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Godefroid De Callatay
Professeur ordinaire
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1986 Candidat en philologie classique Université catholique de Louvain 1988 DEC en philologie et histoire orientale Université catholique de Louvain 1988 Licencié en philologie classique Université catholique de Louvain 1989 Agrégé de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (philologie classique) Université catholique de Louvain 1990 Licencié en philologie et histoire orientales Université catholique de Louvain 1996 PhD in Combined Historical Studies The Warburg Institute (University of London)
Since my appointment at the UCL, I have been lecturing a range of courses on Islam and the Arabic world, including: history of Islam, Arabic literature, Islamic law and religion, Quranic exegesis, Islamic thought, along with various language courses (Classical Arabic, first, intermediate and advanced levels).
From 2008 to 2010, I was appointed by the American University of Paris to teach one core course (IS555: History of Islam and Islamic Thought 600-1100, MA course, 40 hours, in English) as part of the Master of Arts in Middle East and Islamic Studies and the Master of Arts in Middle East and Islamic Studies and International Affairs.- Courses
Name ID Middle Ages History LFIAL1422 Seminar of History of sciences in the Middle Ages LFIAL2551 History of the Arab-Muslim civilisation LGLOR1534 Classical Arabic II B LGLOR1663 Classical Arabic II A LGLOR1664 History of Rational Thought in the Arab-Muslim World LGLOR2534 Classical Arabic III A LGLOR2661 Classical Arabic III B LGLOR2662 Seminar on reading Arabic texts LGLOR2663 Advanced Seminar in Classical Arabic Literature A LGLOR2931 Advanced Seminar in Classical Arabic Literature B LGLOR2932
My current research consists of two main projects:
Speculum Arabicum (ARC
2012-2017: “Objectifying the contribution of the Arab-Muslim world to the
history of sciences and ideas: the sources and resources of medieval
encyclopaedism”) is a five-year project on comparative medieval
encyclopaedism now under way at the University of Louvain. The project seeks to
explore medieval encyclopaedism in the East and the West in order to provide
unbiased information and quantifiable benchmarks that can help us better
understand the extent of what Europe owes to the scholars of Islam. Promoters: Godefroid
de Callataÿ (chief investigator), Baudouin Van den Abeele, Mattia Cavagna, Françoise Van
Haeperen.Critical edition of the Epistles of the Brethren of Purity - Epistles 7 (“The
scientific arts”), 28 (“The limits of human knowledge”), 36 (“Cycles and revolutions”), 52a (“On Magic I”, with Bruno Halflants) and 52b (“On Magic II”, with
Bruno Halflants and Sébastien Moureau) - as part of the on-going project at
Oxford University press in association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies to
publish a multi-volume Arabic
critical edition of The Epistles of
the Brethren of Purity, with an annotated English
translation, introduction and critical commentary.
A complete list of my publications is available on request at: Here is provided a list of my main areas of research
since my debut in the academic world in the early nineties. Each area is
accompanied by a selection of publications in direct connection with it, with
some overlapping between the areas. “Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’” The encyclopaedic corpus known as the Rasā’il
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ (“Epistles of the Brethren of Purity”) has remained my principal
area of research over the past 15 years. My work in this field consists of several
monographs, one being the volume on the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ published in
2005 in the “Makers of the Muslim World” series, and the others corresponding
to the edition of various epistles as part of the project, ongoing at the
Institute of Ismaili Studies and published by Oxford University Press, to
provide the first critical edition, with annotated English translation, of the
entire corpus of the Rasā’il. Epistle 52a (the short version of the
epistle on magic, co-authored with Bruno Halflants), was published in 2011.
