Place du Levant 1/L5.05.04
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Geoffrey Van Moeseke
Chargé de recherche
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; De Grave, Denis ; Anciaux, Amélie ; Sobczak, Jean ; Wallenborn, Grégoire. New insights into thermal comfort sufficiency in dwellings. In: Buildings and Cities, Vol. 5, no.1, p. 331-348 (2024). doi:10.5334/bc.444.
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Denis De Grave. Le temps et l’espace de la chaleur. slowheat.org. In: Lieux dits, , no.24, p. 36 (2023). doi:10.14428/ld.vi24.82273.
Dartevelle, Olivier ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Masy, Gabrielle ; Mlecnik, Erwin ; Altomonte, Sergio. On the effectiveness of passive controls for summer thermal comfort in highly insulated dwellings. In: Building Research and Information : the international journal of research, development and demonstration, (2023). doi:10.1080/09613218.2023.2238852 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Dartevelle, Olivier ; Altomonte, Sergio ; Erwin Mlecnik ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Indoor Summer Thermal Comfort in a Changing Climate: The Case of a Nearly Zero Energy House in Wallonia (Belgium). In: Energies, Vol. 15, no. 7, p. / (2022). doi:10.3390/en15072410.
Van den Brande, Kjartan ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Heijmans, Nicolas ; Bracke, Wolf ; Delghust, Marc ; Janssens, Arnold. The Impact of Climate Updates on the Energy Performance Assessment in a Legislative Framework. In: SSRN Electronic Journal, (2022). doi:10.2139/ssrn.4245584 (Soumis).
Hema, Makiètyn Césaire ; Messan, Adamah ; Lawane, Abdou ; Soro, Doma ; Nshimiyimana, Philbert ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Improving the thermal comfort in hot region through the design of walls made of compressed earth blocks: An experimental investigation. In: Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 38, p. 102148 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102148.
Dartevelle, Olivier ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Mlecnik, Erwin ; Altomonte, Sergio. Long-term evaluation of residential summer thermal comfort: Measured vs. perceived thermal conditions in nZEB houses in Wallonia. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 190, no. 107531 (March 2021). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.107531.
Prignon, Martin ; Felipe Ossio ; Altomonte, Sergio ; Anraud Dawans ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. On the applicability of meta-analysis to evaluate airtightness performance of building components. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 194, p. 107684 (2021).
Hema, Makiètyn Césaire ; Messan, Adamah ; Lawane, Abdou ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Impact of the design of walls made of compressed earth blocks on the thermal comfort of housing in hot climate. In: Buildings, Vol. 10, no.9, p. 157 (2020). doi:10.3390/buildings10090157.
Prignon, Martin ; Delmotte, Christophe ; Dawans, Arnaud ; Altomonte, Sergio ; van Moeseke, Geoffrey. On the impact of regression technique to airtightness measurements uncertainties. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 215, p. 109919 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109919 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Prignon, Martin ; Arnaud Dawans ; Altomonte, Sergio ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. A Method to Quantify Uncertainties in Airtightness Measurements Zero-Flow and Envelope Pressure. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 188-189, p. 12-24 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.02.006 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Souviron, Jean ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Khan, Ahmed Z.. Analysing the environmental impact of windows: A review. In: Building and Environment, Vol. 161, no.15, p. 106268 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106268.
Piderit, María ; Vivanco, Franklin ; van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Attia, Shady. Net Zero Buildings—A Framework for an Integrated Policy in Chile. In: Sustainability, Vol. 11, no.5, p. 1494 (2019). doi:10.3390/su11051494.
Prignon, Martin ; Dawans, Arnaud ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Quantification of uncertainty in zero-flow pressure approximation. In: International Journal of Ventilation. doi:10.1080/14733315.2020.1777020.
Prignon, Martin ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Factors Influencing Airtightness and Airtightness Predictive Models: A Literature Review. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 146, p. 87-97 (1 juillet 2017). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.04.062.
Hema, Makiètyn Césaire ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Evrard, Arnaud ; Luc Courard ; Adamah Messan. Vernacular housing practices in Burkina Faso: representative models of construction in Ouagadougou and walls hygrothermal efficiency. In: Energy Procedia, Vol. 122, p. 535-540 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.398 (Soumis).
Obyn, Sophie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Virgo, Vincent. Thermal performance of shelter modelling: Improvement of temporary structures. In: Energy and Buildings, Vol. 89, no.1, p. 170-182 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.12.035.
Obyn, Sophie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Variability and impact of internal surfaces convective heat transfer coefficients in the thermal evaluation of office buildings. In: Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 87, no. 1, p. 258-272 (5 August 201). doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.05.030.
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. A projet-based approach of energy quality as a path towards sustainability. In: Architecture and Sustainability: Critical Perspectives for Integrated Design, Ahmed Z. Khan and Karen Allacker (eds. 2015, January): Leuven (Belgium) / Den Haag (Netherlands), 2015, 456. 978-94-6292-088-0. D/2015/0543/17.
Dartevelle, Olivier ; Altomonte, Sergio ; Masy, Gabrielle ; Mlecnik, Erwin ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Indoor summer thermal comfort in a changing climate: the case of a nearly zero energy house in Wallonia (Belgium).. Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability (CEES 2021) (Coimbra, du 12/10/2021 au 15/10/2021). In: CEES 2021 - International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, 2021. 9789895449910.
