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Florence Stinglhamber
Professeure ordinaire
Professional experience
From September 2007: Assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
From September 2005: Invited lecturer at the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
From March 2004: Researcher in Human Resources Management at HEC - Liège, Belgium.
Oct. 2002 to Feb. 2004: Post-doc researcher in organizational psychology at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Feb. to July 2002: Research assistant in organizational psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
Jan. - Feb. 2001: Visiting Scholar at University of Delaware, Newark, USA (Prof. Robert Eisenberger).
Sept. - Dec. 2000: Visiting Scholar at University of Delaware, Newark, USA (Prof. Robert Eisenberger).
Feb. 1998 to Jan. 2002: Ph.D. student in organizational psychology at the Department of Psychology at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), Belgium.
- Diploma
Year Label Educational Organization 1994 Candidate en psychologie et sciences de l'éducation Université catholique de Louvain 1997 Licenciée en sciences psychologiques Université catholique de Louvain 2002 Docteur en sciences psychologiques Université catholique de Louvain
- Courses
Name ID Approche psycho-organisationnelle du bien-être au travail LGRBE2005 Gestion du changement et prévention du bien-être au travail LGRBE2101 Work and organizational psychology LPSP1204 Psychology of human resources LPSP1321 Advanced workshops of analysis methods - Methods of structural equation LPSYS2166
Main research interests:
1. Perceived organizational support/perceived supervisor support,
2. Recognition at work,
3. Organizational dehumanization,
4. Attitudes and behaviors at work (e.g., presenteeism, green behaviors at work),
5. Organizational change.
Ph.D. currently or recently supervised:
Elodie Arnéguy (co-supervised with M. Ohana, Kedge Business School, Bordeaux)
Audrey Babic (co-supervised with I. Hansez, ULg)
Gaëtane Caesens
Fabrice De Zanet (co-supervised with J.-M. Dujardin, HEC-ULg)
Dorothée Hanin (co-supervised with N. Delobbe, UCL/LSM)
Chloé Jacquemin (co-supervised with L. Taskin, UCL/LSM)
Géraldine Marique (co-supervised with D. Desmette, UCL/IPSY)
Maud Persenaire
Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Backfire effects of performance quantification on stress and disidentification: The role of metadehumanization in organizations, sport, and social networks. In: British Journal of Social Psychology, (2024). doi:10.1111/bjso.12721 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Ohana, Marc ; Bensemmane, Sonia ; Diehl, Marjo‐Riitta ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Overall team justice and psychological strain: A daily diary study. In: International Journal of Psychology, (2024). doi:10.1002/ijop.13109 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Lagios, Constantin ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Restubog, Simon Lloyd D. ; Lagios, Nicolas ; Brison, Noémie ; Caesens, Gaëtane. When organizational dehumanization hits home: Short scale validation and test of a spillover-crossover model. In: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, (2024). doi:10.1111/joop.12493 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Evans, Thomas Rhys ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Burnout Across Boundaries: Can Parental Burnout Directly or Indirectly Influence Work Outcomes?. In: Current Psychology (New York) : developmental - learning - personality - social, Vol. 42, no. 16, p. 14065-14075 (2023). doi:10.1007/s12144-021-02687-3.
González-Morales, M. Gloria ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Neves, Pedro ; Becker, Thomas E.. Comment on van Knippenberg and Lee (2023): SOE is walking the talk of the organization. In: Journal of Management Scientific Reports, Vol. 1, no.2, p. 94-105 (2023). doi:10.1177/27550311231174563.
Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Coworkers’ interpersonal justice and team citizenship behaviors: mediation of social exchange and identity and moderation of extraversion. In: European Business Review, Vol. 35, no. 6, p. 924-940 (2023). doi:10.1108/ebr-08-2022-0155.
Lagios, Constantin ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Dysfunctional rules in organizations: The mediating role of organizational dehumanization in the relationship between red tape and employees’ outcomes. In: European Management Journal, Vol. 41, no. 5, p. 802-813 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.emj.2022.06.002.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie. Enlarging the victim’s perspective on dehumanization. In: Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 50, p. 101248 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2023.101248.
Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Brison, Noémie ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Perceived sexualization of the work environment's influence on well‐being, attitudes, and behaviors: The roles of organizational dehumanization and enjoyment of sexualization. In: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 53, no. 10, p. 1012-1026 (2023). doi:10.1111/jasp.12992.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Morin, Alexandre J. S. ; Gillet, Nicolas ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Perceived support profiles in the workplace: A longitudinal perspective. In: Group & Organization Management, Vol. 48, no. 3, p. 833-873 (2023). doi:10.1177/10596011211044581.
Lagios, Constantin ; Lagios, Nicolas ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Predictors and consequences of work alienation in times of crisis: Evidence from two longitudinal studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Current Psychology, Vol. 42, no. 26, p. 22866-22880 (2023). doi:10.1007/s12144-022-03372-9.
Delroisse, Stéphanie ; Rimé, Bernard ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Quality of social sharing of emotions alleviates job burnout: The role of meaning of work. In: Journal of Health Psychology, Vol. 28, no. 1, p. 61-76 (2022). doi:10.1177/13591053221091039.
Fontesse, Sullivan ; Chevallereau, Tina ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Fiorito, Anna ; Chatard, Armand ; Jaafari, Nemat ; Maurage, Pierre. Suicidal ideations and self-dehumanization in recently detoxified patients with severe alcohol use disorder: an experimental exploration through joint explicit-implicit measures. In: Journal of Addictive Diseases, (2023). doi:10.1080/10550887.2023.2292303 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Brison, Noémie ; Lagios, Constantin ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Working like a machine or a beast: Exploring mechanistic and animalistic dehumanization in organizations. In: T P M. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, Vol. 30, no. 2, p. 119-140 (2023). doi:10.4473/TPM30.2.1.
Nguyen, Nathan ; Cheung, Francis ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Emotional labor: A two-wave longitudinal person-centered approach. In: International Journal of Stress Management, Vol. 29, no. 1, p. 1-13 (2022). doi:10.1037/str0000232.
Nguyen, Nathan ; Besson, Théo ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Emotional labor: The role of organizational dehumanization. In: Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 27, no. 2, p. 179-194 (2022). doi:10.1037/ocp0000289.
Lagios, Constantin ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Explaining the negative consequences of organizational dehumanization : The mediating role of psychological need thwarting. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 21, no. 2, p. 86-93 (2022). doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000286.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Ohana, Marc ; Lagios, Constantin ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Maurage, Pierre. For whom and why organizational dehumanization is linked to deviant behaviours. In: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 96, no. 1, p. 203-229 (2023). doi:10.1111/joop.12409.
Brison, Noémie ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Organizational dehumanization. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia in I/O Psychology, (2022). doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.902.
Nguyen, Nathan ; Maurage, Pierre ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Organizational metadehumanization and mechanistic self-dehumanization: The role of surface acting. In: Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, Vol. 25, no. 8, p. 1983-2002 (2022). doi:10.1177/13684302221095757.
Arnéguy, Elodie ; Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Readiness for change: which source of justice and support really matters?. In: Employee Relations: The International Journal, Vol. 44, p. 210-228 (2022). doi:10.1108/er-05-2020-0225.
Shanock, Linda Rhoades ; Shoss, Mindy K. ; Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline ; Shore, Lynn M. ; Zagenczyk, Thomas J. ; Buffardi, Louis T. ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Ford, Michael T. ; Joo, Min-Kyu ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Remembering Robert W. Eisenberger: A tribute to his life and his work on perceived organizational support. In: Group & Organization Management : an international journal, Vol. 47, no.4, p. 872-888 (2022). doi:10.1177/10596011221110650.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Josse, Maryse ; Demoulin, Stéphanie. The development of prison officers’ job satisfaction and its impact on depersonalization of incarcerated persons: The role of organizational dehumanization. In: Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 49, no. 11, p. 1600-1617 (2022). doi:10.1177/00938548221087182.
Babic, Audrey ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Barbier, Marie ; Hansez, Isabelle. Work environment and work-to-family conflict: examining the mediating role of heavy work investment. In: Journal of Management & Organization, Vol. 28, no. 2, p. 398-421 (2022). doi:10.1017/jmo.2019.40.
