Archives for IREC
October 11, 2017
Training sessions
FlowJo seminar
Dear all FlowJo users,
in October there will be a training-seminar held by the FlowJo application specialist. If you are interested, please confirm your presence within September, 30th to Nicolas Dauguet.
Kind regards
Click to know more August 31, 2017
IREC seminars
Regenerative medicine technologies applied to transplant...
Department of Surgery, Section of Transplantation, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
Click to know more June 19, 2017
IREC seminars
Genetic association studies in complex diseases
Eric Trepo (INSERM)
Click to know more June 09, 2017
IREC seminars
Metabolic Therapy for Heart Failure
Conference of Prof. Jason DYCK on Friday, June 9 at the Auditoire de Visscher.
Speaker: Professeur Jason DYCK (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Title: “Metabolic Therapy for Heart Failure”
Place: Auditoire de Visscher
Time : 13.00-14.30
You are all very...
Click to know more June 07, 2017
How to improve the reproducibility of your western blot?
Organized by Westburg
Click to know more