Epistles 7 (on the scientific arts), 28 (on the limit of human knowledge), 36
(on cycles and revolutions) and 52b (the long version of the epistle on magic,
co-authored with Bruno Halflants and Sébastien Moureau) are to follow in the
forthcoming years. I am also the author of about 20 articles in direct relation
with the Rasā’il. These have appeared (or are to appear soon) in
academic journals, proceedings of conferences, collective volumes and reference
works in the world of Islamic studies. The entry “Brethren of Purity (Ikhwān
al-Ṣafā’)”, which I contributed to the third edition of the Encyclopaedia of
Islam, is due to appear by the end of 2013. Recently,
having focused my investigation on the early reception and diffusion of the Rasā’il
in al-Andalus, I have arrived at the conclusion that the chronologies still prevailing in modern scholarship for the original
compilation of the corpus and for its introduction in the western part of the
Islamic world both need to be thoroughly reconsidered. My research in this
direction has resulted chiefly in three articles. In addition to offering new
clues which confirm the identification of the author of
the Rutbat al-ḥakīm and the Ghāyat al-ḥakīm with Maslama
al-Qurṭubī (d. 964), “Magia in
al-Andalus: Rasā’il Ijwān al-Ṣafā’, Rutbat al-ḥakīm y Gāyat al-ḥakīm (Picatrix)” provides evidence that from the first half of the 10th
century the Epistles not only existed in Iraq, but also successfully
circulated through al-Andalus, and that the same Maslama al-Qurṭubī was in all likelihood their genuine
transmitter to the Muslim West. That even before this time the Rasā’il
were known to certain Andalusī intellectual milieus is dealt with in
“Philosophy and bāṭinism in al-Andalus: Ibn Masarra’s Risālat al-i‛tibār
and the Rasā’il
Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’”, where it is
argued that Ibn Masarra (d. 931), the first Andalusī author generally credited
with an original form of thought, entirely modeled his Risālat al-i‛tibār
on the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ and, what is more, that Ibn Masarra himself
wittingly acknowledges his debt by using an Ikhwānian shibboleth at the
beginning of his treatise. A third article, “From Ibn Masarra to Ibn ‘Arabī:
references and subtle allusions to the Rasā’il Ikhwān
in the literature of al-Andalus”, purports to demonstrate that this way of
alluding to the Brethren’s encyclopaedia has been a common practice in Muslim
Spain throughout the Middle Ages. At the same time, this third article also
makes it plain that the overall influence of the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ on Andalusī
authors, whether Muslim or Jewish, was not only earlier but also much deeper
than ordinarily assumed. My bibliography
on “Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’” includes:
al-Safâ’, Les Révolutions et les Cycles. Présentation et traduction de
l'épître XXXVI des Frères de la Pureté (Sagesses Musulmanes, 3),
Louvain-la-Neuve - Beyrouth: Academia-Bruylant - Al-Bouraq, 1996, 210 p. ISBN :
"L'Epître XXXVI ("Sur les
Révolutions et les Cycles") des Ikhwân al-Safâ'", in J. Ries -
C. Cannuyer (ed.), Le Ciel dans les civilisations orientales (Acta
Orientalia Belgica, XII), Bruxelles - Leuven, Société Belge d'Etudes
Orientales, 1999, pp. 161-166.
"Ikhwân al-Safâ': Des Arts
Scientifiques et de leur Objectif. Présentation et traduction de l'Epître
VII des Frères de la Pureté", in Le Muséon, CXVI, (1-2), 2003, pp.
"Ikhwân al-Safâ': Sur les limites
du savoir humain. Présentation et traduction de l'Epître XXVIII des Frères
de la Pureté", in Le Muséon, CXVI, (3-4), 2003, pp. 479-503.
"Sacredness and Esotericism in
the Rasâ'il Ikhwân al-Safâ'", in D. De Smet - G. de Callataÿ - J. Van
Reeth (ed.), Al-Kitâb: La sacralité du texte dans le monde de l'Islam,
Actes du Symposium International tenu à Leuven et Louvain-la-Neuve du 29
mai au 1 juin 2002 (Orientalia Belgica. Subsidia, III), Bruxelles -
Louvain-la-Neuve - Leuven, 2003, pp. 389-401.
"Conjonctions astrales et
transferts de souveraineté: Succès et avatars d'une théorie iranienne en
Islam", in C. van Ruymbeke (ed.), "Mais comment peut-on être
persan ? Eléments iraniens en Orient et en Occident", Liber Amicorum
Annette Donckier de Donceel, Leuven, 2003, pp. 51-62.
"Astrology and Prophecy, The
Ikhwân al-Safâ' and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers", in C. Burnett
- K. Plofker - J. Hogendijk - M. Yano (ed.), Studies in the History of the
Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree, Leiden, 2004, pp. 758-785.
al-Safâ'. A Brotherhood
of Idealists on the Fringe of Orthodox Islam, "Makers of the Muslim
World", Oxford:
Oneworld, 2005, xvii-122 p. ISBN: 1-85168-404-2
"Miroirs et jeux de lumière dans
l'encyclopédie des Frères de la Pureté", in D. De Smet - G. de
Callataÿ - M. Sebti (ed.), Miroir et Savoir : la transmission d'un thème
platonicien, des Alexandrins à la philosophie arabo-musulmane, Actes du
Symposium international de Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve des 17 et 18 novembre
2005 (Ancient and Medieval Philosophy), Leuven, 2006, pp. 189-201.
