Archives for UCLOUVAIN

Towards consistent inland water body mapping across...

ELI - Soutenance publique de thèse - M. Raphaël d'ANDRIMONT Promoteur : Professeur Pierre DEFOURNY (UCL)  
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CEMS Seminar

Murillo Campello on "How to publish, tips for young...

Murillo Campello (Cornell University and co-editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation) will give a presentation on How to publish, tips for young scholars in finance, accountancy and business economics This talk, given in other universities (including Cambridge), will provide...
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25th anniversary of ISBA

The ISBA at the Université catholique de Louvain organises a small colloquium on behalf of the 25th Anniversary of the Institute of Statistics and in the honour of our Doctores honoris causa. Speakers will be Professors Ray Carroll (DHC ISBA 2012), Luc Devroye (DHC ISBA 2002) and Paul Embrechts...
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From satellite images to agricultural systems maps: a...

by Dr. Agnès Bégué, CIRAD, Maison de la Télédétection, Montpellier (France)
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Mapping annual cropland over large areas with high...

Soutenance publique de thèse - M. François WALDNER Promoteur : Professeur Pierre DEFOURNY (UCL)
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