Archives for UCLOUVAIN


ICTEAM - Public Thesis defense - David Lebrun

Reaping the Benefits of IPv6 Segment Routing Segment Routing (SR) is a source routing paradigm. It enables traffic sources to arbitrarily specify the path of their packets within a network. This contrasts with classical IP routing where packets are forwarded, hop-by-hop, along a shortest...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Katja Kaufmann, University of Mannheim

Gender Peer Effects, Non-cognitive Skills and Marriage Outcomes: Evidence from Single-sex Schools in the UK Katja Kaufmann, University of Mannheim In this paper we analyze the longrun effects of single-sex schooling on individuals’ marriage market outcomes. We find that men who attended...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar : Katja Kaufmann - CANCELLED

CANCELLED Katja Kaufmann (University of Mannheim) will give a presentation on Gender Peer Effects, Non-cognitive Skills and Marriage Outcomes: Evidence from Single-sex Schools in the UK Abstract : In this paper we analyze the longrun effects of single-sex schooling on...
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Forest landscape restoration in Ecuador : Reconciling...

ELI - Soutenance publique de thèse - Mme Romaike MIDDENDORP Promoteur: Professeur Eric LAMBIN (UCL)
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Impact du réseau d'éléments boisés sur les ravageurs et...

Speaker : Charlotte Francis (prom. Th. Hance)
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