News for eli
February 01, 2018
Saigas on the brink
In 2015, more than 200,000 saiga antelopes died in 3 weeks in central Kazakhstan. The proximate cause of death is confirmed as hemorrhagic septicemia caused by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida type B, based on multiple strands of evidence.
A multidisciplinary research team involving two...
Click to know more December 07, 2017
Prix Joseph Schepkens pour Pierre Bertin
Pierre Bertin a reçu le prix Joseph Schepkens - recherches agronomiques de l’Académie royale des Sciences, Lettres et Beaux-Arts de Belgique.
Click to know more October 17, 2017
Arrêté du Gouvernement wallon portant sur la désignation...
Le Gouvernement wallon, sur la proposition du Ministre de l’Agriculture, de la Nature, de la Forêt et de la Ruralité, Monsieur René Collin a désigné Monsieur Quentin Ponette en qualité de membre effectif et Madame Caroline Vincke en qualité de membre suppléant de la section ‘’Forêt...
Click to know more October 13, 2017
President of the European Commission of the Forests of...
Election on October 12, 2017 in Warsaw: Christine Farcy was elected President of the European Commission of the Forests of the FAO (mandate of 2 years)
Click to know more October 09, 2017
Sophie Opfergelt (ELI/Eli-e) obtained an ERC Starting...
When water meets rock: Sophie Opfergelt (ELI/Eli-e) obtained an ERC Starting Grant in 2016 for her research on the reactions at the surface of the Earth between water and minerals which make up rocks....
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