"World cycles and geological
changes according to the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’", in P. Adamson (ed.), In the
Age of al-Farabi: Arabic Philosophy in the Fourth/Tenth Century. Proceedings of the
Conference held at the Institute of Classical Studies and the Warburg
Institute (London, 19-21 June 2006), Warburg Institute Colloquia, 12,
London-Turin: The Warburg Institute-Nino Aragno Editore, 2008, pp.
Classification of Knowledge in the Rasā’il", in N. El-Bizri (ed.),
The Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ and their Rasā’il. An Introduction, Oxford: Oxford
University Press in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies,
2008, pp. 58-82.
"Trivium et quadrivium en Islam :
des trajectoires contrastées", in G. de Callataÿ - B. Van den Abeele
(ed.), Une lumière venue d'ailleurs : Héritages et ouvertures dans les
encyclopédies d'Orient et d'Occident au Moyen Age, Actes du colloque
international tenu à Louvain-la-Neuve du 19 au 21 mai 2005,
Turnhout : Brepols, 2008, pp. 1-30.
Ikhwanianus. Retour sur le récit platonicien de l'anneau de Gygès dans
l'encyclopédie des Frères de la Pureté", in Res Antiquae 7, 2010, pp. 55-62.
"Les Sabéens de Harrân dans
l’œuvre d’Yves Marquet", in A. Caiozzo – J.-P. Boudet, N. Weill-Parot
(ed.), Picatrix, image et magie, Actes du colloque tenu à Paris, les 11 et
12 mai 2007, Paris : Librairie Honoré Champion, 2011, p. 41-56.
(with B. Halflants), The Epistles of
the Brethren of Purity, On Magic. 1. An Arabic Critical Edition and
English Translation of Epistle 52A, Oxford:
Oxford University Press in association with the Institute of Ismaili
Studies, 2011, xviii 198 p. (and 110 p. of
Arabic). ISBN :
"Kishwār-s, planètes et rois du
monde : le substrat iranien de la géographie arabe, à travers
l’exemple des Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’", forthcoming in B. Broeckaert, S. Van
den Branden and J. J. Pérennès (ed.), Perspectives on Islamic Culture.
Essays in Honour of Emilio Platti, Les Cahiers du MIDEO, Leuven :
Peeters, 2013, pp. 53-71.
"The Two Islands Allegory in the
Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’: a
walk through philosophical metaphors and literary motifs", in Ishraq:
Islamic Philosophy Yearbook, 3 (2012), pp. 71-81.
the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ inspire Ibn Ṭufayl to his Ḥayy Ibn Yaqdhān?", in Ishraq: Islamic Philosophy
Yearbook, 3 (2012), pp. 82-89.
"Rāsikhūn fī l-‘ilm : étude de
quelques références coraniques dans l’encyclopédie des Frères de la Pureté", forthcoming in Mélanges
de l’Université Saint-Joseph (« Exégèse Philosophique du
Coran »).
"Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’",
forthcoming in Encyclopaedia of Islam, Third Edition, Leiden: Brill, 2013.
"Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’",
forthcoming in C. Fitzpatrick – A. Walker (ed.), Mohammed in History,
Thought, and Culture: An Encyclopedia of the Prophet of God, 2 vols,
ABC-CLIO publishers, 2014.
"Magia en al-Andalus: Rasā’il
Ijwān al-Ṣafā’, Rutbat al-Ḥakīm y Gāyat al-Ḥakīm (Picatrix)",
forthcoming in Al-Qantara, 34.2 (2013).
"Philosophy and bāṭinism: Ibn
Masarra’s Risālat al-i‛tibār and the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’",
forthcoming in Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam.
