Archives for UCLOUVAIN

UCLouvain Finance Seminar

Laura Ballotta, Cass Business School

Integrated Structural Approach to Counterparty Credit Risk with Dependent Jumps Laura Ballotta, Cass Business School This paper proposes an integrated pricing framework for CVA of equity and commoditiy products. The given framework, in fact, generates dependence endogenously, allows for...
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14:30 / Applied statistics workshops

Aline Michel, Senior Manager, PwC

Quelques exemples d’applications de techniques statistiques en actuariat Abstract: Dans cette présentations, trois sujets principaux seront abordés. Nous allons tout d’abord nous intéresser à l’étude du comportement face au risque.  Le but sera d’introduire la théorie des perspectives...
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16:00 / Applied statistics workshops

Mattias Neyt, Senior Health Economist, Belgian Health...

The importance of economic evaluations – think about it (in time) Abstract: In this presentation, we will explain why economic evaluations are so important when judging about reimbursement of medical interventions. After describing what such an evaluation is all about, we will give...
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Les caractères anatomiques marquants de l'évolution...

Speaker : Prof Marie-Claire Van Dyck (UCL, Belgium)
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Paul Heidhues, University of Dusseldorf

Unrealistic Expectations and Misguided Learning Paul Heidhues, University of Dusseldorf We explore the learning process and behavior of an individual with unrealistically high expectations (“overconfidence”) when outcomes also depend on an external fundamental that affects the optimal...
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