CPW lines on High Resistive BCB coated Si substrate", Proceedings of the Nefertiti Workshop "Microwave Photonics", York (UK), 3-5 February 2004, (CD-Rom Paper n°16), 2 p.
76. J. Stiens, G. Poesen, G. Koers, P. Simon, J.-P. Raskin, I. Huynen, R. Vounckx, "Opto-electronic control of coplanar transmission lines up to 110 GHz", Proceedings (n°5466) of the SPIE Symposium "Microwave and Terahertz Photonics", Strasbourg, 26-30 April 2004, pp. 101-108.
77. A. Saib, F. Bougrioua, M. Darques, L. Piraux, E. Matagne, D. Vanhoenacker, and I. Huynen, « Caractérisation théorique et expérimentale de composites à base de nanofils magnétiques », Proceedings of the « Journées de Caractérisation de Matériaux Micro-ondes » (JCMM2004), La Rochelle, France, March 31-April 2, 2004, Oral session A « Matériaux magnétiques », pp. A1.1-4.
78. A. Saib, R. Daussin, G. Van Lier, C. Bailly, J.-C. Charlier, and I. Huynen, « Les nanotubes de carbone pour l'absorption micron-onde: caractérisation théorique et expérimentale », Proceedings of the « Journées de Caractérisation de Matériaux Micro-ondes » (JCMM2004), La Rochelle, France, March 31-April 2, 2004, Oral session G « Technologie », pp. G2.1-4.
79. B. Hubert, I. Huynen, D. Vanhoenacker, F. Barbara, L. Bénéteau « Water-based mud (WBM) electromagnetic characterization for short-range wireless telemetry purposes », communication presented to the EMAG (Electromagnetic Community Workshop) 2004 Workshop by Schlumberger, May 2004.
80. J. Galloo, E. Pichonat, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, X. Wallart, J. Mateos, T. Gonzales, H. Boutry, B. Hackens, L. Bednarz, I. Huynen, « Transition from ballistic to ohmic transport in Tbranch Junctions at room temperature in GaInAs/AlInAs heterostructures », Proceedings of the IPRM 2004 Conference (16th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials), Kagoshima, Japan, May 31-June 4, 2004, pp. 378-381.
81. A. Saib, I. Huynen, « Defect Modes in Magnetic Photonic Band-gap Materials Based on Ferromagnetic Nanowires », Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Complex Media and Metamaterials (Bianisotropics 2004), Ghent, Belgium, September 22-24, 2004, pp. 248-251.
82. I. Huynen, A. Saib, J.P. Raskin, X. Dardenne, C. Craeye, « Periodic metamaterials combining ferromagnetic, dielectric and/or metallic structures for planar circuits applications», (invited paper), Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Complex Media and Metamaterials (Bianisotropics 2004), Ghent, Belgium, September 22-24, 2004, pp. 212-219.
83. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot, I. Huynen, J.S. Galloo, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, E. Pichonnat, A. Cappy, « Nanoscaled Double Y-branch junction operating at room temperature as RF to DC rectifier », Proceedings of the IEEE Nano 2004 Conference, Munich, August 17-19, 2004, pp. 284-286.
84. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, H. Boutry, V. Bayot, I. Huynen, « Nanoscaled RF to DC rectifiers based on ballistic transport at room temperature », communication presented at the « Nano and Giga Challenges in Microelectronics (NGCM2004) » Conference, Cracow, September 13-17, 2004.
85. G. Poesen, G. Koers, J.-P. Raskin, I. Huynen, W. De Raedt, J. Stiens, R. Vounckx, "Models for opto-electronic controlled coplanar waveguides on high resistive BCB coated Si substrates technology up to 110 GHz", Proceedings of the Nefertiti Summer School on Optical Architectures for RF signal processing and signal mixing, (paper 18 on CD), Panticosa-Huesca, Spain, 27-29 September 2004, 1p.
86. A. Saib, M. Darques, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, and I. Huynen, « Design of a unbiased microwave circulator using a magnetic nanowired substrate », Proceedings of the 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, October 12-14, 2004, pp. 1353-1356.
