- Dehumanization from the victim’s perspective – An integrative approach (2016-2021)
- Early interdisciplinary assessment and treatment of hard-to-manage behaviour in preschoolers (2011-2016)
- Assessing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives (2014-2019)
- Perception and action in complex dynamic visual Environments (2013-2018)
- On the Fringe of the Labour Market: Social Production of Job (In)security in the Post-industrial Society (2010-2015)
- Fondamentalisme religieux, dogmatisme et radicalismes : Dynamiques internes et régulation sociale (end date: October 2013)
- Affect Decision-making and Social-Regulation Lab (end date: December 2011)
- Bases neuronales des représentations : de la perception à l'action (end date: August 2012)
Early interdisciplinary assessment and treatment of hard-to-manage behaviour in preschoolers (2011-2016)
Promoteurs : ROSKAM Isabelle, NADER Nathalie, NOEL Marie-Pascale, SCHELSTRAETE Marie-Anne
Chercheurs, doctorants : Post-doctorant MEUNIER Jean-Christophe
Collaborateurs : NASSOGNE Marie-Cécile, KINOO Philippe, CHARLIER Dominique
Détails : www.uclouvain.be/h2m-children
Dehumanization from the victim’s perspective – An integrative approach (2016-2021)
Prof. Demoulin Stéphanie (IPSY), porte-parole, Maurage Pierre (IPSY), Stinglhamber Florence (IPSY)
Dehumanization, defined as the psychological denial of humanness to others, is an all-too-familiar phenomenon in social interactions. Despite the pervasiveness of the phenomenon, there is surprisingly a general lack of research on dehumanization’s victims from a psychological perspective. As a matter of fact, current research efforts conducted on dehumanization in psychology have largely taken a perspective centered on the perpetrator, examining the various antecedents that lead to dehumanization or exploring the variables moderating this process. Much less is known on the influence of dehumanization on its victims.
The aim of the present project is to offer, for the first time, an integrated approach of dehumanization processes from the victim’s point of view. More specifically, this project bares three crucial objectives. First, it aims to investigate the social, environmental, and contextual antecedents leading victims to experience dehumanization. Second, it will explore the consequences of experiences of dehumanization on the victims, namely the behaviors, affects, and self-perceptions that they generate, as well as the brain correlates related to these dehumanization feelings. Third, it will examine the role of social support in moderating or buffering these relationships.
The antecedents, consequences and moderators of experiences of dehumanization on the victims will be investigated by means of complementary methods (survey-based studies, experimental tasks, brain data) and in three different domains in which dehumanization is most relevant, namely the intergroup, the psychiatric, and the organizational domains. This integrated approach will culminate in a general model of victims’ reactions to dehumanization.
ARC : Assessing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Linguistic, cognitive and educational perspectives
Promoters: Prof. Philippe Hiligsmann (UCL-IL&C/Valibel) (spokesman), Prof. Benoît Galand (UCL-IPSY), Prof. Laurence Mettewie (UNamur-Pluri-LL), Prof. Fanny Meunier (UCL-IL&C/CECL), Prof. Arnaud Szmalec (UCL-IPSY), Prof. Kristel Van Goethem (F.R.S.-FNRS/UCL-IL&C/Valibel)
In times of globalization and cultural openness, policies increasingly promote multilingualism as a strong social and economic asset. One way to foster multilingualism in education is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), a didactic method in which school subjects are taught in a different target language than the mainstream school language. To this day we only have an incomplete and fragmented view on how CLIL differs from non-CLIL education and on how it impacts second/foreign language acquisition. On the basis of a large-scale longitudinal study, the research project aims to gain insight into the linguistic, cognitive and educational aspects of CLIL and to understand how the interplay between those three perspectives may underlie L2 acquisition processes. To this end, we will concentrate on French-speaking CLIL and non-CLIL learners (control group) having Dutch or English as target language. Data will be collected at different times in the last two years of primary and secondary school education.
This interdisciplinary study intends to make a strong empirical and theoretical contribution to the ongoing international scientific debates on multilingualism in general and CLIL in particular.
ARC : Perception and action in complex dynamic visual Environments (2013-2018).
Promoteurs : Bruno Rossion (UCL/IPSY) (porte-parole), Philippe Lefèvre (UCL/ICTEAM), Etienne Olivier (UCL/IoNS), Dana Samson (UCL/IPSY)
ARC On the Fringe of the Labour Market: Social Production of Job (In)security in the Post-industrial Society
Promoters: Ginette Herman(1), Evelyne Léonard(2), Marthe Nyssens(3), Donatienne Desmette(1)
(1) IPSY; (2) IACCHOS; (3) IMMAQ
Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche travail, état et société CIRTES (CIRTES)
In contemporary European societies, unemployment remains high, rising again towards 10% in 2009 and, even if employment rates tend to increase over the last ten years, so too have non-standard work arrangements, job disparity, fragmentation and precariousness. Employment integration is thus a central challenge. This variable has been defined by two dimensions: one is the employment security, which refers to the characteristics of the employment contract; the other is the quality of job tasks, which covers the characteristics of the job itself and includes the degree of task discretion or autonomy, opportunities for skill development, and compatibility between work and family.
