News for sctoday


Bacteria and bleach: all-out war

UCL de Duve Institute researchers discovered that bacteria have a defence against our immune system’s bleach. Could this lead to new antibiotics? To defend itself against the many attacks to which it’s subjected each day, our body uses a set of a defence mechanisms known as the immune system....
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Reducing employer costs depends on low-income earners

Will reducing Belgian employer social security taxes—championed by the last two governments as a cure-all for the economy—really be effective? Only if it focuses on low-income earners, say Drs Muriel Dejemeppe and Bruno Van der Linden, economists at the UCL Economic and Social Research Institute...
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Using electricity to treat the effects of CVA

Most people who survive a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) suffer impaired motor skills. UCL researchers may have found a way to boost their ability to relearn them.  Like all our organs, our brain is supplied blood by arteries. If one of them ruptures or is blocked, neurons in the area...
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Robots that help doctors

Medical robotics and related technologies are booming. At UCL, engineers and doctors are working together to meet the technical, human, ethical and financial challenges of future medical practice. Until recently, medical and surgical robotics was the stuff of science fiction. Today it’s...
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Disasters: robots to the rescue

Imagine an earthquake or nuclear accident disaster area where it’s impossible to send in rescuers without putting their lives at risk. At UCL, Nicolas Van der Noot is looking to robots to do the job. In science fiction films robots can move like humans, but that’s a far cry from the reality...
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