De Clercq, Mikaël ; Leroy, Véronique ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Frenay, Mariane. « Projet de formation » : accompagner vers la réussite universitaire et l’insertion professionnelle. In: Revue internationale de pédagogie de l'enseignement supérieur, Vol. Numéro Spécial 38, no. 1 (2022). doi:10.4000/ripes.3808.
Hansotte, Logan ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Roskam, Isabelle ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Mikolajczak, Moïra. Are all burned out parents neglectful and violent? A latent profile analysis. In: Journal of Child and Family Studies, Vol. 30, p. 158-168 (2021). doi:10.1007/s10826-020-01850-x.
Nguyen, Nathan ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Emotional labor and core self-evaluations as mediators between organizational dehumanization and job satisfaction. In: Current Psychology, Vol. 40, p. 831-839 (2021). doi:10.1007/s12144-018-9988-2.
Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Chevallereau, Tina ; Fontesse, Sullivan ; Bastart, Jennifer ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Maurage, Pierre. Examining the role of fundamental psychological needs in the development of metadehumanization: A multi-population approach. In: British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 60, p. 196-221 (2021). doi:10.1111/bjso.12380.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Chalmagne, Benoît ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Maurage, Pierre. Leader-member exchange and organizational dehumanization: The role of supervisor’s organizational embodiment. In: European management journal, Vol. 39, no. 6, p. 745-754 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.emj.2021.01.006.
Leroy, Véronique ; De Clercq, Mikaël ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Frenay, Mariane. L’étudiant face à son projet de formation : Présentation et première évaluation d’un dispositif d’accompagnement innovant. In: Les cahiers de recherche en éducation et formation, (2021) (Soumis).
Fontesse, Sullivan ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; de Timary, Philippe ; Maurage, Pierre. Metadehumanization and self-dehumanization are linked to reduced drinking refusal self-efficacy and increased anxiety and depression symptoms in patients with severe alcohol use disorder. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 61, no.1, p. 238-247 (2021). doi:10.5334/pb.1058.
Chevallereau, Tina ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Maurage, Pierre ; Demoulin, Stéphanie. My Physical Appearance at the Center of Others’ Concerns: What are the Consequences for Women’s Metadehumanization and Emotions?. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 61, no.1, p. 116-130 (2021). doi:10.5334/pb.558.
Nguyen, Nathan ; Dao, Quoc Anh ; Nhan, Thi Lac An ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Organizational dehumanization and emotional labor: A cross-cultural comparison between Vietnam and the United Kingdom. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 52, p. 43-60 (2021). doi:10.1177/0022022120972183.
Fontesse, Sullivan ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; de Timary, Philippe ; Maurage, Pierre. Self‐dehumanisation in severe alcohol use disorder: Links with self‐stigma and environmental satisfaction. In: International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 56, no. 6, p. 878-884 (2021). doi:10.1002/ijop.12774.
Chevallereau, Tina ; Maurage, Pierre ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie. Sex-based and beauty-based objectification: Metadehumanization and emotional consequences among victims. In: British Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 60, no. 4, p. 1218-1240 (2021). doi:10.1111/bjso.12446.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Gillet, Nicolas ; Morin, Alexandre J.S. ; Houle, Simon A. ; Stinglhamber, Florence. A person‐centred perspective on social support in the workplace. In: Applied Psychology, Vol. 69, no. 3, p. 686-714 (2020). doi:10.1111/apps.12196.
Mikolajczak, Moïra ; Gross, James J. ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Norberg, Annika Lindahl ; Roskam, Isabelle. Is Parental Burnout distinct from Job Burnout and Depressive Symptomatology?. In: Clinical Psychological Science, Vol. 8, no. 4, p. 673-689 (2020). doi:10.1177/2167702620917447.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Morin, Alexandre J.S. ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Longitudinal trajectories of perceived organizational support: a growth mixture analysis. In: Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 35, no.6, p. 481-495 (2020). doi:10.1108/jmp-01-2020-0027.
