CDR - Management & Spiritualités 2017


Jody Fry : Spiritual Well-being: opium or human empowerment ?,  October 12th, 10am-2pm

Institut RSCS - Religions, Spiritualités, Cultures, Sociétés Faculté de théologie, Chaire de droit des religions​ Louvain School of management, Chaire LaboRH​
Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies - Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
Org. Pr. Louis-Leon Christians — Pr. Laurent Taskin (UCL) — Pr. Johan Verstraeten (KULeuven) — Mrs Sophie Izoard-Allaux 
In the framework of a pluriannual seminar on an interdisciplinary research on theology and management, we are very  honored at UCLouvain to welcome Prof. Jody Fry on october 12th, 10 am-2 pm, at UCLouvain - Louvain-la-Neuve.
After a short introduction by Prof. Louis-Leon Christians (Law and Religions), Prof. Fry will deliver his main presentation (in english). Then Prof. Johan Verstraeten (KULeuven) and Walter Lesch will be first discussants. In a second part of the seminar, an open debate (in english and french) will be open on spirituality and leadership. Two main questions will be discussed at the end : what's the point for a theological debate on management models, and where is the rationale of a management debate on the interest of religious studies and theologies for (spiritual) management.
Louis W. “Jody” Fry, PhD, is the founder of the International Institute for Spiritual Leadership and a professor at Texas A&M  University Central Texas. Fry’s most recent book is titled Maximizing the Triple Bottom Line through Spiritual Leadership (Stanford University Press, 2013) and examines business models that integrate ethics, leadership, employee well-being, sustainability, social responsibility, profitability, and organizational growth. The case studies in the book are informed by more than a decade of research investigating spiritual leadership in organizations. 
According to Fry, spiritual leadership “is an emerging paradigm within the broader context of workplace spirituality designed to create an intrinsically motivated, learning organization that maximizes the triple bottom line.” The triple bottom line is what an organization is thought to be targeting when it addresses not just the financial consequences of its actions, but also the social and environmental consequences. The triple bottom line refers to people, planet, and profit.

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