So far, research has largely focused on analysing the characteristics and consequences of employment integration for individuals. It has also studied the role of labour market variables – wage, productivity and household demand – in the dynamics of low wage employment. Other studies analysed societal changes leading to job uncertainty or compared the role of national institutional regimes. However, there is a need for new research able to understand and link the processes that take place at different levels – institutional regime, organisations, groups and individuals – and produce employment integration. This is specifically the aim of this research programme. It will study mechanisms at three levels:
- Different institutional employment regimes have differentiated consequences for employment integration. Research projects will study norms and regulation established by institutions in a given national employment regime, and analyse how they affect firms and individuals.
- Organisational characteristics, policies and practices also intervene in determining who has access, and how, to employment integration. In some sectors, such as personal services, different types of organisations compete in the market. Projects will study the impact of the mission – either for-profit or non-profit – of the organisation on employment integration.
- Individuals are members of various social groups and as such activate stereotypes and prejudice that play a role in the production of employment integration for specific categories of jobseekers and precarious workers. Addressing both employers’ and workers’ attitudes, projects will examine psychosocial processes that are activated in social diversity contexts and their impact on employment security and job quality.
ARC Fondamentalisme religieux, dogmatisme et radicalismes : Dynamiques internes et régulation sociale (2008-2013)
ARC Affect Decision-making and Social-Regulation Lab
ARC Bases neuronales des représentations : de la perception à l'action
Porte-parole : Marc Crommelinck
Promoteurs : Philippe Lefevre, Marcus Missal, Etienne Olivier, Bruno Rossion
Chercheurs : ALONSO PRIETO Esther, ANDRE Thibaut, ANDRES Michaël, BADLER Jeremy, BAREYT Alexandra, BOREMANSE Adriano, BUKOWSKI Henryk, BUSIGNY Thomas, CAHAREL Stéphanie, CIRILLI Laetitia, CLERGET Emeline, COPPE Sébastien, CREVECOEUR Frédéric, DAYE Pierre, DE HEMPTINNE Coralie, DRICOT Laurence, DUQUE Julie, FILALI Nabil, GOFFAUX Valérie, JACQUES Corentin, JIANG FANG, KUEFNER Dana, LAGUESSE Renaud, LECLERCQ Guillaume, NOZARADAN Sylvie, ORBAN de Xivry Jean-Jacques, PALERMO SOLER Ernesto, PELGRIMS Barbara, RAMON Meike, SCHILTZ Christine, VAN BELLE Goedele, YUKSEL Demet, ZENON Alexandre
Résumé : L'action de recherche concertée 07/12-007 porte sur les mécanismes neurophysiologiques qui sous-tendent les représentations internes mettant en relation la perception et l'action.
Trois sus-projets sont proposés.
1. Nous tenterons d'identifier les informations codées au sein des représentations dans le domaine de la reconnaissance faciale, dans le domaine de la saillance et du contrôle attentionnel et enfin dans la structure des modèles internes jouant un rôle important tant dans la vision que dans les mouvements du regard.
2. Un second sous-projet concerne la localisation et le partage des représentations. Plus précisément, on tentera d'identifier les aires corticales responsables du traitement des visages, grâce à des techniques d'imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle et à l'observation de patients cérébro-lésés. Par ailleurs, la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne nous permettra de localiser plus finement les aires corticales impliquées dans les processus attentionnels et dans la représentation de la saillance. Une autre question intéressante concerne la représentation de la magnitude dans le cerveau: un des objectif étant de déterminer les mécanismes partagés entre le contrôle des mouvements digitaux et le contrôle des opérations arithmétiques. D'autre part, les techniques d'enregistrement cellulaire chez le singe devraient nous permettre la mise en évidence des aires cérébrales impliquées dans la représentation des événements futurs, assurant la programmation de réponses anticipées. Enfin, on étudiera la contribution de différentes aires corticales dans le contrôle des mouvements des doigts et de la main, ainsi que la participation de l'aire de Broca (aire du langage chez l'humain) dans le contrôle d'une « syntaxe» de l'action.
3. Un troisième sous-projet concerne les aspects temporels des représentations codées au sein du système nerveux central. Deux domaines seront abordés : l'étude du décours temporel du traitement des visages, et l'apprentissage de nouvelles distributions de probabilité d'un événement futur.