Fontesse, Sullivan ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Chevallereau, Tina ; de Timary, Philippe ; Cappeliez, Bernard ; Bon, Fabrice ; Geus, Christophe ; Talent, Julien ; Ayache, Laurence ; Maurage, Pierre. Metadehumanization in severe alcohol-use disorders: Links with fundamental needs and clinical outcomes. In: Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 107, p. 106425 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106425.
Arnéguy, Elodie ; Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Overall justice, perceived organizational support and readiness for change: The moderating role of perceived organizational competence. In: Journal of organizational change management, Vol. 33, no. 5, p. 765-777 (2020). doi:10.1108/JOCM-12-2019-0373.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Bouchat, Pierre ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Perceived organizational support and psychological empowerment: A multi-sample study. In: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 62, no. 7, p. 526-531 (2020). doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000001889.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Ohana, Marc ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Meyer, Maryline. Perceived organizational support: the interactive role of coworkers’ perceptions and employees’ voice. In: Employee Relations : the international journal, Vol. 42, no. 1, p. 107-124 (2020). doi:10.1108/ER-05-2018-0137.
Côté, Karine ; Lauzier, Martin ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The relationship between presenteeism and job satisfaction: A mediated moderation model using work engagement and perceived organizational support. In: European Management Journal, Vol. 39, no.2, p. 270-278 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.emj.2020.09.001.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Toward a more nuanced view on organizational support theory. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 11, p. 476 (2020). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00476.
Nguyen, Nathan ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Workplace mistreatment and emotional labor: A latent profile analysis. In: Motivation and Emotion, Vol. 44, p. 474-490 (2020). doi:10.1007/s11031-019-09803-8.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Abusive supervision and organizational dehumanization. In: Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 34, p. 709-728 (2019). doi:10.1007/s10869-018-9592-3.
Gillet, Nicolas ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Morin, Alexandre J. S. ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Complementary variable- and person-centred approaches to the dimensionality of work engagement: a longitudinal investigation. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 28, no.2, p. 239-258 (2019). doi:10.1080/1359432x.2019.1575364.
Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Co‐workers' voice climate and affective commitment towards the team: A test of mediation and moderation. In: Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 29, no.3, p. 395-412 (2019). doi:10.1111/1748-8583.12232.
Fontesse, Sullivan ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Maurage, Pierre. Dehumanization of psychiatric patients: Experimental and clinical implications in severe alcohol-use disorders. In: Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 89, p. 216-223 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.08.041.
Babic, Audrey ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Hansez, Isabelle. High-Performance Work Systems and Well-Being: Mediating Role of Work-to-Family Interface. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 59, no.1, p. 301-320 (2019). doi:10.5334/pb.473.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; De Wilde, Matthias ; Mierop, Adrien. Perceived organizational support and workplace conflict: The mediating role of failure-related trust. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9, no.Janvier, p. 2704 (2019). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02704.
Taskin, Laurent ; Parmentier, Michaël ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The dark side of office designs: Towards de-humanization. In: New Technology, Work & Employment, Vol. 34, p. 262-284 (2019). doi:10.1111/ntwe.12150.
Villotti, Patrizia ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Desmette, Donatienne. The influence of multiculturalism and assimilation on work-related outcomes: differences between ethnic minority and majority groups of workers. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 59, no.1, p. 246-268 (2019). doi:10.5334/pb.472.
Paillé, Pascal ; Mejía Morelos, Jorge H. ; Raineri, Nicolas ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The influence of the immediate manager on the avoidance of non-green behaviors in the workplace: a three-wave moderated-mediation model. In: Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 155, no.3, p. 723-740 (2019). doi:10.1007/s10551-017-3519-1.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The relationship between organizational dehumanization and outcomes: the mediating role of emotional exhaustion. In: Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Vol. 61, no. 9, p. 699-703 (2019). doi:10.1097/jom.0000000000001638.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Nguyen, Nathan ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Correction to: Abusive Supervision and Organizational Dehumanization. In: Journal of Business and Media Psychology, Vol. 34, no.5, p. 729-729 (2018). doi:10.1007/s10869-018-9596-z.
Arnéguy, Elodie ; Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Organizational justice and readiness for change: a concomitant examination of the mediating role of perceived organizational support and identification. In: Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 9, no.1172 (2018). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01172.