"From Ibn Masarra to Ibn ‘Arabī:
References and Subtle Allusions to the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā in the
Literature of al-Andalus", in A. Straface – C. De Angelo – A. Manzo
(ed.), Festchriften Carmela Baffioni (Studi Magrebini).
of knowledge” This has to be understood in a very broad sense. A common objective of nearly all my studies,
whether concerned with Medieval Islam or not, has been to seek to understand
how ideas, doctrines, myths or symbols have been transferred over the
centuries, being re-interpreted, re-used and eventually enriched or distorted
beyond recognition. Examples range from the avatars of the Great Year doctrine,
a concept whose history I have attempted to trace up from Greek Antiquity to
the European Renaissance on the occasion of my PhD, to the reception in
medieval Islam of the sciences of the trivium and of the quadrivium, and
from the idea of distributing the peoples of the earth on the ecumene
according to the laws of Greek and Roman astrological geography to the metamorphoses
of celestial constellations such as the Greater Bear, Hercules or the Fishes,
in line with ancient lore and mythology. My contributions most usually transcend the
limits generally assigned to periods of time, cultures or languages, and if the
bulk of my publication in this field remains primarily focused on the
transmission of knowledge from the ancient Greek world to Islam and Europe in
the Middle Ages, I have at times also touched subjects as diverse from one
another as the sacred bull Apis of ancient Egypt and the representation of the
Colossus of Rhodes by Salvador Dali. Topics which I have found myself
interested in are often at the crossroads of two or more disciplines: history
of science, philosophy, philology, historiography, history of art, mythology.
This eclecticism is certainly not casual. Ever since my time as a PhD student
at the Warburg Institute in London, I have acquired the “Warburgian” conviction
that the best results are drawn, not from conducting one’s research in one
direction alone, but rather by comparing and assessing results from several
fields of knowledge simultaneously. In more recent times, I have authored
various contributions relevant to this area of research to encyclopaedias and
other reference tools. My bibliography
on “Transmission of knowledge” includes:
"La Grande Ourse et le Taureau
Apis", in C. Obsomer - A.-L. Oosthoek (ed.), Amosiadès. Mélanges
offerts au Professeur Claude Vandersleyen, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1992, pp.
Annus Platonicus. A Study
of World Cycles in Greek, Latin and Arabic Sources (Publications de
l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 47), Louvain - Paris: Peeters, 1996,
xvi-287 p. ISBN: 978-9068318760.
"The Knot of the Heavens",
in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LIX, 1996, pp. 1-13.
"The Measure of
Plato's Great Year" (abstract), in C. Opsomer (ed.), XXth
International Congress of History of Science, 20-26 July 1997, Book of
Abstracts - Scientific Sections, Liège, Centre d'Histoire des Science et
des Techniques, 1997, p. 12.
"Oikoumenè hupouranios: Réflexions
sur l'origine et le sens de la géographie astrologique", in
Geographia Antiqua. Rivista di geografia storica del mondo antico e di
storia della geografia, VIII-IX, 1999/2000, pp. 25-69.
"La grande conjonction de 1186
dans les sources occidentales et orientales", in Isabelle Draelants,
Anne Tihon and Baudouin van den Abeele (ed.), Occident et Proche-Orient :
Contacts scientifiques au temps des Croisades. Actes du colloque de
Louvain-la-Neuve, 24 et 25 mars 1997 (Collection Réminisciences, 5),
Tumhout: Brepols, 2000, pp. 369-384.
"La géographie zodiacale de
Manilius (Astr., 4, 744-817), avec une note sur l'Énéide
virgilienne", in Latomus. Revue d'études latines, LX, 2001, pp.
Presocratics and the Great Year", in D. Papenfuß and V.M. Strocka (ed.),
"Gab es das griechische Wunder?" (Griechenland zwischen dem Ende
des 6. und der Mitte des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.), Tagungsbeiträge des 16.
Fachsymposiums der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung veranstaltet vom 5. bis
9. April 1999 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2001, pp.
"Géographies astrologiques et
roses des vents", in L. Deitz (ed.), Tempus edax rerum: le
bicentenaire de la Bibliothèque Nationale du Luxembourg (1798-1998),
Bibliothèque Nationale du Luxembourg, Edition Bibliothèque nationale,
2001, pp. 131-142.
"La Grande Ourse et le Taureau
Apis" (revised version of the article above-mentioned), in MHNH
(Revista internacional de investigación sobre magia y astrología
antiguas), II, 2002, pp. 175-188.
astrólogo. La teoría del Gran Año y sus primeras deformaciones", in
A. Pérez Jiménez and R. Caballero (ed.), Homo Mathematicus, Actas del
Congreso Internacional sobre Astrólogos Griegos y Romanos celebrado en
Benalmádena [Málaga, 8-10 de Octubre 2001], Charta Antiqua, 2002, pp.
astrologische Geographie in der Antike", in J. Hahn (ed.), Religiöse
Landschaften, Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreis zur Erforschung der
Religions- und Kulturgeschichte des Antiken Vorderen Orients (AZERKAVO)
und des SFB 493.4 (= Alter Orient und Altes Testament, hrsg. M. Dietrich
und O. Loretz, 301), Münster, 2002, pp. 85-104.