87. I. Huynen, A. Saib, G. Laurent, J.P. Raskin, X. Dardenne, C. Craeye, « Research at UCL in the field of metamaterials for planar circuit and antenna applications», Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of the Metamorphose Network of Excellence, Louvain-la-Neuve & Lille, November 24-26, 2004, 5 p.
88. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, B. Hackens, G. Farhi and I. Huynen, « Temperature studies of RF to DC Rectifiers Based on Ballistic Transport », Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2004, Brussels, December 10, 2004, p. 19.
89. G. Laurent, J.P. Raskin, I. Huynen, « Solutions for an electrical DNA detection », Proceedings of the URSI Forum 2004, Brussels, December 10, 2004, pp. 74-75.
90. A. Saib, L. Bednarz, and I. Huynen, « Applications of Ferromagnetic Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes in the Design of Microwave Devices and materials », Proceedings of the « 15th NID Workshop » Madrid, Spain, January 31st - February 2nd, 2005, 1 p.
91. A. Cappy, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, J.S. Galloo, E. Pichonat, X. Wallaert, J. Mateos, T. Gonzales, B.G. Vasallo, B. Hackens, L. Bednarz, H. Boutry and I. Huynen, « Ballistic Nanodevices for Terahertz Data Processing - Nanotera Project IST-2001-32517 », Proceedings of the « 15th NID Workshop » Madrid, Spain, January 31st - February 2nd, 2005, 2 p.
92. M. Darques, L. Piraux, A. Saib,, I. Huynen, « Applications of ferromagnetic nanowires in the design of microwave devices », Proceedings of the Feynman Workshop, Louvain-La-Neuve, February 16, 2005, p. 7.
93. L. Bednarz, Rashmi, I. Huynen, B. Hackens, S. Farhi, V. Bayot, « Ballistic nanodevices for high-frequency data processing: NANOTERA », Proceedings of the Feynman Workshop, Louvain-La-Neuve, February 16, 2005, p. 4.
94. A. Saib, M. Darques, L. Piraux, E. Ferain, R. Legras, D. Vanhoenacker and I. Huynen, « Modeling and design of microwave devices based on ferromagnetic nanowires », poster communication presented at the Third scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies (NANOWAL), Mons, Belgium, Friday 22 April 2005.
95. A. Saib, L. Bednarz, R. Daussin, C. Bailly, G. Van Lier, J.C. Charlier, X. Lou, J.-M. Thomassin, C. Pagnoulle, C. Detrembleur, R. Jerome, and I. Huynen, « Carbon Nanotube Composites for Broadband Microwave Absorbing Materials», poster communication presented at the Third scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies (NANOWAL), Mons, Belgium, Friday 22 April 2005.
96. L. Bednarz, B. Hackens, G. Farhi, V. Bayot and I. Huynen, « A Nonlinear Electrical Model of Y-Branch Nanoballistic Junction for Microwave Rectification », poster communication presented at the Third scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies (NANOWAL), Mons, Belgium, Friday 22 April 2005.
97. I. van den Bosch, S. Lambot, M. Acheroy, I. Huynen, P. Druyts, « Accounting for Multiple Reflections and Antenna Radiation Pattern in GPR Signal Modeling and Experimental Validation », Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR 2005), Delft, The Netherlands, May 2-4, 2005, pp. 135-140.
98. A. Saib, M. Darques, L. Piraux, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, I. Huynen, « Modeling and design of microwave devices based on ferromagnetic nanowires », communication presented at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS-2005), Long Beach, Ca., USA, June 12-17, 2005.
99. S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, Y. Roelens, J.S. Galloo, E.Pichonat, X. Wallart, J. Mateos, T. Gonzales, B.G. Vasallo, B. Hackens, L. Berdnarz, H. Boutry, I. Huynen, « Ballistic Nano-Devices for High Frequency Applications », Invited paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2005), Symposium J, Technical Session 1 (Electronic devices), Singapore, July 3-8, 2005.
100. I. van den Bosch, I. Huynen, P. Druyts, M. Acheroy, S. Lambot, « Accurate and efficient modeling of monostatic GPR signal of dielectric targets embedded in stratified media », Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 22-26 August 2005, pp. 251-255.