Bensemmane, Sonia ; Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Team justice and thriving: a dynamic approach. In: Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 33, no.2, p. 229-242 (2018). doi:10.1108/jmp-07-2017-0223.
Meyer, Maryline ; Ohana, Marc ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The impact of supervisor interpersonal justice on supervisor-directed citizenship behaviors in social enterprises: a moderated mediation model. In: The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 29, no.20, p. 2927-2948 (2018). doi:10.1080/09585192.2017.1380060.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Demoulin, Stéphanie ; De Wilde, Matthias. Perceived organizational support and employees’ well-being: the mediating role of organizational dehumanization. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 26, no. 4, p. 527-540 (2017). doi:10.1080/1359432X.2017.1319817.
Babic, Audrey ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Bertrand, Françoise ; Hansez, Isabelle. Work–home interface and well-being: A cross-lagged analysis. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 16, no.1, p. 46-55 (2017). doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000172.
Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Pinto Teixeira, Càtia Noémia ; Gillis, Céline ; Goldoni, Edwine ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Choosing a group representative: The impact of perceived organizational support on the preferences for deviant representatives in work negotiations. In: Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, Vol. 9, no.2, p. 120-140 (2016). doi:10.1111/ncmr.12070.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Ohana, Marc. Perceived organizational support and well-being: a weekly study. In: Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 31, no.7, p. 1214-1230 (2016). doi:10.1108/JMP-01-2016-0002.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Marmier, Virginie. The curvilinear effect of work engagement on employees' turnover intentions. In: International Journal of Psychology, Vol. 51, no. 2, p. 150-155 (2016). doi:10.1002/ijop.12131.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Marique, Géraldine ; Hanin, Dorothée ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The relationship between perceived organizational support and proactive behaviour directed towards the organization. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 25, no. 3, p. 398-411 (2016). doi:10.1080/1359432X.2015.1092960.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Marique, Géraldine ; Caesens, Gaetane ; Desmette, Donatienne ; Hansez, Isabelle ; Hanin, Dorothée ; Bertrand, Françoise. Employees' organizational identification and affective organizational commitment: An integrative approach. In: PLoS One, Vol. 10, no.4 (2015). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123955.
Babic, Audrey ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Hansez, Isabelle. Organizational justice and perceived organizational support: Impact on negative work-home interference and well-being outcomes. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 55, no.3, p. 134-158 (2015). doi:10.5334/pb.bk.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Marique, Géraldine ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Hanin, Dorothée ; De Zanet, Fabrice. The influence of transformational leadership on followers’ affective commitment : The role of perceived organizational support and supervisor’s organizational embodiment . In: Career Development International, Vol. 20, no.6, p. 583-603 (2015). doi:10.1108/CDI-12-2014-0158.
Marzucco, Laurence ; Marique, Géraldine ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Hansez, Isabelle. Justice and employee attitudes during organizational change: The mediating role of overall justice. In: Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, Vol. 64, no. 6, p. 289-298 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.erap.2014.08.004.
Courtois, Marie ; Delroisse, Stéphanie ; Herman, Ginette ; Desmette, Donatienne ; Iweins, Caroline ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Suppression and justification processes to reduce in-group bias in a multiculturalism diversity context. In: Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, Vol. 64, no. 6, p. 279-288 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.erap.2014.09.002.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Luypaert, Gaylord ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The impact of work engagement and workaholism on well-being-the role of work-related social support. In: Career Development International, Vol. 19, no. 7, p. 813-835 (2014). doi:10.1108/CDI-09-2013-0114.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Marique, Géraldine. The relationship between perceived organizational support and affective commitment: More than reciprocity, it is also a question of organizational identification. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 13, no. 4, p. 167-173 (2014). doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000112.
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The relationship between perceived organizational support and work engagement: The role of self-efficacy and its outcomes. In: Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, Vol. 64, no. 5, p. 259-267 (1 septembre 2014). doi:10.1016/j.erap.2014.08.002.
Marique, Géraldine ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Desmette, Donatienne ; Goldoni, Edwine. The relationship between workgroup identification and organizational identification: The moderating role of perceived similarities between targets. In: Journal of Management & Organization, Vol. 20, no. 4, p. 485-507 (2014). doi:10.1017/jmo.2014.41.
