Archives for UCLOUVAIN
March 29, 2018
Industrial Seminar Computer Science
Enterprise Service Bus
by Dirk Claus, Mutualités Libres
As part of the digitalization initiatives transforming the insurance industry, the Mutualités Libres, a healthcare insurer, has deployed multiple web sites and mobile apps to allow customers to get faster and easier access to...
Click to know more March 28, 2018
Philippe de Woot Award 2018
Tribute to Professor Philippe de Woot and 5th Philippe de Woot Award Ceremony
Keynote Speech by Cyril DION, Director of “Demain”, Cesar 2016 for the Best Documentary
Aula Magna, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
March 28, 2018 at 18.00
Click to know more March 28, 2018
Brown Bag Seminar
Samuel Kembou Nzale, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
Regulation and Altruism
Samuel Kembou Nzale, Aix-Marseille School of Economics
(Joint work with Izabela Jelovac, University of Lyon)
We study optimal contracts in a regulator-agent setting with joint production, altruistic and selfish agents, and uneasy outcome measurement. Such a...
Click to know more March 28, 2018
Deciphering transfer mechanisms of the conjugative...
ELI - Soutenance publique de thèse – Mr. Lionel MAKART
Promoteur : Professeur Jacques Mahillon (UCL)
Click to know more March 27, 2018
Séminaire de formation au compostage
Dans le cadre du lancement du projet de compost de la place Croix du Sud, l'ACELI, en partenariat avec le Kap Vert et le Semeur, organise un séminaire de formation au compostage le mardi 27/03 de 18h30 à 20h00 dans l'auditoire Sud08, suivie d'un petit drink. Cette initiative a pour but de...
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