Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Operations Research Seminar

Guillaume Roels, INSEAD

Optimal Practice Processes for Performance Guillaume Roels, INSEAD Throughout their lifetime, people engage in many activities to learn new skills such as learning a new language, taking an online course, or training for a marathon.  Although physical training and cognitive learning have...
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Macro Lunch - Zainab Iftikhar

Zainab Iftikhar (IRES, UCLouvain) will give a presentation on Brain drain, informality and inequality between skill groups: A search and match model foe Sub-Saharan Africa  
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Public dissertation: Virginie Bruneau

Public defense of Virginie Bruneau Title: Assessing the effectiveness of loyalty programs in building engagement and loyalty Venue : Salle Vaes, Doyen Building (entrance from Place Rabelais) Date and time: December 18, 5 PM Abstract There is no doubt that loyalty...
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Research Seminar by Prof. Nathalie Demoulin, IESEG

Title: Investigation of Asymmetrical Integration through Retail Outlet Digitalization for Search and Experience goods Speaker: Nathalie Demoulin  Time: 15:00 - 16:30 Venue: Doyen 22, (Doyen Building, Place des Doyens 1,  B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve) Abstract This research...
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Development of a crop management method to control the...

ELI - Soutenance publique de thèse - M. Brice DUPUIS Promoteurs: Professeur Claude BRAGARD (UCL) et Docteur Christophe LACOMME (Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture, UK)
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