101. Lukasz Bednarz, Rashmi, Ghania Farhi, Benoît Hackens, Vincent Bayot, Isabelle Huynen, Jean-Sebastien Galloo, Yannick Roelens, Sylvain Bollaert and Alain Cappy, « Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Y-Branch Nanojunction as Rectifier up to 94 GHz », Proceedings of the 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, October 4-6, 2005, pp. 301-304.
102. A. Saib, L. Bednarz, R. Daussin, C. Bailly, X. Lou, J.-M. Thomassin, C. Pagnoule, C. Detrembleur, R. Jerome, and I. Huynen, « Carbon Nanotube Composites for Broadband Microwave Absorbing Materials », Proceedings of the 35th European Microwave Conference Paris, October 4-6, 2005, pp. 285-288.
103. R. Daussin, A.-C. Baudouin, C. Liu, L. Bednarz, I. Huynen, C. Bailly, « Carbon nanotubes and carbon black polymer composites: rheology and electromagnetic shielding», poster communication presented at the Fourth scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies (NANOWAL), Brussels, Belgium, 19 December 2005, P12.
104. J. Spiegel, M. Darques, L. Piraux, and I. Huynen, « Microwave devices based on nanowired magnetic composites », poster communication presented at the Fourth scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies (NANOWAL), Brussels, Belgium, 19 December 2005, P39.
105. L. Bednarz, R. Daussin, C. Bailly, G. Van Lier, J.C. Charlier and I. Huynen, « Carbon nanotubes composites for EMI shielding », communication presented at the Feynman Workshop, Louvain-La-Neuve, January 17, 2006.
106. I. Huynen, L. Bednarz, D. Vanhoenacker-Janvier, «Microwave and Millimeterwave Characterisation of ballistic nanodevices », Metrology in Network Analysis Workshop, Agilent , ETHZ Zurich, March 2006.
107. Idesbald van den Bosch, Pascal Druyts, Marc Acheroy and Isabelle Huynen, « Frequency and Time Domain Error in Buried Target radar signature extraction», Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Cambridge, Massachussets, USA, March 26-29, 2006, p. 282.
108. J. Spiegel, M. Darques, L. Piraux, E. Ferain, I. Huynen, « Characterisation of nanowired magnetic composites for microwave devices», Proceedings of the 9th Journées de Caractérisation des Matériaux Microondes (JCMM2006), St Etienne, France, March 29-31, 2006, pp. C3.1-C3.4.
109. Idesbald van den Bosch, Pascal Druyts, Marc Acheroy and Isabelle Huynen, « Numerical Parametric Study of Buried Target Ground-Penetrating Radar signature », accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the SPIE Defence and Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida, April 2006.
110. Mouloud Bouzouad, I. Huynen, A. Marteau, C. Craeye, O. Vanbésien, D. Lippens, « Backward propagation on Mushroom-like metamaterial surfaces », accepted for presentation at the Third Workshop on Metamaterials and Special Materials for Electromagnetic Applications and TLC, Rome, 30-31 March 2006.
111. X. Radu, C. Craeye, I. Huynen, « Large-Scale Metamaterial Simulation With Macro Basis Functions Used In Combination With Method Of Moment (Mom) », accepted for presentation at the Loughoborough Antennas and Propagation Conference ( LAPC 2006), Loughborough, UK, April 11-12, 2006.
112. J. Spiegel, M. Darques, L. Piraux, E. Ferain, R. Legras and I. Huynen, « Microwave devices based on nanowired magnetic composites », Proceedings of the URSI Benelux Meeting, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 12, 2006, p. 36.
113. S. Massaoudi, A. de Lustrac , I. Huynen, R. Talhi, « Properties of metallic photonic bandgap materials with defects at microwave frequencies; calculation and experimental validation », Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Tokyo, Japan, August 2-5, 2006, p. 275.
114. Lukasz Bednarz, Rashmi, Ghania Farhi, Benoît Hackens, Vincent Bayot, Isabelle Huynen, « Solutions for input impedance matching of nanodevices: Application to Y-Branch Junction HF to DC rectifier», Proceedings of the European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference 2006 (EuMIC 2006, 36th European Microwave Week), Manchester, September 10-15, 2006, pp. 5-9.