De Roeck, Kenneth ; Marique, Géraldine ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Swaen, Valérie. Understanding employees' responses to corporate social responsibility: Mediating roles of overall justice and organisational identification. In: International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 25, no. 1, p. 91-112 (2014). doi:10.1080/09585192.2013.781528.
Iweins De Wavrans, Caroline ; Desmette, Donatienne ; Yzerbyt, Vincent ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Ageism at work: The impact of intergenerational contact and organizational multi-age perspective. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 22, no. 3, p. 331-346 (2013). doi:10.1080/1359432X.2012.748656.
Hanin, Dorothée ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Delobbe, Nathalie. How Employment Offering Enhances Employees’ Intentions to Recommend the Organization as an Employer? The Role of Social Identity and Communications Distinctiveness. In: Business and Management Research, Vol. 2, no.2, p. 1 (2013). doi:10.5430/bmr.v2n2p1.
Hanin, Dorothée ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Delobbe, Nathalie. The impact of employer branding on employees: The role of employment offering in the prediction of their affective commitment. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 53, no. 4, p. 57-83 (2013). doi:10.5334/pb-53-4-57.
Marique, Géraldine ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Desmette, Donatienne ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; De Zanet, Fabrice. The relationship between perceived organizational support and affective commitment: A social identity perspective. In: Group & Organization Management : an international journal, Vol. 38, no. 1, p. 68-100 (2013). doi:10.1177/1059601112457200.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Gillis, Céline ; Pinto Teixeira, Càtia Noémia ; Demoulin, Stéphanie. To be or not to be unionized? A question of organizational support and identification. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 12, no. 2, p. 92-96 (2013). doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000086.
Marique, Géraldine ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Identification to proximal targets and affective organizational commitment: The mediating role of organizational identification. In: Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 10, no. 3, p. 107-117 (2011). doi:10.1027/1866-5888/a000040.
De Zanet, Fabrice ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Dujardin, Jean-Marie. Audit de l′évaluation du personnel : un outil de gestion utile pour les organisations et les institutions ?. In: Gestion 2000 : management & prospective, Vol. 4, no. 1, p. 75-89 (2010).
Eisenberger, Robert ; Karagonlar, Gokhan ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Neves, Pedro ; Becker, Thomas E. ; Gonzalez-Morales, M. Gloria ; Steiger-Mueller, Meta. Leader-member exchange and affective organizational commitment: The contribution of supervisor's organizational embodiment. In: Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 95, no. 6, p. 1085–1103 (2010). doi:10.1037/a0020858.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; De Cremer, David. Co-workers' justice judgments, own justice judgments and employee commitment: A multi-foci approach. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 48, no. 2-3, p. 197-218 (2008). doi:10.5334/pb-48-2-3-197.
Anseel, Frederik ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Introduction to the special issue on work motivation. In: Psychologica Belgica, Vol. 48, no. 2-3, p. 63-65 (2008). doi:10.5334/pb-48-2-3-63.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; De Cremer, D. ; Mercken, L.. Perceived support as a mediator of the relationship between justice and trust: A multiple foci approach. In: Group & Organization Management : an international journal, Vol. 31, no. 4, p. 442-468 (2006). doi:10.1177/1059601106286782.
De Cremer, D. ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Eisenberger, R.. Effects of own versus other's fait treatment on positive emotions: A field study. In: The Journal of Social Psychology, Vol. 145, no. 6, p. 741-744 (2005). doi:10.3200/SOCP.145.6.741-744.
Eisenberger, R. ; Jones, J. R. ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Shanock, L. ; Randall, A. T.. Flow experiences at work: For high need achievers alone?. In: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 26, no. 7, p. 755-775 (2005). doi:10.1002/job.337.
De Cremer, D. ; van Knippenberg, B. ; van Knippenberg, D. ; Mullenders, D. ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Rewarding leadership and fair procedures as determinants of self-esteem. In: Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90, no. 1, p. 3-12 (2005). doi:10.1037/0021-9010.90.1.3.
