Archives for CORE

Brown Bag Seminar

Huanwei Huang, LSE

Germs, Roads and Trade: Resilience of Globally Sourcing Firms in Face of the SARS Epidemic Huanwei Huang (LSE) Global sourcing has allowed firms to find the best input from a global market but also exposed them to foreign shocks. Which firms are more resilient to shocks along the supply...
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Operations Research Seminar

Michaël Poss, LIRMM

An introduction to robust combinatorial optimization Michaël Poss, LIRMM Robust optimization (RO) has become a central framework to handle the uncertainty that arises in the parameters of optimization problems. While classical RO results can efficiently handle linear programs for a large...
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Operations Research Seminar

Yuji Shinano, Zuse Institute Berlin

Harnessing over a Million CPU Cores to Solve a Single Hard Mixed Integer Programming Problem on a Supercomputer Yuji Shinano, Zuse Institute Berlin Mixed integer programming (MIP) is a general form to model combinatorial optimization problems and has many industrial applications. The...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar

Bilal Zia, World Bank Group

Learning Business Practices from Peers: Experimental Evidence from Small-Scale Retailers in Jakarta Bilal Zia, World Bank Group Understanding the determinants of growth for micro and small firms in poor countries is a major development goal. This paper studies whether businesses can learn best...
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Brown Bag Seminar

Ana Mauleon, Université Saint-Louis

Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Players Ana Mauleon, Université Saint-Louis & CORE
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