Archives for UCLOUVAIN


Macro Lunch - Fabio Blasutto

Fabio Blasutto (IRES, UCLouvain) will give a presentation on Marriage versus Cohabitation: Mating strategies by education in United States     
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LouRIM - CERMA Event

Research Seminar by Prof. Luk WARLOP

Research Talk by Pr. Luk WARLOP, KULeuven Date: 7th May Venue: MONS - Building D – ROOM 13 Time: 11H-12H30  Title: Jokers are smart: resolving humorous incongruity in advertising facilitates impressions of firm competence’, with his student Chi Hoang and his colleague...
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Ocean and sea ice modelling: towards higher resolution ?

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PhD Training

LFIN PhD course on Macro Finance

Keynote Speakers Cynthia Wu (Chicago Booth) Drew Creal (Chicago Booth) Course outline This short-course covers relevant topics in Macro Finance related to term structure modelling, zero lower bound and stochastic volatility. This two days course will theoretical parts (morning)...
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International Francqui Professor - Symposium

Controls and Hospitality. Towards Migration Policies which Strengthen Contemporary Democracy.
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