Bentein, Kathleen ; Vandenberg, R. ; Vandenberghe, Christian ; Stinglhamber, Florence. The role of change in the relationship between commitment and turnover: A latent growth modeling approach. In: Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90, no. 3, p. 468-482 (2005). doi:10.1037/0021-9010.90.3.468.
Vandenberghe, Christian ; Bentein, K. ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Affective commitment to the organization, supervisor, and work group: Antecedents and outcomes. In: Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 64, no. 1, p. 47-71 (2004). doi:10.1016/S0001-8791(03)00029-0.
Stinglhamber, Florence. Congruence de valeurs et implication envers l'organisation et le groupe de travail, collab. Bentein, Kathleen ; Vandenberghe, Christian. In: Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Vol. 10, no. 2, p. 165-187 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.pto.2004.04.008.
Stinglhamber, Florence. Favorable job conditions and perceived support: The role of organizations and supervisors, collab. Vandenberghe, C.. In: Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. 34, no. 7, p. 1470-1493 (2004). doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2004.tb02015.x.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Vandenberghe, Christian. Organizations and supervisors as sources of support and targets of commitment: A longitudinal study. In: Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 24, no. 3, p. 251-270 (2003). doi:10.1002/job.192.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Bentein, K. ; Vandenberghe, Christian. Extension of the three-component model of commitment to five foci - Development of measures and substantive test. In: European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Vol. 18, no. 2, p. 123-138 (2002). doi:10.1027//1015-5759.18.2.123.
Camerman, Julie. Justice et engagement affectif : un examen du rôle médiateur de la confiance, collab. Stinglhamber, Florence ; Vandenberghe, Christian. In: Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Vol. 8, no. 2, p. 115-135 (2002).
Stinglhamber, Florence. L′engagement envers l′organisation et le supérieur : un examen de leurs antécédents, collab. Vandenberghe, Christian. In: Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Vol. 8, no. 2, p. 137-165 (2002).
Bentein, Kathleen. Organization-, supervisor-, and work group-directed commitments and citizenship behaviors: A comparison of models, collab. Stinglhamber, Florence ; Vandenberghe, Christian. In: European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 11, no. 4, p. 341-362 (2002). doi:10.1080/13594320244000201.
Eisenberger, Robert ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Vandenberghe, Christian ; Sucharski, Ivan L. ; Rhoades, Linda. Perceived supervisor support: Contributions to perceived organizational support and employee retention. In: Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 87, no. 3, p. 565-573 (2002). doi:10.1037//0021-9010.87.3.565.
Vandenberghe, Christian ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Bentein, Kathleen ; Delhaise, Tania. An examination of the cross-cultural validity of multidimensional model of commitment in Europe. In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Vol. 32, no. 3, p. 322-347 (2001). doi:10.1177/0022022101032003005.
Vandenberghe, Christian. Les réactions du personnel à la suite d'une réorganisation du travail : une étude empirique, collab. Stinglhamber, Florence ; Dehon, Christophe. In: Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Vol. 7, no. 1, p. 53-78 (2001).
Bentein, Kathleen. L'engagement des salariés dans le travail, collab. Stinglhamber, Florence ; Vandenberghe, Christian. In: Revue Quebecoise de Psychologie, Vol. 21, no. 3, p. 133-157 (2000).
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Vandenberghe, Christian ; Brancart, S.. Les réactions des candidats envers les techniques de sélection du personnel : une étude dans un contexte francophone. In: Le Travail Humain, Vol. 62, no. 4, p. 347-361 (1999).
Spector, Paul ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Casini, Annalisa ; Croity-Belz, Sandrine ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Psychologie du travail et des organisations, préf. Vonthron, Anne-Marie, 2e édition (Ouvertures psychologiques), deboeck supérieur: Bruxelles, 2020. 9782807319639. 432 p.