Engonasin: Harmony and Mystery under the Starry Vault", in Pol
Defosse (ed), Hommages à Carl Deroux, Tome IV (Archéologie et Histoire de
l'art, Religion), Bruxelles, Collection Latomus, 2003, pp. 329-338 (and
tables LVIII à LXI).
"Conjonctions astrales et
transferts de souveraineté: Succès et avatars d'une théorie iranienne en
Islam", in C. van Ruymbeke (ed.), "Mais comment peut-on être
persan ? Eléments iraniens en Orient et en Occident", Liber Amicorum
Annette Donckier de Donceel, Leuven, 2003, p. 51-62.
(as editor, together with D. De Smet
and J. Van Reeth), Al-Kitâb : La sacralité du texte dans le monde de
l’islam, Actes du Symposium international de Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve (du
29 mai au 1er juin 2002), Acta Orientalia Belgica. Subsidia
III, Bruxelles - Louvain-la-Neuve - Leuven: Société belge d'études
orientales, 2004, 434 p.
"The Colossus of Rhodes: Ancient
Texts and Modern Representations", in C. Ligota - J.-L. Quantin
(ed.), Seminars on the History of Scholarship: A selection of papers from:
the Seminar on the History of Scholarship held annually at the Warburg
Institute (Oxford-Warburg Studies), Oxford - London, Oxford University
Press - The Warburg Institute, 2006, p. 39-73.
"Trivium et quadrivium en Islam :
des trajectoires contrastées", in G. de Callataÿ - B. Van den Abeele
(ed.), Une lumière venue d'ailleurs : Héritages et ouvertures dans les
encyclopédies d'Orient et d'Occident au Moyen Age, Actes du colloque
international tenu à Louvain-la-Neuve du 19 au 21 mai 2005,
Turnhout : Brepols, 2008, pp. 1-30.
(as editor, together with D. De Smet and
M. Sebti), Miroir et Savoir : la transmission d'un thème platonicien, des
Alexandrins à la philosophie arabo-musulmane, Actes du Symposium
international de Leuven - Louvain-la-Neuve (17 et 18 novembre 2005),
Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Series 1.38), Leuven : Universitaire
Pers, 2008, x-310 p. ISBN : 9789058676702
(as editor, together with B. Van den
Abeele), Une lumière venue d'ailleurs : Héritages et ouvertures dans les
encyclopédies d'Orient et d'Occident au Moyen Age, Actes du colloque
international de Louvain-la-Neuve (19-21 mai 2005), Turnhout :
Brepols (Réminisciences, 9), 2008, xi-298 p. ISBN : 9782503530734.
"Kishwār-s, planètes et rois du
monde : le substrat iranien de la géographie arabe, à travers
l’exemple des Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’", forthcoming in S. Van den Branden
(ed.), Festschrift for Prof. Emilio Platti, Mélanges de l’Institut Dominicain
d’Etudes Orientales, Cairo, 2013, pp. 53-71.
"Astrology in Islam", in A.
L. C. Runehov – Ll. Oviedo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions,
Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2013, pp. 148-149.
"Science in Islam. Classification",
in A. L. C. Runehov – Ll. Oviedo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sciences and
Religions, Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2013, pp. 2100-2102.
"Science in Islam. Transmission",
in A. L. C. Runehov – Ll. Oviedo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sciences and
Religions, Dordrecht: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2013, pp. 2102-2103.
"Eternity and World Cycles",
forthcoming in Yitzhak Melamed" (ed.), Eternity (series: Oxford
Philosophical Concepts), Oxford University Press, 2013.