115. Lukasz Bednarz, Danielle Vanhoenacker, Isabelle Huynen, « Ballistics nanodevices: towards THz applications», Proceedings of Workshop "THz Devices: Design, Modeling, Processes and Characterization" of the European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference 2006 (EuMIC 2006, 36th European Microwave Week), Manchester, September 10-15, 2006, CD-Rom paper no. 4, 51 p.
116. M. Darques, L. Piraux, A. Encinas, A. Saib and I. Huynen, « Control of the magnetic properties of cobalt nanowires arrays and their use for microwave circulator », accepted for presentation at the JEMS 2006, San Sebastian (SPAIN) 26-30 june 2006, 1 p.
117. S. Massaoudi, A. de Lustrac , I. Huynen, « Properties of metallic photonic bandgap materials with defects at microwave frequencies; calculation, experimental verification & application in wireless communications », presented at the LEMA Day, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium, September 6-7, 2006.
118. X. Radu, S. Massaoudi, D. Dancila, I. Huynen and C. Craeye, « Design of loop-wire medium at radio frequencies for Magnetic Resonance Imaging », Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCap 2006), Nice, November 6-10, 2006, pp.1-5.
119. L. Bednarz, P. Simon, I. Huynen, C. Gardès, Y. Roelens, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, « Nanojonctions balistiques pour la rectification et le mélange de signaux aux ondes submillimétriques », Proceedings of the « Journées Nationales de Recherche Doctorale en Microélectronique (JNRDM2007) », Lille, May 14-16, 2007, p. 47.
120. D. Dancila, I. Huynen, S. Massaoudi, « Développement de structures main gauche planaires pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique », accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the « Journées Nationales Micro-ondes » (JNM2007), Toulouse, 26-28 May 2007, 4 p.
121. C. Bailly, R. Daussin, X. Laloyaux, A.C. Baudouin, I. Huynen, "From rheology to electromagnetic shielding of polymer - carbon nanotubes composites", Europolymer Conference (EUPOC 2007), Gargnano, Italy (May 27- June 1, 2007).
122. Soumia Massaoudi, Dragos Dancila, Tayeb A. Denidni, Isabelle Huynen, « Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of planar metamaterials at Radio Frequencies for Magnetic Resonance Imaging », Proceedings of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, Hawaai, USA, June 9-15, 2007, pp. 2393 - 2396.
123. S. Massaoudi, A. de Lustrac , I. Huynen, « Left-handed effect in a dielectric PBG-prism at microwave frequencies », accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), Prague, Czech Republic, August 27-30, 2007, 1 p.
124. S. Massaoudi, X.Radu, F. Capolino, I. Huynen, C. Craeye, « Analysis of a SNG metamaterial based on spiral particles and devoted to MRI Imaging », Proceedings of the Metamaterial 2007 Conference, Rome, Italy, October 22-24, 2007, pp. 539-542.
125. L. Bednarz, I. Huynen, "Experimental Studies of Heterodyne Mixing in Y-Branch Ballistic Nano-Junction", Proceedings of the 37th European Microwave Conference, Munich, October 8-11, 2007, pp 1289-1292.
126. J. Spiegel, L. Piraux, I. Huynen, "Ferromagnetic Material with Negative Permeability for Tunable Left-handed Devices", Proceedings of the 37th European Microwave Conference, Munich, October 8-11, 2007, pp. 1-4.
127. J.F. Allard, S. Savard, J. Spiegel, I. Huynen, Y. Salissou, B. Salem, X. Béchamp-Laganière, V. Aimez, S. Charlebois, D. Houde, D. Morris, « High-frequency dielectric properties measurements of polymeric films using time-domain terahertz spectroscopy", accepted for presentation to the 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (CST-2007), Montreal, August14-17, 2007, 2 p.
128. S. Massaoudi, I. Huynen, « Theoretical and experimental investigations of multiple resonant frequencies in single negative metamaterials", Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS-2007), Marrakech, Morocco, December 11-14, 2007, pp. 558-561.
129. S. Eggermont, I. Huynen, « Investigation of Radiation Phenomena in Composite Right and Left Handed (CRLH) Transmission Line (TL) based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRRs).", Proceedings of the Young Symposium on MetaMaterials (YSMM