Students, researchers, teachers, administrative staff, we all benefit from new technologies on a daily basis. Digital technology gives us wings, but in which direction should we fly? What type of digital technology does UCL want to promote to its university community? For what uses? And for what purposes? These are the questions being answered by the "Digital university" concept, managed by Yves Deville, advisor to the Rector on the subject.
The vision that is being proposed is one of a university in which digital technology fosters the creation, dissemination and acquisition of knowledge.
In order to raise awareness and inform the university community, a poster campaign is starting internally at the beginning of the summer and will continue throughout the next academic year, addressing, in turn, the various areas to be promoted:
- transforming teaching practices in a positive way through an approach centred on openness, collaboration and the sharing of knowledge (Open Education) ;
- developing scientific collaborations and new forms of collaborative working as well as free and open online access to the results of the scientific research (Open Publication);
- opening up the university to the outside world even more.
Each of the posters will invite you visit the Digital University website to find out more about the priority areas mentioned. You will also find information on what is being implemented to support you in this move towards openness and changing practices. For it is by altering our practices to carry out our roles of teaching, research and service to society that UCL can adapt to a changing society which is becoming increasing digital.