Archives for UCLOUVAIN

International Francqui Professor Inaugural Lecture

Mobility and Migration Diversity: New Horizons for Human Rights
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Heiko Karle

Heiko Karle (University of Frankfurt) will give a presentation on Competition and Information Quality in the Market for News Abstract : We develop a model of a two-sided media market, in which profit-maximizing media outlets first commit to the degree of horizontal and vertical...
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Le Journal Club de gériatrie et gérontologie 07/02/2018

Le Journal Club, c'est l'occasion de se rencontrer en groupe pluridisciplinaire afin de discuter d'un (ou deux) article(s) de la littérature scientifique concernant les personnes âgées. Le but est de disséminer les connaissances et de générer des questions pour, par exemple, donner des idées de...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Dávid Kopányi, Universiteit van Amsterdam

The Effect of Loyalty in  the Kirman and Vriend (2001) Fish Market Model Dávid Kopányi, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Joint work with Alex Possajennikov) In this paper we analyze the Kirman and Vriend (2001) fish market model in detail. We investigate the robustness of the results by...
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Climate variations on orbital-decadal timescales in cave...

Prof. Hai Cheng (Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China)
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