"Magic and
sorcery”, (updating of Kazuo Ohtzuka’s article), forthcoming in The
[Oxford] Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, Science, and Technology in Islam,
Oxford University Press, 2013.
motifs in literature” A good deal of my published work is concerned with the study of what could
be labeled as “the secret motifs in literature”, and which consists of all
sorts of materials in the form of riddles, wordplays, mathematical puzzles, subtle
literary allusions and other secret designs or schemes whose deciphering is intentionally
left by the authors to the sagacity of their readers and preferably only to a
few of them. The esoteric dimension of the Rasā’il Ikhwān al-Ṣafā’ is
naturally dealt with in most of my publications about them, but here again,
this is an aspect which I have never ceased to explore in many other contexts
as well. In particular, I have devoted six studies to Virgil’s Aeneid,
each one of which designed to illustrate one facet of the Latin poet’s art at
organizing the contents of his narrative in a cryptic way that strongly
suggests his affiliations with the Pythagorean or neo-Pythagorean doctrine.
Similarly, the “Knot of the Heavens” points at the subtle way by which the Greek
Alexandrine poet Aratus, the author of the highly influential Phaenomena,
was able to insinuate that his poem should be conceived as having the form of
two hemispheres stuck to one another. Riddles and cryptic statements are also
at the core of my investigation of Plato’s doctrine of the ‘Perfect Year’,
whose length is nowhere explicitly given by the philosopher although the great
cycle and its main subdivisions appear to be reconstructible on the basis of
indications found in several of Plato’s myths. In a related order of ideas, I
have also dedicated two articles to the way the 15th century
humanist Clenardus, who is often called the Flemish Champollion, managed to
decipher the scripture and the rudiments of the Arabic grammar by himself, only
by comparing a recent polyglot edition of the Psalm just available to him while
he was studying at the University of Louvain. My
bibliography on “Secret motifs in literature” includes:
"Le zodiaque de l'Énéide",
in Latomus. Revue d'études latines, LII, 1993, pp. 318-349.
"Les quatre arts d'Apollon dans
l'Énéide", in Latomus. Revue d'études latines, LIV, 1995, pp.
Platonicus. A Study of World Cycles in Greek, Latin and Arabic Sources
(Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 47), Louvain - Paris:
Peeters, 1996, chapter 1 (on Plato’s Great Year).
"The Knot of the Heavens",
in Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, LIX, 1996, pp. 1-13.
"Du chaos
au cosmos: l'allégorie
des éléments dans l'Énéide", in Bulletin de l'Institut historique
belge de Rome, LXVII, 1997, pp. 153-197.
"The Measure of Plato's Great
Year" (abstract), in C. Opsomer (ed.), XXth International Congress of
History of Science, 20-26 July 1997, Book of Abstracts - Scientific Sections,
Liège, Centre d'Histoire des Science et des Techniques, 1997, p. 12.
"Les trois grandes projections
historiques de l'Énéide", in L'Antiquité classique, LXVII, 1998, pp.
"L'enseignement de l'arabe à
l'ancienne Université de Louvain", in P. Radelet-de Grave - Brigitte
Van Tiggelen (ed.), Sedes Scientiae. L'émergence de la recherche à
l'Université, Actes du séminaire organisé par le Centre de Recherche en
Histoire des Sciences de l'U.C.L. (Collection Réminisciences),
Turnhout : Brepols, 2002, pp. 51-71.
"Orpheus Engonasin: Harmony and
Mystery under the Starry Vault", in Pol Defosse (ed), Hommages à Carl
Deroux, Tome IV (Archéologie et Histoire de l'art, Religion), Bruxelles,
Collection Latomus, 2003, pp. 329-338 (et planches LVIII à LXI).
"Sacredness and Esotericism in
the Rasâ'il Ikhwân al-Safâ'", in D. De Smet - G. de Callataÿ - J. Van
Reeth (ed.), Al-Kitâb: La sacralité du texte dans le monde de l'Islam,
Actes du Symposium International tenu à Leuven et Louvain-la-Neuve du 29
mai au 1 juin 2002 (Orientalia Belgica. Subsidia, III), Bruxelles -
Louvain-la-Neuve - Leuven, 2003, pp. 389-401.
"Astrology and Prophecy, The
Ikhwân al-Safâ' and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers", in C. Burnett
- K. Plofker - J. Hogendijk - M. Yano (ed.), Studies in the History of the
Exact Sciences in Honour of David Pingree, Leiden, 2004, pp. 758-785.
"Les douze dieux olympiens dans
l'Énéide", in Res Antiquae, 2, 2005, pp. 207-236.
"Il numero
geometrico di Platone", in Platone, La Repubblica, traduzione e
commento a cura di Mario Vegetti, vol. VI ("libro VIII-IX"),
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