Eisenberger, R. ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Perceived organizational support: Fostering enthusiastic and productive employees, American Psychological Association Books: Washington, DC, 2011. 978-1-4338-0933-0. 304 p.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Organizational dehumanization. In: Edward Elgar, Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology, M. Bal, 2023 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Caesens, Gaëtane ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Perceived organizational support. In: Edward Elgar, Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology, M. Bal, 2023 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Demoulin, Stéphanie ; Maurage, Pierre ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Exploring metadehumanization and self-dehumanization from a target perspective. In: M. Kronfeldner (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of dehumanization, Routledge: London, 2021, p. 260-274. 9780429492464. doi:10.4324/9780429492464.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Perceived organizational support. In: Valerie I. Sessa, Nathan A. Bowling (Ed.), Essentials of job attitudes and other workplace psychological constructs, Taylor & Francis: UK, 2020. 9780429325755 . doi:10.4324/9780429325755 (Accepté/Sous presse).
Dujardin, Catherine ; Stinglhamber, Florence. (Dés)humanisation au travail et GRH : quelles responsabilités et quels leviers d’action?. In: Laurent Taskin (éd.), Vers un management humain?, PUL: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2019, p. 87-103. 978-2-87558-875-3.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane. Le soutien organisationnel perçu. In: M-E. Bobillier-Chaumon, E. Brangier, M. Dubois, G. Valléry (Eds.), Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations : 100 notions clés, Dunod: Paris, 2016, p. 390-392. 9782100738113.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; Caesens, Gaëtane ; Clark, Laura ; Eisenberger, Robert. Perceived organizational support. In: J. P. Meyer (Ed.), Handbook on employee commitment, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK, 2016, p. 333-345. 9781784711733.
Marique, Géraldine ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Impact de l’identification au travail des employés sur leur implication organisationnelle : une perspective multi-cibles. In: Anne-Marie Vonthron ; Sabine Pohl ; Desrumaux Pascale (dir.), Développement des identités, des compétences et des pratiques professionnelles, L'Harmattan: Paris, 2011, 81-90. 978-2-296-55574-7.
Herman, Ginette ; Bourguignon, David ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Jourdan, Dany. De l’école à l’emploi en passant par l’identité sociale. In: Ginette Herman (dir.), Travail, chômage et stigmatisation : une analyse psychosociale, De Boeck Université: Bruxelles, 2007, 283-319. 9782804152826.
Herman, Ginette ; Bourguignon, David ; Stinglhamber, Florence ; Jourdan, Dany. Résister au chômage : rôle du soutien social et de l’identité. In: Ginette Herman (dir.), Travail, chômage et stigmatisation : une analyse psychosociale, De Boeck Université: Bruxelles, 2007, 215-252. 978-2-8041-5282-6.
Bentein, Kathleen ; vandenberghe, Christian ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Changement de l′implication organisationnelle au cours du temps : approche par un modèle de croissance latente. In: Vandenberghe, Christian ; Delobbe, Nathalie ; Karnas, Guy, Dimensions individuelles et sociales de l′investissement professionnel : Développement des Compétences, investissement professionnel et bien-être des personnes, 2003. 2930344164.
Schrauben, Caroline ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Examen du rôle de la satisfaction à l′égard de la rémunération dans l′intention de quitter l′organisation. In: Vandenberghe, Christian ; Delobbe, Nathalie ; Karnas, Guy, Dimensions individuelles et sociales de l′investissement professionnel : Développement des Compétences, investissement professionnel et bien-être des personnes, 2003, 169-178. 2930344156.
Dejong, Anne-Pascale ; Stinglhamber, Florence. Le support perçu du supérieur comme prédicteur du support organisationnel perçu : le rôle modérateur de l’identification du supérieur à l′organisation. In: Delobbe Nathalie, Vandenberghe Christian et Karnas Guy, Dimensions individuelles et sociales de l’investissement professionnel (Développement des compétences, investissement professionnel et bien-être des personnes; 1), Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2003, 371-382. 2-93034-415-6.
Stinglhamber, Florence ; vandenberghe, Christian. L′organisation et le supérieur comme sources de support et cibles d′implication : une étude longitudinale. In: sous la direction de Nathalie Delobbe, Guy Karnas, Christian Vandenberghe, Dimensions individuelles et sociales de l’investissement professionnel (Développement des compétences, investissement professionnel et bien-être des personnes; 1), Presses universitaires de Louvain: Louvain-la-Neuve, 2003, 81-90. 2-93034-415-6.