Baudoin, Gilles ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Selection of melting-peak temperature of phase-change materials: influence of the building parameters. "Building Simulation 2021 Conference" (Bruges, Belgium, du 01/09/2021 au 03/09/2021) (Soumis).
Baudoin, Gilles ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Matériaux à changement de phase dans les parois du bâtiment : étude de l’origine des gains énergétiques. Conférence IBPSA France (Reims, du 12/11/2020 au 13/11/2020).
Prignon, Martin ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. In-situ measurement of building component using direct component testing. 11th International Buildair Symposium (Hannover, Germany, du 24/05/2019 au 25/05/2019).
Baudoin, Gilles ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Influence of building parameters on thermal mass modification with phase-change materials: numerical study based on design of experiments. EG-ICE 2019 - 26th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (Leuven, du 01/07/2019 au 03/07/2019).
Baudoin, Gilles ; Verbeke, Stijn ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Etude par simulation de la pertinence de combiner deux matériaux à changement de phase (PCMs) pour modifier la masse thermique des bâtiments. Conférence Internationale Francophone NoMaD 2018 (Liège Université, Belgique, du 07/11/2018 au 08/11/2018).
Baudoin, Gilles ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Phase Change Materials (PCMs) to Optimise Thermal Mass. Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment (Brussels, du 29/05/2018 au 30/05/2018).
Baudoin, Gilles ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Phase Change Materials in Buildings: Combined Optimisation of Melting-Peak Temperature and Melting Temperature Range. Building Simulation and Optimization 2018 - Fourth IBSPA - England Conference (Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, du 11/09/2018 au 12/09/2018).
Prignon, Martin ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Uncertainties in airtightness measurements: regression methods and pressure sequences. 39th AIVC - 7th TightVent & 5th venticool Conference Smart ventilation for buildings (Juan-Les-Pins, du 18/09/2018 au 19/09/2018).
Prignon, Martin ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Characterization of infiltration and exfiltration at building component scale (air paths) based on in-situ testing and numerical simulations.. Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment (Liège, du 26/04/2017 au 27/04/2017).
Prignon, Martin ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Component leakage: types of "airpaths" and Potential Improvement Graphs". 38th AIVC - 6th TightVent & 4th venticool Conference - Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings (Nottingham, du 13/09/2017 au 14/09/2017).
hema, Makiètyn Césaire ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Messan, Adamah. Vernacular housing practices in Burkina Faso: representative models of construction in Ouagadougou and walls hygrothermal efficiency. CISBAT (Lausane, du 06/09/2017 au 08/09/2017). In: Energy Procedia, Vol. Volume 122, p. Pages 535–540 (Septembre 2017). doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.398.
Maraqa, Shadi ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; De Herde, André. Enhancing natural ventilation in patients’ wards in a Belgian hospital by integrating some ventilation concepts from vernacular architecture. CLIMA 2016 (Aalborg, Denmark, du 22/05/2016 au 25/05/2016). In: CLIMA 2016 - proceedings of the 12th REHVA World Congress: volume 5, Kvols Heiselberg: Aalborg University, Department of Civil Engineering, 2016. 87-91606-30-6 (vol. 5).
Maraqa, Shadi ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; De Herde, André. Natural ventilation feasibility in typical patients wards in a Belgian hospital during summer. 9 th International Conference on Thermal Engineering: Theory and Applications (Abu Dhabi, UAE, du 24/03/2016 au 26/03/2016).
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey ; Dartevelle, Olivier. A decision tree for an integrated cooling design. PLEA - Passive and Low Energy Architecture (Bologna, Italy, du 09/09/2015 au 11/09/2015).
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Ventilative cooling in the Belgian regulation. QUALICHeCK webinar - Ventilative cooling potential and compliance in Energy Performance regulations — Status and perspectives in Belgium, Estonia, Greece (01/12/2015).
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. SLOWHEAT@LOCI-LAB, 2023. 23 p.
Bos, Morgane ; Stiernon, Dorothée ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. ACCOMPAGNEMENT À L’ÉVALUATION PATRIMONIALE DU BÂTI RÉSIDENTIEL BRUXELLOIS, 2022. 48 p.
thibaut guyaux. MÉTHODE DE RÉNOVATION DU BÂTI ANCIEN EN RÉGION DE BRUXELLES CAPITALE, éd. Van Moeseke, Geoffrey, 2022. 135 p.
De Grave, Denis ; Anciaux, Amélie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. SLOWHEAT : définition de la pratique, 2022. 37 p.
De Grave, Denis ; Anciaux, Amélie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. SLOWHEAT : pratique(s) empirique(s), 2022. 48 p.
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Slowheat@LOCI, 2022. 64 p.
Stiernon, Dorothée ; Bos, Morgane ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Typologies du parc bâti bruxellois et potentiels de rénovations associés, 2022. 8 p.
Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Phase Change Materials (PCM) in buildings – elements of a state of art, 2020. Geoffrey p.
Bos, Morgane ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. REINTEREST - Rapport scientifique final UCL, 2018. 129 p.
Obyn, Sophie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Compilation de gains internes : Valeurs globales et détaillées, 2015.
Obyn, Sophie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Compilation de modèles comportementaux : Modélisation du comportement des occupants , 2015. 92 p.
Obyn, Sophie ; Van Moeseke, Geoffrey. Convective heat transfer coefficient to estimate energy requirements of office buildings, 2015. 21 p.